Sunday, July 5, 2020

A syndrome of sorts

I predict that the following three attitudes could be shown to be strongly intercorrelated:
  1. Thinking electric cars are virtuous because the "don't pollute" (i.e., are powered by coal-burning power plants rather than gasoline-burning engines)
  2. Being opposed to hunting as "cruel," but not being a vegetarian
  3. Looking down on people who patronize strip clubs, but having no problem with Internet porn
What's the common factor?


G. said...

Some kind of visceralism. What happens out of sight is no problem.

Or, more likely, faddism.

Francis Berger said...

Visceral hypocrisy? (To add to G's point).

Nathan Shumate said...


Build and strengthen

Last night I was once again creating a glossary to accompany an English reading assignment for my Taiwanese students. The article had to do ...