The title pretty much says it all, I think.
I created this image (cobbled together from stock clipart, not my own draftsmanship) for my own inscrutable purposes and thought it had a certain charm that made it worth sharing.
Tam multa, ut puta genera linguarum sunt in hoc mundo: et nihil sine voce est.
Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...
I like it. Perhaps all the meetings I have had to suffer through would have been more endurable if I had thought of a T-Rex.
I know, right? I mean, look how happy they are!
There are deep metaphysical questions concealed within this clip-art.
Are these four people thinking of the same T-Rex? How? In what sense? Does that mean the T-Rex exists? In what sense? Does the stuff above the T-Rex's neck which is actively being thought-of exist in the same sense as the stuff below the T-Rex's neck, whose existence is only implied by the thought? Does thinking of the T-Rex imply the existence of an entire universe which produced the T-Rex, and is indirectly being thought-of?
If they are thinking about a particular T-Rex that exists somewhere, is the T-Rex inside the thought-bubble the same as the T-Rex that exists somewhere? In what sense?
Why are they thinking of a T-Rex? Is this an allegory for bureaucratic thinking? Does it imply that, no matter what task you set for a committee of people, they will always be side-tracked (metaphorically) into thinking of a T-Rex? Do they believe that they are in control of the T-Rex, while actually being under its control? Is this a metaphor for how bureaucracy is wielded by incorporeal demonic entities through ideological conformity?
Deep, frightening questions.
Seijio, I had only considered the first of those questions (Are they thinking of the same T. rex?), but you're right; there's a lot to think about here!
I created the image for reasons so trivial and unphilosophical that I to mention them would be irrelevant, but I seem to have stumbled upon an icon of unsuspected depth.
My comment comes late as I am a recent reader who is catching up.
I often thought of that species in meetings before my happy retirement day whenever I looked into the eyes of my management...
Haha, glad to see you’re catching up on must-read posts like this one!
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