Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Now with more frequent posts!

To all of you who have been checking in from time to time over the past month or so, only to be greeted by that same blasted place-holding dodo-with-pedals, thank you for your patience! Here, as a gesture of appreciation, is a dodo with the tail of a Mil Mi-24 helicopter.

Inspired in part by Francis Berger and Bruce Charlton's comments here on the virtues of daily blogging, I have decided to give more frequent posting a try. Daily is quite a stretch with my current work schedule, but I'll make a valiant effort to post at least three or four times a week.

Since my last real post, I have been working on another of those sprawling 10,000-plus-word mega-posts of mine -- but from now on I'll be breaking such projects into smaller pieces and publishing each piece as it is finished. My new rule is that if it's too long to be a college term paper, it's too long to be a blog post. I think this is probably a good idea anyway, for a few different reasons. First and most obviously, more people are likely to actually read posts that are not imposingly long. Second, I've noticed that very long posts rarely attract substantive comments. Feeling they can't possibly comment on all of it, potential commenters refrain from commenting on any of the specific points. Since one of my main reasons for publishing is to get helpful feedback from my readers, super-long posts are counterproductive. Finally, I think I'll be more likely to revisit and add-to my thoughts on a given topic if those thoughts have been published in the form of an open-ended collection of related posts rather than as a single, definitive tome.

So, keep watching this space, and expect to see new things popping up rather more frequently!

1 comment:

Francis Berger said...

Helicopter dodo beats Hot Dog Haydn any day.

I look forward to the more frequent posting, and I am curious to know how you will find it. Hopefully, it will be conducive to your creativity/thinking.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

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