Thursday, July 4, 2019

Pyramids and Sphinxes from A to U

From time to time I dream about reading this book or seeing it on someone's desk or on a shelf.

Something about that title just makes me smile every time -- like the author couldn't think of any pyramid- or sphinx-related words for the letters from V to Z but just decided to go ahead and publish it anyway. (Hey, Raymond Saltshaker, ever hear of a ziggurat?) Somehow, U is the perfect letter to leave off on, too; "A to X" or something wouldn't have been so funny.


William Wildblood said...

Zep Tepi is what the ancient Egyptians called the first time when the world arose from primeval chaos. The first thing that arose from the waters of chaos was a pyramid shaped mound. He could have worked that in somewhere!

Bruce Charlton said...

I first missed the joke here, by assuming it was a real book. You seem to be like Tolkien in this - the products of your imagination are regarded as objective, and further reality
developed from that assumption!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Yes, I like to think of myself as a latter-day Tolkien, and the Middle Earth Legendarium as a sort of precursor to "Pyramids and Sphinxes from A to U"!

My dreams are often highly verbal -- sometimes they even take the form of "radio programs" rather than movies. I've dreamed up plenty of book titles, song lyrics, and even a dialect of English.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

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