Thursday, October 27, 2022

Kanye with Aunt Nancy's coffin

When something is repeated several times in a dream, I take it as potentially significant.

It was snowy and windy outside, and I was inside a structure that I thought of as a "pillbox," but when I pictured what it looked like from the outside, I thought of it as looking more like a pink Thermos bottle. It was the same shade of pink as Jackie Kennedy's famous pillbox hat, so I suppose that was the connection. Inside, it wasn't pink and seemed like a garage or storage unit -- concrete floors and walls, no furniture.

I could hear someone outside in the snow, coming up to the door. It was the artist formerly known as Kanye West, and his stopping by seemed utterly unremarkable, as if he were just some regular guy we happened to know.

Ye was carrying a big box shaped like a coffin, but obviously not a real coffin. It was made of pieces of plywood nailed together and looked like some cheap prop that hadn't been painted yet. The ease with which he was carrying it made it clear that it was quite light and therefore empty.

Ye explained to me that "Aunt Nancy" had gone to sleep in that box and never woken up, and then he showed me why. He lifted up the coffin so that the bottom surface was visible, and there was something written there in pencil: "Please wake me up at 5 p.m. Aunt Nancy." Apparently no one had seen the message, because she had carelessly written it on the bottom of the box, and that's why she had never woken up.

I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be some sort of weird joke, or if I was to understand that Aunt Nancy had died from sleeping too long, or had been mistaken for dead and buried alive, or what -- but I was pretty sure that that was Ye's own handwriting and that the whole thing was fake.

"Ye, where did you get this?" I asked, and he said the name of some generic American retailer you wouldn't expect a billionaire celebrity to frequent -- Best Buy or Home Depot or something of that nature. I took this as an admission that he had bought plywood and made the coffin himself, and that "Aunt Nancy" was either alive and well or had never existed at all. Ye took the coffin back outside, put it in the back of a white van, and drove off.

A few minutes later, my mother showed up at the pillbox. I said, "Hey, 'Yeeaay' was just here" -- drawling the diphthong in an exaggerated way -- and then proceeded to tell her everything, about the plywood coffin and the Aunt Nancy story and all that. Since my mother's name is also Nancy, I made sure to clarify that Ye had obviously meant his own aunt, not her. She listened to the story without particular interest and later left.

A few minutes after that, a generic "man" came in, and I told him about what had happened with Ye and then about my telling my mother.

So the Ye-with-a-coffin story occurred four times in the dream: First I experienced it, then I told my mother about it, then I told the man about it, and then I told the man about telling my mother about it. No idea what it means, if anything, but the repetition itself seems to make it worth noting.

I assume "Aunt Nancy" has something to do with Anansi, the anthropomorphic spider trickster of West African folklore. I know very few Anansi stories -- just the usual stuff an American child is exposed to in the name of diversity -- but running a search for anansi coffin turned up this:

As time passed, Dew worked especially hard and tirelessly to build up a large amount of wealth. He bought a scythe, hoe, axe, new clothes, and other equipment. Dew then told his mother his plan: he would tell Anansi that she had died and would then make a mock coffin in which to bury her. In the meanwhile, Dew wished for his mother to hide in their home upstairs while he prepared, so she did. Dew then made a coffin and announced her death to the village, inviting them to come see her burial. Once they had arrived, he snuck his mother from upstairs and had her hide underneath the floor where the mock coffin lay, as well as the many things he'd purchased, as he knew Anansi's greed would spurn him to steal from Dew if he saw them laying around. Now that the plan was in order, it was time for the mock burial to begin. . . .

I'm quite sure I had never encountered this particular story before, but the coincidence with the dream is impressive: the name Anansi/Aunt Nancy, the "mock coffin," the mother. I'll see if anything develops from this sync-wise.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The drawling pronunciation of “Ye” reminds me of the old dad-joke about Noah’s brother who was named Ye-ah. The wooden box Ye was carrying in the dream could be called an “ark,” though more like the Mosaic ark of the covenant than like Noah’s ark. Ye has recently been calling himself “the new Moses.”

Ra1119bee said...


IMO, K9 ( the name which I refer Kayne West to ) is a Manchurian/Gatekeeper and was/is part and parcel ( along with JZ, BeYONI,Cardi B, Missy Elliot ) in the agenda of demonizing Black people, especially Black males by glorifying Thug Culture through Hip Hop. Truth be told the puppet masters behind Hip Hop's curtain is one and the same of The Great Reset, and has NOTHING Whatsoever to do with any 1 demographic as K9 suggests.

It's obvious ( at least to me ) that K9 ( Sirius) is being used not only as the Alchemical Nigredo to not only stir the ole racial cauldron for the upcoming
Global Civil/Economical/Spiritual war, but to also create a springboard to spark a Black Swan Event which will usher in the building of The Third Temple.
The Red Heifer born in Israel in Aug of 2018, isn't getting any younger, so ask yourself: Why Now?

Why Now does K9 appear to be just waking up to the carnage he helped create?
It doesn't make any sense, that Dog don't hunt.

What does make sense (at least to me) is that our Opponents End Game is about to unfold
and like any Alchemical Transformation the Nigredo kickstarts the Baal.

Also K9 is being used to usher in the Cancel Culture which will in turn usher in Social
Credit Scores.

As far as Black People/Darkness in our collective Dream state.
Black People are symbolic of our Shadow and that includes Black people who dream of other Black people, especially people whom we do not know personally.

The majority of our dreams are symbolic messages/blueprints/maps for us (individually) helping us to evolve through lessons we must learn or teach and spoken (our dreams) in the Universal Language of symbolism, gematria/numerology and archetypes.

In most dreams there are always 3 people symbolic of: Me, Myself and I.
Many times we don't even 'see' the other two people in the dream, we just ' know' (intuitively) that they are there.

All IMHO, of course~~~

cae said...

William, I really hate to point this out but having read the entire "Anansi" story, it occurs to me that maybe the dream is 'foretelling' something...
Perhaps you should inquire into your mother's health? Or warn her to be careful of her well-being?

Ra1119bee said...


I have just one more thought that may tie into my perspective about K9's role in the Shifting of Ages and the Anasi story and a recent event I saw on YouTube a few days ago.

You wrote:
As time passed, Dew worked especially hard and tirelessly to build up a large amount of wealth. He bought a scythe, hoe, axe, new clothes, and other equipment. Dew then told his mother his plan: he would tell Anansi that she had died and would then make a mock coffin in which to bury her. In the meanwhile, Dew wished for his mother to hide in their home upstairs while he prepared, so she did. Dew then made a coffin and announced her death to the village, inviting them to come see her burial. Once they had arrived, he snuck his mother from upstairs and had her hide underneath the floor where the mock coffin lay, as well as the many things he'd purchased, as he knew Anansi's greed would spurn him to steal from Dew if he saw them laying around. Now that the plan was in order, it was time for the mock burial to begin. . . .

My Thoughts;
Of course the obvious connection being my perspective about humanity and The End of an Age which I believe we are on the precipice of which I've commented about many times
on your blog.

I don't know if you read it, but I also commented on one of your posts a week or so after the death of Queen Elizabeth and my theory of the symbolic connection of the Spider ( which was spotted on Queen Elizabeth's Coffin( Casket) and Charolette's Web.

Also you wrote;
Please wake me up at 5 p.m. Aunt Nancy."

I'm sure you know that the number 5 means: Change.
I've commented about the number 5 before on your blog as I have had many many dreams with the number 5 symbolism including my Moon River Dream.

Of course I believe humanity is on the precipice of a Great Upheaval, and at the End of an Age, which also has connections with the Third Temple, which was my original response to
this post.

Also your mention of the number 4. 4 of course having significance to Freemasonry, as well
as the Square/Cube. 4 being the number of the builder.

Which, of course, whenever there is an ending there is also the building of a new Beginning,

Also in the Anasi story there is reference to the Scythe (which of course is the Grim Reaper symbolic of the darkness/Blacking/Nigredo and being 'cloaked' which I believe K9's
role to be.

The scythe separates the Wheat from the Tares at the Great Harvest which again is what I believe our Opponents End Game agenda has always been, that is: the culling of humanity.

Also and last but not least mentioned in the Anasi Story is the axe.
I don't know if you saw this, but in the link below, check out the Black Woman
wielding a pickaxe.

When I re- read your post this morning, especially about the axe, I immediately recalled this recent event about the Black woman.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Yes, I thought the same thing. So far, everything appears to be fine.


Some good links there. I’d forgotten about the spider on Elizabeth’s coffin. A few other things that come to mind:

The name Nancy is transliterated in Chinese as Nan Xi, literally “South West” (but the compass point is xi-nan). Ye has a daughter named North West.

“Wake me up at 5 p.m.” In 24-hour notation, that’s 17, which is Q. Q is associated with the term “Great Awakening.” In an old post here, I connected Q with the songs “Suzie Q” and “Wake Up Little Susie.” My mother, Nancy, went by Susie as a child.

Also, if we divide the year into 24 equal parts, call them hours, and say that the summer solstice corresponds to noon, then Elizabeth died at almost precisely 5 p.m. “Wake” has a funerary meaning, too, after all.

Ra1119bee said...


Very intriguing !!! Especially your mention of the name Susie!

I had a 'Susie' dream in 2008, which that dream was absolutely bizarre as it had connections to not only Alex Jones ( who 'told' me (in the dream) that I am a Susie)
and there was also reference in the dream to Mars ( Aliens ) and the number 6.

Having said that , I will also say this: I am not nor have I ever been a big fan of Alex Jones.
I'm aware of him and his theories of course, but I'm not a follower of him.

I personally think Alex Jones' role in 'the game/play' is one of Gatekeeper/ Controlled Opposition.

After the 2008 Susie dream, I researched much of the symbolism especially the name Susie which in Hebrew is from the name Shoshana meaning : Lily which of course is the Fleur de Lis which the Fleur de Lis having a possible connection to the Bee.
Of course the connection to the Bee having significance to my name Debra.

Here's an interesting copy and paste about the Fleur de Lis: ( see link )
Another (debated) hypothesis is that the symbol derives from the Frankish Angon.[11] Note that the angon, or sting, was a typical Frankish throwing spear.[11]

A possibly derived symbol of Frankish royalty was the bee, of similar shape, as found in the burial of Childric I, whose royal see of power over the Salian Franks was based over the valley of the Lys.

I also copied and pasted this recent information about Susan.
"Susan is a feminine given name, from Persian lily flower, from Egyptian sšn and Coptic shoshen meaning lotus flower, from Hebrew Shoshana meaning lily (in modern Hebrew this also means rose and a flower in general), from Greek Sousanna, from Latin Susanna, from Old French Susanne ."

Also your mention of K9's daughter North West. Recall the Alfred Hitchcock movie North by North West?

Also the direction North is Greenland, and I won't go down that rabbit hole about Greenland,but there is a very interesting perspective that connects the direction North especially Greenland with the BR's( the Bears ) whom I believe the BR's to be the One Eye of the detached capstone.

Also my 2014 Moon River dream during the chaos I anxiously and repeatedly asked several people;
Are you going North?!.. I have to go North!!

I'll go through my dream journal and see if I can find the 2008 Susie dream.
It was really really bizarre!

Everything is connected, no?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

My old Susie/Suzie/Suzy/Siouxsie syncs:

Ra1119bee said...


Did you see this recent news about Nancy Pelosi's Husband being beat with
a Hammer???!

Check out this wiki description of Hammer and Chisel, especially the reference
to the hammer and chisel similar to a PICKAXE! ( link below )

"The hammer and pick, rarely referred to as hammer and chisel, is a symbol of mining, often used in heraldry. It can indicate mining, mines (especially on maps or in cartography), or miners, and is also borne as a charge in the coats of arms of mining towns.

The symbol represents the traditional tools of the miner, a hammer and a chisel on a handle, similar to a pickaxe, but with one blunt end"


Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Attacked in Home Invasion

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That’s wild! It seems like it must have been staged. How could some rando just walk into the Pelosi residence? Don’t they have security?

“Aunt Nancy” did make me think of Pelosi because a while back people were saying she was Gavin Newsom’s aunt. Actually, GN’s aunt used to be married to NP’s husband’s brother, but I guess you could still call her his “Aunt Nancy” in a loose sense.

MVT said...

You're somehow in sync with Owen Benjamin. The same day you post about a dream Kanye West, Owen Benjamin tellls everyone in his stream that he talked to Kanye West on the phone. Doesn't that seem like a crazy coincidence?

Ra1119bee said...


Yes, I agree with you about the Pelosi event and how it looks to have been staged.
I absolutely believe that the entire sync of all of this is so crazy odd connecting your Kayne and Nancy dream and the connection to the Spider and Nancy and the pickaxe/hammer and especially your mention of the name Susie and me just 'coincidentally having a Suzy connection!!

I mean; What's the Odds??!!?

When I told Marshall about all of this he just shook his head as if to say; I "can't believe all of this bizarre stuff that happens to you"!
I feel fortunate to have Marshall who understands me, no matter how crazy our life has been;-))

I did read your Suzy link, and right away I connected with the reference to:" Wake Up Suzy".
Although in my 2008 ' Suzy' dream there is no mention of waking up, but a dream I had in
2003 which is the first dream I had about the number 11:11, there was a voice ( which I heard in my right ear ) which said; Wake Up! Wake Up! Look at the Clock and if it reads 11:11 that means something!!!
I then woke up ( from the dream ) and immediately looked over to our digital clock and the clock read; 11:31, NOT 11:11.

I didn't think much of it at first , but later on while talking about the strange dream with friends and family I remembered that Marshall and I always set our clocks 20 minutes ahead so as to have a bit of 'snooze time', as we both were still working (jobs ) at that time, although I was off that day which is why I was still sleeping.
So, the time was actually 11:11.
After that, I became obsessed with 11:11, but that's another rabbit hole I won't go down

I was able to find the write up of the Suzy dream today, in my gazillion dream journals,
and here it is.
Check out the date!!!

OCT 27, 2008

I had an interesting dream today, the dream is as follows:
I recall that I was going somewhere and I had to pass through some type of checkpoint.

A man (White) was there and for some reason he looked at my hands to determine if I should get through the checkpoint. He began counting something on my hand. At some point he said he had to go and get Alex Jones.
I felt that wasn't a good thing and I left.

The next thing I knew I was with a group of people and we were all watching a TV. broadcast.
There was a woman ( News Anchor) who spoke of a national search being conducted and they were searching for a person ( whom I felt to be me ) .
She said that the person was from Mars and they ( the search team) needed to find the person as the person was 'sent to Earth' for a reason.

She also said that the person was a Suzy.

I then showed my hands to one of the men in the crowd as I felt I needed to give myself up.
The man began to count my hands again and he said that my number was 6.
I remember being very afraid and the next thing I knew Alex Jones was there.
I tearfully told Alex Jones that I wasn't a bad person and he said that I had been a bad person in one of my previous lives.
I recall being very upset.
I woke Up.


What's interesting is that in my previous comment on this post, I wrote that Alex Jones told me that I was a Suzy, but re-reading the original dream journal, obviously I was mistaken, but I did recall that Alex Jones was in the dream.
Also the News Anchor said that the person WAS a Suzy, NOT that the person's Name was Suzy.
Perhaps meaning that the person was a Lily or a Rose.

Anywho, I think I've shared with you my belief about the Karmic 19 Debt that I believe
I am paying back and I think the Suzy dream is perhaps just
a bit more validation of that.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


So, the “Suzy” was from Mars? Check out the music video for Weezer’s “End of the Game” (cf. your “endgame” references above), which begins with the line “Hey Suzy, where you been today?” and features plenty of space alien imagery.

Checking your hand for the number 6 is a reference to the Apocalypse of John, where those who serve the Beast are branded with his number, 666, on their forehead or right hand.

The juxtaposition of the name Suzy with a black woman from Ohio made me think of the song “Oh! Susanna,” which was first performed in Cincinnati, by blackface minstrels. According to Wikipedia, the name may refer to the songwriter’s deceased sister Charlotte, whose middle name was Susannah.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Not really. Ye is in the news these days, and a lot of people are talking and thinking about him.

Ra1119bee said...


My comment is in 2 Parts

Part I
Yes, I do believe that humanity is on the precipice of The End Game, absolutely.
The building of The Third Temple, which I've commented on many times here on your blog
is End Time prophecy.

As far as the hands and the Apocalypse and 6, yes I am quite aware of course of the Beast
and 666, and 6 being the number of MAN, which begs the question, at least to me, are HUMANS (collectively) the Beast or is the Beast just One Man/entity ?

I personally believe that the human's EGO is our Evil/Beast/Devil, not a blood red suited character wielding a pitchfork.

I believe that our EGO is a part of our physical existence in this duality dimension.

I believe that when we choose to become off kilter and succumb to our EGO (courtesy of our Opponents ) we have the ability to create acts of lust and greed, murder and torture , hatred, all evil crimes towards our fellow man and more importantly actions that prevents humanity's evolvement.
The Ego protects and pleasures the Physical Body ONLY.

I believe that the hands are symbolic of the physical body's ability to 'manifest/build/create in this duality dimension, so yes, absolutely the hands play a significant role for HUEman.

We can pull a trigger of a gun, or wield a pickaxe with our hands OR we can build Empires,
plant and prepare food, or perhaps lend a helping hand to our fellow man to help pull him/her up by their bootstraps ( which is very Aquarius energy btw).
All of this we can do with the power of our Hands.

Every power source on Earth can be used for a Good OR an EVIL purpose, depending
on the intent.

In the Suzy dream, Alex Jones told me that I had been a bad/evil person in a previous
incarnation, and as I've commented several times here on your blog, I absolutely believe
I'm paying back a Karmic 19 debt this incarnation due to an abuse of the Siddhis Powers
which ( after a gazillion years of research sparked by this lifetime of esoteric experiences and dreams and premonitions ) I've come to absolutely believe my theory to be true, that is: I'm paying back a 19 Karmic Debt

What we reap , we sow.... and as it should be.

Also the Lily (the Suzy) has six petals, something I wasn't aware of BEFORE the dream.
If you recall in my comment about the Suzy dream, the News Anchor said the person
WAS a SUZY, NOT that the person's name was Suzy.

Here's a Copy and paste of an article about the Lily ( link below )
"Lilies always have six tepals and six anthers sitting on six stamens"
end quote

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

6 and 9 are twins and one and the same.

69 , 6 being Man's head on the bottom, 9 being God's head on the Top.
As Above, so below.

Certainly fits my perspective about the duality nature of everything that is in Matter
(including the human body) on this duality planet Earth.

I find it interesting Nikola Tesla's obsession with 369( see link )
Also, Check out the 1965 song by Shirley Ellis titled; The Clapping Song
and its reference to 369( link below )

The Clapping Song was also featured in the 1990 movie the Flatliners ( link below ).
I tried to find a clip of the movie with the 369 part, but I couldn't find
that exact clip, but I was able to find a clip of the movie.

And last but not least: what if 6 turns out to be 9??
(depends on one's perspective, does it not? )

P.S. Interesting the info on the sync of Ohio and the song “Oh! Susanna,” being first performed in Cincinnati.

I recall my grandfather (who was from KY ) singing that song to me when I was young.
Check out the YouTube video (link below ) and listen to the lyrics of the song.

Interesting the reference to Louisiana in the song, as the 'lily' ( Fleur de lis) being the state flower of Louisiana.
The Fleur de lis, also has significant connections to ROYALTY therefore Power,
which again interesting the connection of my Suzy/Lily dream , my 19 Karmic Dept and the abuse of Siddhis power.( Siddhis Powers link below )

Everything is connected, no?

Oh! Susanna

The Clapping Song

Flatliner clip

Ra1119bee said...


I would like to add a bit more thoughts to my recent posts.
After re-reading the article I linked to you about the symbolism of the Fleur de lis (link below ) there is mention of Joan of Arc, and I recall reading a few of your posts mentioning Joan of Arc.

To be honest, I'm not very familiar with the mythology and/or history of Joan of Arc, but a quick wiki search I found what was written about her to be fascinating, especially her visions.

Copy and paste from Wiki:

"Joan later testified that when she was thirteen, around 1425, a figure she identified as Saint Michael surrounded by angels appeared to her in the garden.[44] After this vision, she said she wept because she wanted them to take her with them.[45] Throughout her life, she had visions of St. Michael,[46] a patron saint of the Domrémy area who was seen as a defender of France.[47] She stated that she had these visions frequently and that she often had them when the church bells were rung."

Also in the wiki about the Fleur de lis, this copy and paste:
"King Charles VII ennobled Joan of Arc's family on 29 December 1429 with an inheritable symbolic denomination. The Chamber of Accounts in France registered the family's designation to nobility on 20 January 1430. The grant permitted the family to change their surname to du Lys."

As we know visions/divination is clairvoyance and seen by some as demonic.
Clairvoyance is a Siddhis power.

I also found interesting the reference to Joan's visions being sparked by church bells.
Also according to Wiki, Joan was killed at the age of 19?

Also, interesting in Shirly Ellis's The Clapping Song, the intro sounds what could be described as Bells ringing.

Bell ( omitting the e vowel and replacing e with a, is Ball (Baal ) or the letter 'I' Bill(William ) or letter' o' Bowl (Cornucopia perhaps representing the fruit?) or Bull.

Also and although I do recall singing The Clapping Song back in the day (1965 ) I of course didn't know at that time, as far as what I believe now to be the song's ''messages''.

I do find it intriguing how (through synchronicity) answers and perhaps truth (especially regarding the unknown/Esoteric ).... is always, eventually unveiled.

In the Clapping Song the lyrics also makes reference to the Monkey (Moon Key)
and most intriguing (and what just today came to me after listening again to
the song ) the very important focus is on the HANDS, which connects with my most recent
comment about the significance and power of our Hands having the ability to manifest
(for Good OR for Evil)
which manifestation seems to be suggested in this line of the lyrics as well :

"Slap: Take the pats of your palms and slap your thighs..... and watch the
Fun Materialize...... as you sing this little song.

Evil spelled backwards is LIVE. Evil sounds very similar to EGO.
So, once again, maybe our EGO has potential to become our Beast when our Soul is incarnated
( LIVE ) in Physical Body/Matter

There is also a reference in the Clapping song to Auntie, and the Monkey chewing Tobacco on the Street Car line, which Tobacco in the Native American culture was sacred, connecting the smoker to the Spiritual World.

Here is another video featuring The Clapping Song, which appears to be from a TV broadcast
perhaps American Bandstand.
Note the 'hands'.

Everything is connected in this duality dimension(The Good, the Bad AND the Ugly)

All IMHO, of course...

Ra1119bee said...


I just looked at the video by Weezer - The End Of The Game
and I immediately noted that at marker/frame 1:06 the Aliens HAND being the first sign
that an Alien was ' in the house' and the alien's hand reaching for a fish (symbolic of
the vesica piscis aka yoni) on a dinner plate.

Also the many hands waving in the air (at the party) even at one point 'the hands' supporting the alien through the mosh pit.

At the end of the video the alien is being 'levitated' UP to the spaceship and obviously showing the number 6.
3 fingers on the left hand, 3 fingers on the right.

Interesting video, thank you for linking it to me.

Ra1119bee said...


I found this interesting video about Tesla and 369.

Nikola tesla. Why did Tesla say that 3,6,9 was the key to the universe?

WanderingGondola said...

What a bizarre dream, especially considering recent happenings! I'll leave my thoughts on Kanye for later.

The Pelosi situation is very curious. With everything the internets are digging up, it's clear the "official" story is nonsense. I suspect there's worse coming for the Pelosis... In context of the dream, maybe Nancy's time is almost up?

I've had a few reminders that the fifth anniversary of Q's first post was on October 28th. To be more specific, it was posted at 4:44pm EDT that day; for us in "future" time zones, it would have already been the 29th. Funny you should bring up the subject on that very date!

Did you want more Su* songs? Michael Jackson made not one, but two. Little Susie can't be woken (Debbie, note there's a ringing bell at the end), and the Susie in Blood on the Dance Floor wants to put others to sleep.

Hm, the fleur-de-lis possibly deriving from a spear? St. George, anyone? Wiki notes another alternative theory as "the shape having been developed from the image of a dove descending". Also interesting that the fleur-de-lis is thought to be an iris, not a lily. Seeing the name "Lys" there reminded me of Lyssa, goddess of beauty and illusion, from the Guild Wars games; not long after that I recalled the first game uses red irises as a collectable item. The thing about irises in real life is a proper bright red breed hasn't been achieved yet.

Nothing struck me watching the Weezer video, but another song of theirs is called Island In The Sun (as opposed to one without any sun); the version of the video I've linked shows the band members playing with young animals, including some lion cubs, a bear and a monkey.

As for the endgame idea... If you ask me, the Cabal is weakening, and it's starting to show. They'll grow increasingly desperate, but their "reset" won't succeed and evil is what will be culled off. These may be the end times in a sense, but God and His own reaper have the final say on what happens. I firmly believe that.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...