Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Frankenstein nitpicking sync

I saw this today on Anglin's weekly meme dump.

How does this not end with Dan saying, "I think you mean so much fun"?

Later in the day, I for some reason thought of the famous author Chilled the Fresh and his two collaborators (all of whom have since been canceled by Amazon), and I looked up Steven Landsburg's 2009 post about them. One of the commenters there linked to an xkcd strip, which made me wonder idly whether xkcd was still around. I went to the site, clicked the Random button, and got this:

Dan: "Curses! Foiled again!"

Not a sync, but this Bee headline from a few years back was pretty good:

1 comment:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’ve just remembered how Chilled the Fresh et al. entered my train of thought. I’d seen this video on AC, and its “frozen” cats made me think of Frozen Horse.


Britbong dolphin (600, 300)

I dreamed that Byron showed me something he had drawn: a simple pencil sketch of a dolphin with a caption under it reading "britbong do...