Saturday, December 28, 2019

Politicians' fake Time covers

It's been a very long time since I last darkened the door of, or any other news media website for that matter, but the other day, click succeeding upon click, I somehow ended up glancing at this old article from a couple of years ago, about how certain Trump-owned golf clubs were decorated with (fake) framed Time magazines with Trump on the cover.

The very next night, I happened to stop at a night market in Changhua, Taiwan, where I saw this billboard advertising one of the candidates for MP in the upcoming election -- also done in the style of a fake Time magazine cover.

(By the way, in case you're wondering why on earth this person would want to promote herself as the "no kidnapping" candidate, it refers to the idea that her political party is being "kidnapped" -- we would say "hijacked" -- by the wrong sort.)

(If you also happen to be wondering why each of the other two campaign signs in the photo features a large red number in a circle, it's because each candidate is assigned such a number so as to make it easier for -- I swear I am not making this up -- illiterate people to vote for them.)

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