Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A prophetic bull's-eye from Bruce Charlton

In case you've forgotten about it, go back and take a look at "Apocalypse Now!?" -- posted by Bruce Charlton on 27 November 2019. Here are some of the key passages (italics in original; boldface mine).
I get the feeling that the Apocalypse, which began some fifty years ago, is reaching a crescendo Now. There is a tremendous urgency towards the goal of a global totalitarian takeover by the 'Ahrimanic' powers of evil: that is to say, the type of evil which is cold, calculating, systematic, anti-spiritual, anti-human, bureaucratic and transhumanist.
[. . .]
The interesting aspect is the sheer urgency. There is a very obvious attempt to create a worldwide sense of emergency, of imminent cataclysm, of terrible things that are Just About To Happen... unless, we hand over complete power to the Establishment (preferably the-day-after-tomorrow, or quicker).
And this handover - this Power Grab by the Global Establishment - is being aimed-at Very Soon; on a timescale of months, not years.
[. . .] 
I don't know why this should be, but I am more convinced with each passing month; what is being attempted - now and on a daily basis - is the biggest shift in power in the history of the world; the attempt of a tiny global 'elite' (possessed-by and serving demonic powers) to impose a complete system of behavioural and thought control.
And it is now; this is the Apocalypse; this is what it looks-like from the inside!
If the urgency of the Establishment has a reason, then that will soon become apparent; one way or another (depending upon the individual choices of millions of people) we shall -within the year - see huge changes in everybodys' lives.
It is difficult to believe, I hardly believe it myself; but - as I say - there must surely be a reason for the extreme urgency of this power grab. I don't know what that reason is; but it must be expected to take effect on a timescale of months. 
I can't say I am exactly looking-forward to discovering the answer; because I don't suppose the surprise will be a pleasant one. However, I haven't long to wait.
"I haven't long to wait" was an understatement. Amazingly, this was posted just four days before the first corvids appeared in China, and less than three months before the WHO declared the situation an official birdemic necessitating the ongoing worldwide totalitarian takeover which will without a doubt mean "huge changes in everybody's lives" well within the year. Talk about hitting it out of the park!


Francis Berger said...

Wm, I don't think I have to tell you how, what's the right word? Lucky? Fortunate? Blessed? Whatever the word is, I don't have to tell you how thankful I am to have been reading Bruce's blog over the years.

I remember this specific post and have thought of it often over these past few weeks. I remember being less surprised than I should have been when things started getting crazy.

To say Bruce was prophetic in this case almost sounds like an understatement.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I agree that was a bit of genuine foresight on my part; and at the time I wrote the Apocalypse piece I did feel it to be somewhat inspired and prophectic (although I was also worried that I was going to make a fool of myself in a Big way: bigger than usual anyway).

I was right about what happened, I was wrong about the reason. And the totalitarian power-grab went-off more smoothly, with less (i.e. zero) opposition, and multinationally/ simultaneously than I would have believed possible.

Indeed, extremely few people seem to have noticed even yet - two weeks after it happened; and despite daily escalations in coercion and tyranny.

If ever there was a case of a human society getting what it asked-for (and deserved) this seems to be it!

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...