Friday, March 27, 2020

Taking a stand against anti-Mormons

Yet I confess that sometimes I
Still manage to annoy
My dearest friends, but that’s a fault
Of many a Mormon boy.
-- a formerly-beloved Mormon song
I'm not sure why this seemingly trivial matter should seem so very important to me right now, but it has nevertheless become for me a matter of great spiritual urgency that I be done with tolerance and passive resistance and just nail my theses to the door already.

I will no longer link to anyone who employs euphemisms such as "Restored Christian" in order to avoid using the word "Mormon." Update: That would essentially mean not linking to any faithful church-Mormons, which has turned out to be too much of a constraint. I now link freely to these people, as to lots of other people I disagree with.

I will no longer publish comments that employ euphemisms such as "Restored Christian" in order to avoid using the word "Mormon."

To be clear, I have no problem whatsoever with calling the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by its full, revealed name -- but it is increasingly clear to me that the real thrust behind the current rectification-of-names campaign is not so much to encourage the use of the revealed name as to to suppress "the M-word."

In case you hadn't noticed, "Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square" does not include the revealed name of the church any more than the oldspeak "Mormon Tabernacle Choir" did. "Restored Christianity" is no more the revealed name of the Mormon religion than "Mormonism" is. These changes are being made for reasons other than those stated, and I do not support them.


Bruce Charlton said...

Ah, so that's what it means!

I had supposed the term referred to one of the smaller, breakaway churches like this one - of the permanently-collapsing set-up that currently calls itself the Community of Christ. I hadn't realised that ordinary CJCLDS Mormons were being referenced - which is, presumably, the idea. Unless its like a 'birdemic' code word?

Anyway, as I nailed my own colours to the mast yesterday, I interpret such things as the corruption of all Christian church rank and file by an already corrupt leadership. When the entirety of the Christian church leaderships abandons its members - ahead of the curve, in advance of compulsion, without apology, primarily justifying itself by secular mainstream standards - then this is the clearest possible signal of the situation. Nothing that happens from now can compare with what has already happened.

R... Ch... is an example of what will happen IF people try to *base* their Christian faith upon any church (rather than taking full and personal responsibility and regarding the churches as maybe helpful, maybe harmful institutional supports - like a college or a library). If people regard them-selves as *primarily* obedient to external authority - they will be led, step-wise, away from Christianity and onto the other side - because there is no neutral ground.

I would guess that most are already on the wrong side, I'm afraid. But if not already; you can see things drifting before your eyes, almost on a daily basis.

Francis Berger said...

This is a good example of the insider stuff that goes clear over my head, but I think I get the gist of your complaint here.Bruce's comment provided some additional insight.

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