Thursday, April 13, 2023

Nine paranormal knocks in three groups of three

I'm still basically on vacation from blogging, but I discovered this today and felt a sort of urgency about getting it typed up and posted right away -- as if some particular person needs to read it, and needs to read it at a particular time.

I can't imagine why that would be -- it's really just a bit of historical trivia -- but if any of my readers happen to have experienced nine paranormal knocks in three groups of three, you may be interested to learn that you're not alone. Whitley Strieber experienced this in 1986; and the entire town of Glenrock, Wyoming, in 1988. And long before that -- I learned today -- in the winter of 1716-17, the family of Methodist founders John and Charles Wesley experienced the very same thing.

Details are at my Strieber blog, Winking Back from the Dark.


ben said...

Was very recently watching clips from this Dr Who episode (for the syncs). There's this part with knocking. If interested:

ben said...

At one point in the video someone's face shows up on a screen silently saying "Doctor, Doctor!" Like DD.

It's scary and confusing but it ends fine.

ben said...

As well as DD:44, drdr is 44 in SEG.

Sorry about all the comments.

cae said...

I don't know weather any of this will have any bearing on the matter but am offering, just in case:

About 20 years ago, I played the role of John Wesley's mother in a traveling production of his life story...

...and in sync with Ben's comment: My family are huge "Doctor Who" fans and well acquainted with the episode he linked, as it's one of our favorites.
Also, as I was 'clicking in' to comment there was a third 'element' (potential sync) which flitted through my mind but oddly, by the time I started typing, I had forgotten what it was.

ben said...

I found a Dr Who with pterosaurs:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That's wild, Carol. Did "Jeffrey" the knocking poltergeist make an appearance in this production? A surprising amount of space in the Memoirs of the Wesley Family (nearly 30 pages) is dedicated to its shenanigans.

cae said...

Ha ha, no, the play's author didn't include any references at all to "Jeffrey" - the production was intended to convey Wesley's spiritual was a very moving depiction titled, "A Heart Strangely Warmed".

Ra1119bee said...


Interesting this post which when I read it I immediately thought
of a 'knocking at a door experience/dream ' I had a couple of years ago.
NOTE THE DATE of this experience/dream!!

From my Dream journal:

Senator Baker


I had an interesting Esoteric Experience Today..

Although I'm not certain, I don't think this was a dream.
What happened is this ;
I heard a voice and 3 loud knocks on our door.
The Knocks reminded me of how a Police would knock, which means in a very authoritative and loud manner ( in order to get immediate attention).

I then heard a man’s voice say : SENATOR BAKER! whom I assumed
was the man knocking on the door.
In Real Life , I woke up !!!! I was so damn scared .
I looked at my phone to see the time which was 3:00 am.

I also thought I heard Jacob (our dog) get up from his bed (in our bedroom) and run downstairs as I thought that Jacob heard the knock too.
I lay paralyzed in bed so scared thinking that the knock was from the police.

Everything was quiet ( thank God ) and Jacob was still in his bed.

Interesting the etymology of the word: Senator:

"In Roman Times the Senate was an extremely important part of the Republic. The etymology of the word Senator means sentax, which means Wise Elder and counsel.

The Senator was not elected in the Roman Empire. The Senator was one of the highest positions, as the Senator consulted with the Aristocrats ( Elites ) making extremely key decisions that impacted the very existence of the Empire.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, that's an extremely weird coincidence.

As I mentioned in the post, I had a sense of urgency about typing up the knocking story and posting it as quickly as possible, even though I was otherwise taking a break from blogging. I had the feeling that one of my readers -- I guess it was you! -- needed to see the post at a particular time, and that even a delay of a few minutes might ruin everything.

As it turned out, I clicked the "Publish" button at 11:57 p.m. If I had been in just a little less of a hurry, the post date would have been April 14 and thus no longer a perfect sync with your own triple-knock experience.

As I mention in my post at Winking Back, I discovered the Wesley story by following up a passing reference in The Hidden Springs by Renée Haynes. I've been busy recently, so I've been reading that book rather slowly, a few pages a day, but I'm finding it very interesting. Then, on April 11 and 12, I just suddenly lost all interest and was unable to make myself read any further. Then on the 13th my interest suddenly came back and I read some more, including the mention of the Wesley knocks. In retrospect, it's as if I had been deliberately manipulated into reading that particular reference on that particular day so that I could post about it on the anniversary of your dream.

Why that should be so important, I have no idea. I guess that's a question for you. Does your knocking experience have any deeper meaning for you, and did reading the Strieber and Wesley stories help you see it in a different light?

The Wesleys called their knocking poltergeist "Jeffrey," so it occurred to me to check if there had ever been a Senator Jeffrey Baker. There hasn't. So, setting the Senate to one side for the moment, I just looked up "Jeff Baker" on Wikipedia. I got a baseball player, Jeffrey Glen Baker, who had played on six different MLB teams -- but the featured photo Wikipedia chose showed him in a Texas Rangers uniform.

Now I know and care nothing about professional baseball, but a few days ago (maybe even April 13; I'll have to check the browser history on my other computer) I suddenly became curious about George W. Bush's stint as the owner of the Texas Rangers. This led to look that team up on Wikipedia, where I read, "The franchise was established in 1961, as the Washington Senators." So, while there may be no Senator Jeffrey Baker, there is a Jeffrey Baker who played for a team that used to be called the Senators. The Jeff Baker article makes no mention of "Senators," or course; I made the connection only because of my random curiosity about Bush a couple of days ago.

Come to think of it, I suppose there's a bit of a baseball connection in the idea of "striking" something three times. And Wesley said the knocks sounded as if they had been made "with a large oaken staff" -- like a wooden bat?

Curiouser and curiouser: Skimming the Wikipedia article on Jeff Baker, I find this: "His first hit as a Ranger came on April 13." Ann odd detail to include. He was only a Ranger (i.e. "Senator") for one season, and they don't give the dates of his first hits for any of the other teams he played for.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I just noticed that my Winking Back post begins with a typo: "On the night of August 27, 1986, Whitley Strieber had an experience in which he heard three very loud knocks in three groups of three."

Of course, it should be "nine very loud knocks," and I've just now corrected it. The typo is another sync with your story, though, which mentions only "3 loud knocks."

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It was on April 11 that I looked up the Texas Rangers and found that they had once been Senators.

Ra1119bee said...


Wow! Very WOW!

First of all, coincidently (although I personally don't believe in coincidences)
your mention of the UK novelist Renée Haynes got my attention because my grandmother.
(Sarah Elizabeth Haynes) on her father's side (Haynes) lineage was from Wales.

I think I shared with you that Sarah (who passed into spirit in 1965 ) has come to me in
several dreams delivering many important "messages" throughout the years.
In one of the dreams (back in 2003 or so) I asked her if my father was ok (my father passed in 1974 ) and Sarah said:

"I never see him. He's OVER THERE" (which I felt was just another area of where they both were. Somewhat like 'another building' of a large University's campus.
Sarah then said; "You have to ask Campbell. He knows all about that mystical stuff."

When I woke up I immediately googled Campbell/ Mystical/ Native Americans.

And although in my Sarah dream, there was no mention of Native Americans, I had a strange dream about a Native American prior to the Sarah dream.
I had the Sarah dream in the late afternoon, while taking a nap.

I do not have the dream written down in the archives for either dream, because the dreams were in 2003 and I've had several computer crashes since then. However many of my dreams and esoteric experiences, I'll never forget and I can remember many of them VERY clearly.

What came up on the google search however was very intriguing indeed, because eventually it lead me to Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung's work, whom I had NO Clue about Campbell and Jung, before the dream.

While researching Campbell I found that he was very intrigued in Native American lore
which convinced me ( because of the Native American Dream) that Joseph Campbell and Sarah's Campbell were one and the same.

It was some time later after a gazillion hours of research about Joseph Campbell, I realized that Sarah must have said the word 'Mythical' NOT Mystical and upon awakening from the dream , my EGO just ' assumed' Sarah said mystical, because at that time, I certainly didn't have Mythology as a frame of reference, not consciously anyway.

I'm very intrigued now about Renee Haynes book The Hidden Springs! so thank you for sharing and posting this and I think you're right maybe I am the one who needs this puzzle piece.
Telepahty is powerful, no?
Everything is connected.

Your post certainly came at a time when I have been discouraged because of all the recent headwinds( from family and friends etc ) I have facing regarding my beliefs about the Esoteric Sacred Sciences Knowledge.

Of course my esoteric experiences stared in 1965 when my grandmother passed over (I saw her spirit) and the levitation dreams started soon after, so I'm no stranger to the esoteric 'other side' world, but I must say many many many of my esoteric experiences and dreams (I call puzzle pieces) are really 'clicking' into place
and all at once it seems and many connecting to what's happening on the World Stage now.

Unfortunately, I'm not really optimistic about the Big Picture, which I feel the puzzle pieces are showing.

If you get a chance check out M. Night Shyamalan's 2023 movie:
Knock at the Cabin

KNOCK AT THE CABIN Trailer (2023)

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add my perspective about the word/name Baker.
I'm sure you are aware of an old idiom which goes : "It's baked in the cake" meaning: Naturally inherent in or already incorporated into something.

Perhaps baked in the cake shares a connection with the etymology of the word Senator.
The Senator being a wise old 'counsel'.

IMO, Mythology could certainly be considered integral and inherited information from the 'wise old counsel members (the Roman Imperial Cult perhaps?) and baked in the cake of our existence in this duality dimension.

Maybe you are the Senator, and maybe I am the Senator too, as Everything is Connected.

Let us eat Cake?

Ra1119bee said...


I know you're on vacation, so, sorry about all these comments but I had forgotten an important part of my question to Sarah (my grandmother) about my Father which explains
why her response.

When asking about my father, I asked Sarah if he was ok, but I also asked her if he had incarnated on Earth again. I don't recall my exact words, but I do recall wondering if he had incarnated again. Which would explain Sarah's response regarding
the wording "Mystical Stuff", which as I shared after all my research of Joseph Campbell,
I determined that Sarah must have said Mythical because Campbell of course was a Mythologist.

Although I didn't know it at the time of my Sarah dream, my research about Campbell led to Carl Jung which both men's work served as open doors to explore more (at least for me),
especially Carl Jung's archetype concept.

I believe that in order to understand the Universal Language 'spoken' by our Soul in REM sleep it is extremely imperative to understand the Universal Language of The Sacred Sciences which the foundation of the Universal language is : Symbolism, Numbers/Gematria and Archetypes.

If it wasn't for my Sarah dream, I believe I couldn't have gone much further down the rabbit hole, as like many tourists, I didn't understand the language which knowing the landscape
and its language is how, I now believe, opens many more doors.

Knock Knock Knock... 3.... 6..... or 9 times??

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, in the context of John and Charles Wesley, the name Campbell makes me think of the founders of another Protestant movement, Thomas and Alexander Campbell.

I used to go by the nickname Senator in my blue-collar days. I think it was because of the slight similarity of my surname to that of then-Senator George Voinovich.

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote: "I used to go by the nickname Senator in my blue-collar days. I think it was because of the slight similarity of my surname to that of then-Senator George Voinovich."

My response: Your nickname was Senator??? How appropriate.
You are indeed a Wise Old 'Counsel', IMHO.
The word "Old" referring to your Soul not your chronological age:-))

Also, I read this entire post to Marshall and he just shook his head and said : This is so
bizarre!!!. He then said, You didn't tell me about the Senator Baker dream.

Which I responded : "Because I couldn't find a meaningful connection to it at the time.
In all of the research I did, nothing really clicked until William's post.

"However, I said to Marshall, this esoteric experience ( perhaps Telepathic ) with William, validates even more my belief that there is no such thing as Linear time, because I absolutely believe that the Senator Baker dream was ' given' to me by my Soul as a puzzle piece on April 13, 2021 for a reason, my Soul KNOWING that I'd find that reason and the meaning of the message.
Not necessarily when I was looking for the meaning, but exactly when I needed to find it.

I think the fact that the Senator Baker Knock dream sync was so bizarre yet also so precise ( as far as the date of April 13 ) made me even more convinced that I'm on the right track.

Many of the syncs that have happened to me, especially lately, has happened when I've gotten off track and begin to doubt myself .... when lo and behold and out of the 'blue' something so weird crosses my path which forces me to pay even More attention and ask the question: What's the Odds of this?!!?? And if it isn't a coincidence (which I do NOT believe in coincidences).....then... what else IS IT?

Also another thought regarding my previous mention of how many knocks, 3 or 6 or 9 on the door, recall our conversation posts a few months back about 369, Telsa and Shirley Ellis 1965 song:
The Clapping Song.
Especially the first verse in the lyrics which is this:

three six nine the goose drank wine
the monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line
the line broke and the monkey got choked
**** and they all went to heaven in a little ""row""- boat'.

Maybe the 'row' reference means: "All Rhoades lead to Rome", which somewhat takes us back
to the Senators serving as wise 'Counsel to the Roman Imperial Cult, no?

Everything is Connected...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, without going into too much detail lest I violate my oaths of secrecy, I can tell you that a Mormon ceremony I used to participate in involves knocking three times while wearing a baker’s cap and apron.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The three knocks come from Masonry, where they represent the triple formula from the Sermon on the Mount: “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure it was on April 13, 1998, that I began my two-year service as a Mormon missionary and took on the title Elder (close in etymological meaning to Senator).

Mighty in Writing

My last post, " Alex Schwarz and Arnold Strong ," ended with the tentative conclusion that I needed to investigate the wife of Arn...