The sync theme of a round plate or book of plates, also called a “chip,” has recently resurfaced. Today, walking into a used bookstore for the first time in several weeks, I had a hunch that I might find something related to that theme, and such proved to be the case. I found these two books on the same shelf.
This is the first volume of A Description of Egypt — a volume consisting exclusively of “plates.” Both the golden plates and the brass plates were written in some form of “Egyptian.”
And just a few inches away on the shelf, a book titled simply The Chip.
You've missed noting a few relevant details in the story that is being presented in these images.
The author's name is Reid, which means "Red" (or red haired/ red skinned). A first clue we might be dealing with the Rose or Red Stone, and/or other connotations of that color and symbols that have come up before. As an aside, the author's full name is Thomas Roy, with Thomas meaning Twin, and Roy meaning "The Red King". Not subtle, in my opinion.
Further, The Chip is about the microchip, with micro meaning "small". I've guessed the Rose Stone is the same stone mentioned by Alma to his son Helaman in Alma 37, where he also discusses the Brass Plates and the LIahona (Anor Stone). Throughout Alma' instructions in that chapter, he keeps coming back to calling these things "small". For example:
"Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."
The fact that the first book you pictured regarding Egyptian 'plates'
is in French is probably important as well to the image of this Chip book. The Chipmunks/ Chip Monks and France featured pretty prominently in some of my earlier story development.
I've had Peter as one of these Chip Monks, and if a Chip can be a Stone, the word Microchip gives us "Small Stone", which is the meaning of Peter's name.
The blurp at the top of the The Chip mentions that this book will remind us who our heroes "should be", which aligns very well with the Rose Stone and its purpose, as well as all of the Stones or Chips overall, including the Brass Plates.
Speaking of heroes, you had a dream a couple months ago regarding Peggy. In the dream, you ended up declining her offer to do some things for her son, part of which included doing a James Earl Jones impression.
In your post, you looked at some baseball connections with Jones and ended up going the route of The Sandlot after also mentioning Field of Dreams. I believed at the time you should have gone and looked at Field of Dreams, starring Robin Hood, I mean, Kevin Costner.
Costner plays a man named Ray. That name and versions of it (Raymond, Ramon) also played very heavily into my story, and is likely the same Being as Peggy's son from your dream. Anyway, James Earl Jones gives a speech toward the end of the movie in support of Ray, the field that he built, and its purpose. Something like a prophecy. My guess is this speech is alluded to in why you were invited to invoke Jones in Peggy's request.
Here is the clip if you want to watch it and don't mind spoilers, or you can watch the movie.
My own view is that when the actor uses words like "Iowa" and "Baseball", there is probably a play on words. Iowa uses the French flag, and I went through my thoughts and guesses on the symbolic meaning of Iowa in my now old blog. "Baseball" you can re-interpret as a Base Ball, with Base meaning "Foundation" and also probably "step, to walk" (in my story, people will go on a walk, of sorts, as a result of said Balls or Stones.... Stepping Stones, I guess). A redemption or restoration prepared from the foundation of the world, basically. The "one constant through all the years" that Jones speaks of that "reminds us of all that was once good, and it could be again." Base can also refer to safe or secure ground, or a place of protection, which the Balls are intended to bring people to.
As part of this, Jones speaks of the people being "dipped in magic waters", and regaining memories "so thick they will have to brush them away from their faces".
Other things, too, in the speech and in the whole story/ movie. Might be worth checking out if you want.
Good links, Bill. I was actually going to write “Bill would appreciate the fact that the book of Egyptian plates is in French” in the post, but I left it out because I figured you weren’t reading here anymore.
By the way, you mention “my now old blog.” Is there a new one?
Bill, re the "red" connection: In the photo of The Chip, a (both literally and ideologically) red book is just visible in the background: Karl Marx's Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.
Louis was the younger brother of Napoleon, at whose command the book of Egyptian plates was published.
To top it off, the name Karl Marx means "Free Man of Mars". Both Freeman/ Free Man and Mars have played into the story and the Rose Stone or Red Book in a pretty big way.
With Bonaparte, you have a name that can mean "The Good Division" (from the literal translation of Good Solution). In my story, the Rose Stone plays a critical role in what Nephi calls "The Great Division" in 1 Nephi 30, which I cited a few times before due its reference to fire.describe. As you know, that division is the eternal separation of the righteous from the wicked:
"And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.
And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."
And, no, no new blog. My reference to old was just recognizing that I had deleted my old blogs and they no longer exist.
One other observation I forgot to mention that ties my earlier comments about the movie Field of Dreams with your post from a few days ago involving syncs about the Tree of Life.
In Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life, after he is rescued from the dark waste that the man in white led him to, he first sees a field, and then the Tree in that field:
"And it came to pass after I had prayed unto the Lord I beheld a large and spacious field.
And it came to pass that I beheld a tree, whose fruit was desirable to make one happy."
Since it was in his dream that Lehi (and later Joseph Smith, Sr.) saw this field, we could refer to it as a Field of Dreams. On the field, the drama or story of the Tree and the redemption of God's children played out.
One other note and I will leave this one alone. Just including because I thought you'd find it interesting. I am actually going to just paste in from a comment I left on Leo's Hollow Mars post:
'This morning I left a comment on William’s blog observing that the name Karl Marx on the Red Book in the image he posted meant “Freeman of Mars”. Right after leaving that comment and a follow up one, I went for a run. I set Spotify to DJ/ random mode, and the first song that was pulled up was a song by the band 30 Seconds to Mars titled “Walk on Water”. It is an interesting song.
Jared Leto is the lead singer for that band. He made the news (and my now erased blog) awhile ago for being the first person to legally climb the Great and Spacious Building, or I mean the Empire State Building, dressed up in a bright Red jumpsuit.
He climbed the building on November 9, 2023. That date is really fascinating given the above. Why? November 9 is a date in French history also known as the 18th Brumaire. So what? The title of Karl Marx’s Red Book in that image which brought on my comment regarding Mars, and which was followed by Jared Leto and his Mars band’s song being pulled up as the first selection, is “The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”.
Today is the first day of the month that is named for Mars as well.'
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