Sunday, November 10, 2024

Who has teeth?

Last night, I ran across this very odd post on /x/:

The post asks, in verse, whether God has teeth, and the accompanying image is a photo of a child's skull with two rows of teeth.

In my October 7 post "The Book of Tooth," I discussed Dr. Seuss's The Tooth Book, which is also written in rhyming verse and begins with the question "Who has teeth?" That post also discusses a "skeleton with two rows of teeth," which biologists theorized was "an adolescent who had not yet lost their first set of baby teeth." The same post mentions that a crescent moon can be called a "tooth moon" in Chinese.

This morning I saw someone on the street with a T-shirt that had a big picture of the moon (a full moon) with the caption "Twenty-Twoth Century" -- which would be pronounced the same as "Twenty-Tooth Century." Adults have 32 teeth, but children have 20, so "twenty-tooth" suggests the idea of baby teeth, and it is juxtaposed with the moon.


Ra1119bee said...


And speaking of CHANGE and repeat, tooth and eat, Trump, palm
triumph, Obama Triumvirates and unfaithfulness,
Third Temple coins and Cyrus, Rocks and Stones and Eagles landing
Oh My!

Consider this:
Copy and paste ( link below ) (little stars, mine)
Tooth (שֵׁן, shen, ὀδούς). The Hebrew word is by some
derived from שָנָה, "to change" or "repeat," because the teeth
are changed,*** or replaced by others;*** but it better comes from
שָׁנִן, to sharpen.

In the singular this term occurs first with reference to
the literal member itself in man, the loss of which, by
*** violence***, is specified by Moses, in illustration of his law
concerning taliones, "tooth for tooth" (Ex 21:24).
SEE SAMSON; and for that of leviathan (Job 40:14, τὸ χεῖλος,
See Jaw. A "broken (or rather bad, רָעָה, that is, decayed;
Vulg. dens putridus) tooth" is referred to in Pr 25:19
, as furnishing an apt similitude of "confidence in
**** an unfaithful man in the time of trouble.***"

The word is sometimes used metaphorically
for a sharp cliff or summit of a rock (Job 39:28); thus,
****"'The eagle dwelleth and abideth upon the tooth of the rock***,

TEETH, שַׁנִּיַם, shinna'yim (όδόντες), is found in the dual number only,
referring to the ****two rows, yet used for the plural (1Sa 2:13
Recall my many comments and connections to my Feb 2015
Where's My Horn dream, Trump (Trumpet i.e. Trump-Pence)
, Cyrus and The Third Temple,
which if occurs indeed would be a sign of Great Upheaval,
(recall my 1974Past Life reading that I've shared with you).
Consider this,
copy and paste:( link below )
"In these times of great change and upheaval,
many people are looking to the past for guidance and reassurance.
Some see parallels between two figures from history
and modern times: King Cyrus of Persia and former
US President Donald Trump.

Could it be that Trump, like Cyrus, has been chosen
by a higher power to fulfill a divine task?"
Recall my many comments about my prediction
of the Triumvirs being Obama (Dem) Trump( Republican President
Elect) and someone from tech to usher in a Technocracy.
If something happens to Trump , perhaps DeSantis, or RFK?
At first I thought the 'tech guy' might
be Gates or Bezos, but now I'm leaning more towards Musk
especially after the recent skit on Saturday Night Live's Cold
Open titled ; Hail Trump.

And now we know why Trump was selected
(ooops, I mean elected) AGAIN.

Connect the puzzle pieces.

SNL for Trump Cold Open - SNL

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
I just thought of yet another 'teeth' sync that I've
also shared with you previously and very interestingly
it connects to my previous comment here on this post.

What's odd is that I just found the information about
the Hebrew meaning of tooth, just this morning.

Of course I've known about the Trump connection
to Cyrus since Feb of 2015 after researching my
Where's My Horn dream.

If it wasn't for your tooth post however,
I probably wouldn't have researched tooth symbolism
but I'm glad I did because I found yet another connection
to the movie Leave the World Behind.
That connection is in a scene where one of the characters ,
Aruthur aka Archie's teeth began falling out.(see link)

I think I shared the teeth scene clip with you
last year.
When I first saw this scene in the movie in Dec 2023,
I was stunned because my canine tooth had chipped
off a couple of weeks prior.
When I saw the movie, I recall thinking: That's odd..

I did a bit of research about teeth symbolism at the time
but I didn't find the Biblical Cyclopedia website until today.

Interestingly this information connects to A WHOLE
LOT of my puzzle pieces as I wrote in my previous comment.
So thank you for posting this as it helps me, the sleuth,
connect the possibility of the 'tooth's truth' to the big picture.

Last but not least, I'm not at all surprised of the falling teeth scene
in Leave the World Behind having a hidden meaning.

IMO, our "opponents' playbook is EXTREMELY different
than the one that they've 'given' to us.

Consider the etymology of the name Arthur:
Copy and paste:
masc. proper name, from Medieval Latin Arthurus/Arturus,
usually said to be from Welsh arth "bear," cognate with Greek
arktos, Latin ursus (see arctic). The name was perhaps
*Arto-uiros, "bear-man" though another theory links it
with the rare Roman name Artorius, and another
with the star Arcturus.

Reference to King Arthur probably also is the source
of Arthur's Seat, hill in Scotland so-called by 1650s.
Arthur, in pre-Galfridian literature, commonly was conceived
as a giant, which might explain a hill as a seat,
but Dictionaries of the Scots Language refers seat in
Scottish place names to Gaelic suidhe
"a high, gen[erally] saddle-shaped and conspicuous hill .
Note the mention of SEAT .

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
And speaking of Scots and Great Scot!! Oh My!!
recall my comments about not only Doc Brown in the
movie Back to the Future (see link) but also the character
G(George) H. Scott (Obama clocked) in Leave the World

In Leave the World behind the other characters
are Archie's parents Ammanda and Clay and his sister Rosy.
George Scott's daughter name is Ruth.

I found this information about the word Clay, very interesting.
copy and paste from etymology:
"In Scripture, the stuff from which the body of the first man
was formed; hence "human body" (especially when dead).
Feet of clay "fundamental weakness" is from Daniel ii.33.
In the movie the character Clay is an effeminate male.
Also consider this,
copy and paste link below:
The traditional name Arcturus is Latinised from the
ancient Greek Ἀρκτοῦρος (Arktouros) and means
"Guardian of the Bear".
So....Who are the Bears?
Greenland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania,
Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Canada.
( see link )
I would also add that the BR's (Bears)
also includes BR-itian.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3
Recall my previous comments about Greenland and Switzerland
being the home of the Bears. Also Germany.
In particularly the polar bears and the direction North.

I believe the Bears are also the Eights.
Recall I shared my 11/22/2018 Oscar dream with you
and how it connected to the significance of Switzerland
and Bern and Greenland.

Don't know if you saw the 2020 movie Greenland or not,
but if you haven't do check it out as it connects
to what I'm writing here about who are the 'Eights'
and what I believe is their playbook.
The comet in the movie Greenland is called Clark.
In etymology Clark is a clerk; keeper of accounts.

In my recent links of the clips from 12 Monkeys
recall the bears. In this particular 12 Monkeys clip (link below)
the character Jeffery (played by Brad Pitt) goes
on his 'mad rant' about the workings of the illusion of
society's system. Jeffery calls that illusion; games.

Note abt frame/marker 0:13 the black bear on the black
and white TV. In that scene the narrator
mentions a future bear market and Changes,
sweeping the world.

Starting abt frame 1:03 listen to Jeffery rant about 'games'.
Jeffery then picks up a white (polar) stuffed bear and throws it
up in the air. In that scene Jeffery says: Master Card.
Copy and paste from wiki: (link below little stars mine)
best card
Highest card of a suit not yet played.
****The commanding card, master card. Also king card.**

In the 12 Monkeys' scene, the 'nigredo' guard enters the room
and tells Jeffery to 'stop acting a ' Fool'.

There is also a red and white round
object ( baal, ball?) inside the cart with
the polar bear.

Switzerland's colors are red and white and so is the
Alchemical Wedding of the Red King and the White Queen.
Red and white mixed is pink.

Recall the pink and white flowers in the skit with Kamala
and her twin sista Maya on SNL.

Also in this scene of 12 monkeys, note the white and pink.

Also throughout Jeffery's entire: 'no more monkey business'
tirade Jeffery constantly throws people
off of their chairs, perhaps insinuating that the 'monkeys'
are being thrown off of their 'comfortable seats',
which of course is what happens in upheavals.

Don't know if you've ever played the game musical chairs
when you were young.
Check out this interesting info about musical chairs
copy and paste (link below, little stars mine)
Musical chairs, also known as Trip to Jerusalem,
is a ***game of elimination** involving players,
chairs, and music.

Another interesting 'seat' reference is Hlidskjalf
in Norse Mythology.
Copy and paste ( link below, little stars mine )
"In Norse mythology, the Hliðskjálf (literally meaning
the high seat with**** an expansive view)
allowed Odin to see into all realms** as well as listen to them."
Recall my many comments regarding my perspective of gathering information from a 'vast spectrum'
of ideologies. Not just one.

Connect the dots, see the WHYS win the prize.

Leave The World Behind´Teeth Scene

Twelve Monkeys - The mental institution

Greenland Trailer 2020

Hey Hey we're the Monkees. Intro 1966
(note the yellow, red and orange) Also note
Davy riding a pale horse.

BEST OF Great Scott

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to add this second clip of 12 Monkeys . This clip
is about the great escape.

It is in this clip that not only does Jeffery give James the moon-key,
but as I mentioned in my previous comment, the scenes of the bear
on the black and white TV in is this clip,
as is Jeffery throwing the white stuffed polar bear in the air.
Jeffery also mentions the mastercard in this clip,
which the mastercard is what I mentioned in my previous
comment regarding the mastercard in a game of cards is
the Kings card.
The Polar Bears are the Master cards.

What I had forgotten is this: at the end of this clip, note
the security guard reading what appears to be the tabloid
"newspaper" , The Inquirer.
Note the photo on the cover page and the wording; Bat Child.

Bats are also symbolic of transformation which transformation
is the storyline of the Batman franchise.

Also In this clip an older man mentions 500 dollars.
Again the number 5 meaning change in numerology.

12 Monkeys (7/10) Movie CLIP - The Great Escape

Ra1119bee said...


In the clip below titled: US Election 2024, note the News anchor
mentions Musk possibly playing a significant role
in the Trump administration
which Trump also mentions the very same thing at the rally
in Butler and in a statement (link below )
Check this out, copy and paste: ( little stars mine )

"Donald Trump has nominated billionaire Elon Musk
and venture capitalist Vivek Ramaswamy to ****lead
a newly created office*****
designed to fire workers and make drastic cuts
to government funding.

The men who could be leading an Office of Government Efficiency
— or DOGE,named after Musk’s favorite meme — “will pave the way
for my Administration to dismantle Government Bureaucracy,
slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures,
and restructure Federal Agencies — Essential to the ‘Save America; Movement,”
Trump said in a statement on Tuesday."

I bet the farm that if we ( America ) find ourselves ( after
several Black Swan events) in the beginning of a
'temporary' Triumvirate Governance,
Musk is going to be a very significant part of that Great Reset.

Also and last but not least,
I don't know if you're familiar with something in a VERY RARE
Astrological Natal Chart called a YOD,, but if you're not aware
of a Yod, do a bit of research about it as it's very thought provoking.

Elon Musk has a Yod in his chart, as does Donald Trump, as does
Barack Obama .
Steve Jobs, Princess Diana, Prince William and Harry
all also had/have Yods...... and believe or do I.
Perhaps you as well? ( link below )

We live in very interesting times....

Rocky II

Elon Musk full speech at Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania

US Election 2024: Donald Trump, Praises X Owner Elon Musk In Victory Speech

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...