Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The White Saint Valentine, pi, 11, and the bees of Thérèse

After the "Wreck of the Titan" sync in Whitley Strieber's interview with Rob and Trish MacGregor, I downloaded and started reading one of several book the MacGregors have written on synchronicity, 2010's The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, part of the sync awakening of 2009-2010.

Yesterday afternoon, I was reading the MacGregors' book in a café and got to the part where they talk about syncs involving seeing the same number again and again. They mentioned that 11, 11:11, 111, and other numbers of that type are a particularly prevalent theme for this sort of "cluster sync." The moment I read that, I noticed that the time was 3:14, and I had a very strong impression that that number, 314, was about to become a focus of synchronicity for me that day.

My first thought regarding 314 was the date March 14, which is the day before my birthday ("Is not tomorrow, boy, the Ides of March?") and is observed in Taiwan as "White Valentine's Day." I recast this in my mind as "the Feast of the White Saint Valentine" and began imagining what a saint of that description would have looked like. The common or garden St. Valentine was himself a White man, so someone distinguished from him as the White Saint Valentine must have been an even whiter shade of pale.

A football game was playing on the TV in the café, and the score was Steelers 3, Browns 7. Would the Browns score another 7 points, bringing the score to 3-14? I watched the game for a while, until the Steelers scored again and made the anticipated number impossible, though 3-14 did appear on the field a couple of times when the Steelers players with those respective jersey numbers happened to be next to each other. It began to snow heavily on the football field, reinforcing the "white" theme.

I left the café and walked a few blocks to a used bookstore. On my way, I passed this scooter parked on the sidewalk:

The above photo was taken at 3:30, just 16 minutes after my strong hunch that I'd start seeing 314 syncs. The numerals are written in white, too. Four minutes later, I passed a drugstore with this banner hung out in front of it:

Lots of repetitions of the numeral 1, just as I had been reading about when I had the 314 hunch. It's a promotion for November 11, which retailers have been trying to establish as Singles' Day, when you're supposed to buy gifts for yourself. It's illustrated with a whiter-than-White person, just like our imaginary saint.

As I continued walking, a poem randomly popped into my head: Saint Thérèse's bee poem, which I had translated into English back in May. I recited it in my mind as I walked:

See the little insect which is
Gathering its daily riches
In the morning hour.
Joyful, it the petals waketh,
Enters and the honey taketh,
Flies to the next flow'r.

Be thou, too, a bold collector,
Taking love in place of nectar,
All that thou canst hold.
Gather thou of all that pleases,
Off'ring up the whole to Jesus,
Little bee of gold!

At the bookstore, two books caught my eye. One was a book about Lenormand cartomancy, which I flipped through a bit. I noticed that in the Lenormand system, the Six of Hearts represents Stars. This made me think of the Rider-Waite Six of Cups (Cups being the Italian equivalent of the Anglo-French suit of Hearts), which features white star-shaped flowers. About a week ago, I had done a read for the next two months, which had indicated that the Six of Cups was a sign I should be on the lookout for.

This mental image of the Six of Cups, with the children gathering love and joy from flowers, like Thérèse's little golden bee, seemed to harmonize with the poem I had just been reciting to myself.

The other book that caught my eye was a novel by Lidia Yuknavitch called The Book of Joan, which looked to be a sci-fi reworking of the story of Joan of Arc. Joan always gets my attention, of course, and this was another link to the poem by Thérèse, who had a special devotion to Joan and wrote and starred in a play about her. (According to the Internet, the photos of Thérèse playing Joan are “the only known photographs of a canonized saint cosplaying as another saint.”)

I picked up The Book of Joan and, by chance, opened up to page 11. The first words on the page were, "See? This is pi." Pi, of course, is 3.14 -- the number that had attracted my attention as I was reading about syncs involving the number 11.

Recall that my first association with 314 had not been pi but rather the idea of a White Saint Valentine, who must have been whiter even than an ordinary White person. Now look what else is on that page, the page that begins with pi and ends with 11:

What is beyond whiteness? Will we become translucent, next? No one on Earth was ever literally white. But that construct kept race and class wars and myths alive. Up here we are truly, dully white. Like the albumen of an egg.

I'm not sure if the narrator is the "Joan" character or not, but if so we even have a whiter-than-White saint.

When I got home, I had a random craving for ice water with honey in it, which is not at all the sort of thing I normally drink. When I found the honey in a kitchen cabinet, the illustration on the bottle really caught my eye:

The flowers are white and shaped like five-pointed stars, exactly like those on the Six of Cups. There are three open flowers and three buds, for a total of six -- again the same number as on the Six of Cups. The position of the two bees mirrors that of the two children on the card. The honey label has a black triangle with a red circle at its base, while on the card the boy's red hood is right under the triangle-shaped roof of a building. I had already connected the Six of Cups with Thérèse's poem about a bee, and now here was a picture of actual bees closely paralleling the Six of Cups.

To top it all off, as I was writing this post I decided to look up Saint Valentine himself. He is, among other things, the patron of beekeepers.


Ra1119bee said...

Ok, this post REALLY got my attention!!
Thank you for posting it.

As you know I've commented about 11:11 a gazillion times
here on your blog.
In 2003 I had an 11:11 experience/dream.
In the experience/dream I recall
hearing a voice ( in my right ear ) say loudly:
Wake Up!! Wake Up!!! Look at the clock.
If the clock says 11:11 that means something!!!
I of course immediately woke up ( in a sweat)
and looked at the digital clock.
It read 11:31.

What was odd about that is in 2003 Marshall
and I were still working at our jobs
and to get a bit of snooze time after the alarm went off, we had
set the digital clock 20 minutes ahead, so in 'reality' the time
was 11:11.

I was off work that particular day which is why
I was napping at 11 o'clock in the morning or else
I would have normally been at work.

After my 11:11 experience/dream, I became obsessed
with that experience and the number 11.
Marshall and I had dial up internet(Yuck) at that time which
we got our computer in 1998.

I immediately got out of bed and on the computer
and googled 11:11 ( yes google was available in 2003).
However very little information was available as the internet
was in its infancy in 2003.
YoutTube wasn't launched until 2005.
Now when googling 11:11 a gazillion hits come up.

Like I say I became obsessed with the 11:11's meaning
and I spent a gazillion hours and many years
trying to find the answer.

It was because of the 11:11 dream,
my 2012 dream ( which I also had in2003 ) and all the gazillion
levitation dreams and paranormal dreams and experiences
including my 1997 Hale Bop dream, and my 1974 Past Life Reading
that in my desperation to find the connection,
I went to the Monroe Insititute in 2005.

Coincidently in one of our afternoon sessions at Monroe
the facilitator of the class mentioned that Robert
Monroe had a fascination with the number 11. I was shocked!!!
as I did not know that , as I no clue about the Monroe Insititute
before the dream in 2003.

What was odd is that before the afternoon session, at lunch
I was telling another Monroe student about my 11;11 dream
and that the 11:11 experience (and a gazillion others and dreams)
was the reason why I was at Monroe.

Suffice to say that at the afternoon session me and the other student
locked eyes when the facilitator spoke of Monroe and the number 11.

Throughout the years I've had many many 11:11 dreams and even
though more information is available online about 11:11, since
2003 nothing really clicked at least for me as far as
its meaning until recently.

Now I see 11;11 Everywhere. It's in movies ( a LOT)
. It was in the movie with Nick Cage called Knowing.
I think I commented about that on your blog a year
or so ago.

Also course anything having to do with the letter K, catches
my attention as well because of course the letter K
is the 11the letter in the alphabet.
Especially two K's and the word OK(which Donald Trump
makes the OK hand and finger gestures sign quite a bit),

And just tonight while trying to find the one article that
I recently found that I believe explains the meaning of 11:11
that resonates most with me, when lo and behold
I found this new website (which I had not seen before)
and it connects with your guy Tolken AND PI.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Again, keep in mind that I just found this website
this morning ( 11/27) after reading your post.
Copy and paste: ( link below )
J.R. Tolkien, in his timeless classic Lord of the Rings,
said that the number “Eleventy-one (111) is a rather curious
number and a very respectable age for a hobbit.”
The number 111 is a number that is pregnant with meaning as we will see."
In this article it also mentions 314 and PI and oddly enough
in Oct 25 2014 I had a dream I titled 314 and Brea which I'll share
in another comment.

But getting back to 11 :11 and what I believe its meaning, at least
to me is this: I believe that 11:11 means the battle of opposite
power polarities.
Positive vs Negative aka Good vs Evil. The 11's aka EL's aka
Shining Ones which I believe exist
on this planet have gained the Siddhis powers which I've commented
a gazillion times about on your blog. Levitation , clairvoyance
and telepathy are all Siddhis powers.

I believe that the 11's are at the tip top of the pyramid
and they work for the Eights who, the 8's are the one Eye
in the detached capstone. The 11's work for the Eights.
I also believe that there is also a battle between the Eights.
The 8's too are Positive vs Negative.
For every negative there is a positive of course
we all know that.
8 vs 8 or 88. ( 88 :the KEYS of a piano ).
The piano. music and vibration/frequency as I'm sure you know
is very significant to our existence here on this duality planet.
As I've mentioned my grandmother Sarah played the piano.

What's really odd is that I recently found( randomly)
a 2020 movie on Prime video
titled : Infinite. When I saw this movie several days ago,
I couldn't believe how this movie describes EXACTLY
what I've come to believe about not
only me personally regarding the Siddhis Powers
but especially how it connects just about all of my puzzle pieces
together to form the big picture which answers
the WHYS, at least for me.

It even connects the hidden meaning
of OScar. Again recall my comment about my Nov 22, 2018 dream
which I titled Oscar. It's the Oscar dream that led me ( in research)
to Switzerland and Greenland and WHO are the EIGHTS.

It was because of my Oscar dream research which led
me to the Eight Point Star of Ishtar and
how I found, what I believe to be its significance and hidden

This movie also delves into not only reincarnation, which I know
you do not believe in, but hiddenly explains my puzzle pieces
of falling down ( into the bitter sea) the sword ( which I recently
commented about) and the Twin El's 11:11
and what I believe to be their battle during an upcoming
upheaval that I believe will transform humanity ( Transhumanism),
which again please read my previous post about Musk and Neuralink.

The Infinite's logo is the Eight loop representing Infiniity of course.
the Infinites ( both 11's ) work for the Eights but for
different objectives. The El's tap the same power source.
Like Twins and duality itself, the EL's are the same but different,
and that is the same for the Eights as well.

This movie also connects with my recent find (which I found BEFORE
the movie) about the Yod in my astrological chart. Recall
I commented about the significance of the Yod in a previous
A Yod is a very rare placement. Donald Trump
has a Yod in his natal chart as does Elon Musk, Steve Jobs,
Barack Obama, Princess Diana and her sons Harry and William,
Michael Jordan, Prince , RaFari1119bee :-)) and many others.

If you get a chance, check out the movie.

Infinite | Official Trailer | Prime Video

INFINITE Official Trailer (Mark Wahlberg)

Tolkien 11 reference here:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, that's wild that the 111 post also has so much about pi. I've never seen those two numbers connected before.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, it's interesting that your comment about 11:11 included "Wake up!! Wake up!!" I read about 11:11 syncs in a book by MacGregor and MacGregor -- the name Gregor ultimately deriving from the Greek for "wake up." Besides the etymology, there's another link in Kafka's famous opening sentence, "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect."

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Kafka is also a link to K and therefore to 11. The protagonist of The Castle is known simply as K, and the 2002 movie K is based on some of Kafka's short works. The protagonist of The Trial is called Josef K. In the Bible, Joseph is the 11th son of Jacob, so that's a double 11.

Ra1119bee said...

Thank you for sharing this with me.

 'Dem sync Faries be busy, no?

Ra1119bee said...

I found another interesting Odd connection which connects 11 to not only
the Twin Towers but to Donald Trump as well.
The Twins( duality ) are extremely significance in this dimension, which
is why I've 'predicted' and that I really believe that there is going to
be a very huge event at the twin Golden Gates ( San Fran and Jerusalem)
which will usher in the Great Reset aka The Age of Aquarius.
The Twin Towers were symbolic of the Silver Gate.
The Freedom Tower which replaced the Twin Towers
is symbolic of ' E. Pluribus Unum '.
The Alchemical 'marriage' of Opposites.
Black/White , Male/Female

And speaking of Trump, check out what he says
about 'not touching the oil and gas'. ( link below )
Marshall called this to my attention as Marshall
said that Trump has said that very same thing
quite a bit at his rally's.

Why is that a connection to anything you ask?
"And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living
creature saying, Come. And I saw, and behold, a black horse;
and he who sits on it had a balance in his hand.
And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures
saying: A choenix of wheat for a denarius and three choenixes
of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."
The shrinking of food products in the US is very real
and noticeable. Most all packaging and food inside the packaging
is noticeably smaller, which is what the weighing of wheat
and barley means, at least to me. Prices especially for food
are crazy insane, which in addition to all the wicked historic
weather especially flooding and droughts, famine is inevitable, IMHO.

Not touching the oil and wine means IMO, not to disturb
the power and luxury of the elite/King.
Recall I sent you the video about the black and white horse
running in London last year. ( relink below)

The red horse , IMHO, is/was Kamala. Recall
I commented about my perspective regarding Kamala's
big horse teeth neighing laugh.
Kamala is symbolic of Lakshmi ( the Reddening)

The Rubedo is the fourth and final stage of the
Alchemical Transformation, which is why,I believe
that Kamala was selected to be on the world stage
at this time in history.

Donald Trump is Cyrus and was selected
for that very reason to be Cyrus, both
in 2016 and in 2024, because like Cyrus
Trump is going to help Israel when the 'big
event at the Golden Gate happens in Jerusalem
which that 'same' event will happen at the Golden
Gate in San Fran as well.
Remember that chant?

Note the K in Kamala's name and the K in Cyrus's
name ( note : C and K are interchangeable )

Donald Trump and the Twin Towers


Blood-covered Household Cavalry horses run loose through London

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
Also regarding 314.
314 also adds up to eight. Also your mention
of whiter shade of pale was interesting because I have been wondering
why the Pale Horse ( the fourth and final horse of the horseman)
hasn't made its appearance yet.

Of course two four's ( as in the Four Horseman)
equals 8. Barack Obama was the 44th POTUS,
and Trump 45=9 and Trump 47=11. 9-11.

Here is my 314 dream which I had on Oct 25, 2014

314 and Beriah


I had an interesting dream today… the dream is as follows..
I can’t recall all of this dream, but I remember that I was in a car
and someone else was driving. We were looking for guy ,
whom I wanted to send some correspondence to
as I had seen him on a television newscast
and I was in agreement with what he was saying
( I don’t recall what that was , however)…

As we were driving I saw the guy and I saw him go into a house.
As we drove past, I saw the number of the house was 314…
We then continued on across a bridge and for some reason
pulled over on the side of the road.
At this point I felt the person driving was Marshall.
He got out of the car and I stayed inside with our new dog.

Now ( in reality we have just adopted a new dog named Jacob
after the passing over of Choc**our other dog ).
The dog in the car I felt to be Jake, although he didn’t quite look
like him. This dog look somewhat like Jake ,
but this dog was a puppy, and Jake is about 2 years old.

Anywho, I was sitting in the car with the dog
and a White guy looked into the car and commented on Jake.
I told the guy that Marshall and I had just adopted Jake
from a Shelter in Madison County
( through the prison program (which that was true in real life).

The guy came into the car (which I felt uneasy about) and held Jake
and Jake began licking his face. The White guy said that Jake
was a type of Breed that started with a B…
It was an unusual name of breed, one that I’d never heard of before
and I recall wondering how it was spelled.. I thought it might had been
spelled Bendral or Brea or something similar
I woke up
As you can imagine I did a gazillion hours of research especially
concerning the name Brea.
As far as Jacob in the dream, in reality Jacob is a mixed with
Beagle and Husky, so he is really not a breed of dog at all.

Because the name Jacob means Israel in Hebrew there
may be some significance there, especially at this time in history
but I really didn't get a sense of Jacob being symbolic of Israel
at the time of the dream in 2014. I think I discovered that Jacob means
Isarel after researching the symbolism in the dream. Jacob was named
by the inmate who trained him at the prison as many Animal
Shelters in the US have a prison program to help not only the inmates
but also helps the canine(K9 another K connection!!)
learn commands and also to help facilitate the canine into daily
activities. which of course helps us, the adopters.
So Win Win Win.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Actually the shelter had initially named Jacob , Falcon, which
was the name listed in the sheler's online site.
I didn't like that name at all.

Another odd incident that interestingly connects
to the 314 Brea dream was something that I just found
out in Oct of this year.

I am on for several years now
and have been very intrigued with my family
linage and finding all kinds of eye opening info.

On my parental side, in my father's linage are a family
from the Netherlands, a wealthy family named the Van Meters.
There is a city in Iowa that was founded by the Van Meters.

The Van Meters owned thousands of acres in America including
in Kentucky which of course KY was my father's branch
of the Van Meters.
In the Van Meter's wiki page, check out the Van Meter Visitor
which is a story about a bat.

If you're familiar with the 2002 movie the The Mothman Prophecies ,
the Van Meter Visitor story is very similar.

When I read that about the Van Meter Visitor bat,
I immediately thought
hmmmm, "That's Odd", as Marshall and I have been 'visited too
by bats coming into our house for at least 25 year or so.

Agan keep in mind I just found out about my Van Meter family
only a couple of months ago.

The bats don't all come into the house at once,
and there is NOT a nest, as we already checked.
Plus we don't have an attic.
What's odd is that when they do show up , not long after something
dramatic happens in her household.
The last bat that came into the house was
a month before Jacob died.

Also we live in a log home and the ceilings are log beams,
which oddly enough when the bats ' hang out' in our bedroom
they do so right above where I sleep.
I also thought interesting that there was a bridge
in my Brea dream which I believe bridges are portals.
I did a google search of Iconic bridges in Netherlands
and found the Natuurbrug Zanderij Crailoo.

The bridge in the dream was just a regular
bridge in a city. I didn't get the sense that the bridge
was in the Netherlands, however, I did find it
interesting that the Natuurrug bridge is one
which serves the passage of animals especially
deer, and oddly enough the name Oscar means
deer. ( see link )

And last but not least, and speaking of Bats , Dark Magas
Vampires and Falcons Oh My!
Check out all of these weird connections (see links)

' I don't know about you William
but 'dem syn Faires be wearing me out ;-(((,_Iowa

PROCOL HARUM - A Whiter Shade Of Pale

Leo said...

Funny, on the same day as your post my brother sent me a video about a “pi” indicator that predicts the highs and lows of Bitcoin cycles. The formula for this indicator includes a 111 day moving average which struck me as oddly specific. Why 111 days but not 110 or 112? I don’t really think the indicator is all that valid but it made your post stand out when i read it the next day.

Ra1119bee said...

I googled the MacGregor's book and found the information below.
I wasn't aware of the MacGregor's work, but what I found
interesting in the description ( see link )
is what I've been commenting about
for the last 3 years on your blog.

Especially this part:
copy and paste
"You'll learn to interpret the meaning of the signs you encounter
every day, and use such tools as the tarot, I-Ching, and astrology
****to understand your past, inform your present,
and guide your future*****..

and this part :
Synchronicity is the *****universal language of transformation*****
- and its ******secrets reveal how you can live a life rich in
fulfillment and meaning and wonder.******

With this enlightening guide, you'll learn to read the signs
all around you and**** transform your world**** - one amazing
synchronicity at a time!

and this part:
And once we recognize synchronicities as meaningful,
they**** open us to new information, new possibilities.******

The wording 'new information, new possibilities' mirrors
what I've commented about as far as seeing things from a vast
spectrum of ideologies and not just one track.
I think the paranormal doesn't allow us any other option
in that regard. It forces us to Wake Up and think
differently, at least it has for me.

I selected the three thoughts above taken from the paragraphs
in the link, and I added the 'little stars ' because
IMO, these thoughts help to make my point
which I've been commenting
about for a very long time which is :
tapping our Third Eye so as to access our
intuition to source the Universal Language of symbolism,
numerology/gematria and archetypes.

I believe that the Universal Language holds the Key
to our existence in this duality dimension, as you may recall
I've commented on so many times.

What little I've been able to find online about the MacGregors
work, mirrors my perspective to a T
and I've come to the same conclusion as the MacGregors
as far as using this information as a tool to help navigate
through this landscape we find ourselves in, also known
as The World Stage.

And while some people may say that they
don't involve themselves in politics, I would beg to differ
because EVERYTHING is political in this illusion duality dimension
and it effects All of Us in some way shape or form, whether
we 'like it' or not.

To have foresight, especially where it concerns
a changing landscape, is a powerful gift because
if nothing else it means that we can change direction.
Applied knowledge is freedom.

IMO, puzzle pieces are given to us for a reason and it is our
( humanity collectively ) responsibility to share that knowledge
with our fellow man/woman to help us All evolve.
Aren't we our brother's keepers?

I've added the MacGregor's book to my Amazon cart.
Thank you for sharing it on your blog.

When only the goblins are out

In a comment on " Drill, baby, drill! " Bill writes, referring to my posts about the poem by Christina Rossetti: The last, and it ...