Wednesday, November 6, 2024

I gotta admit

I haven't been invested in this election cycle at all, certainly nothing at all like 2020. This time around, I've maintained a curmudgeonly detachment, and so, for the most part, have the sync fairies. Still, I've got to admit, despite everything . . .

Feels good, man.

Maybe part of it is being belatedly vindicated for what I wrote in 2021:

My absolute confidence in this has recently been confirmed yet again in as unambiguous a manner as I could have asked for. Yes, I know no one else believes that. Yes, I know it seems utterly impossible at this point. Nevertheless, it is true. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but Donald J. Trump will serve his second term.

You don't see it? Well, why should that surprise you? You're not supposed to see the future.

Still, I caution everyone not to get their hopes up and not to give in to cheap this-worldly optimism. Remember the first rule of politics: They never keep their promises.


Kristor said...

You got me with the meme of Bono. Coffee all over my keyboard.

It is indeed a huge relief that Trump won. It's not so much that everything will be great now, as that we have averted total cultural discatastrophe.

A said...

As an American in a "blue" county, I saw the same in general. Very few "Trump" signs compared to 2020, but election day there was a much longer line of blue-collar males than I witnessed in 2020.

I think Trump supporters respond to the anti-Trump violence by simply not publicizing their views. The left didn't really care about Kamala (or whoever) at all, they just really hated Trump.

The best I can guess at is more like a "quiet rage", sort of unhappiness and turnout. I don't think people really believed Trump would win or that he is a savior or any such thing, or that there wouldn't be a massive stolen fraud again - but two assassination attempts, being belittled nonstop, mocked, etc. people are disgusted and want to express it a non-violent outlet.

I wonder when the media city riots will start again, or if the incumbents will try to initiate WW3 before handing over the office.

Leo said...

I find myself thoroughly relieved. I'm far more excited about RFK, Tulsi, Musk, Vance, Vivek supposedly being on his team than I am about Trump himself. I'm also cautiously optimistic that two assassination attempts have maybe blunted the man's ego enough that he will let capable people do what he originally claimed: drain the swamp. But probably his ego will win the day and crafty deep state folks will flatter him once again into the same blunders from his first presidency.

Regardless, I am happy to take my chances w Trump than that truly awful combo of Harris-Walz. My god, what a cluster that would have been!

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

The play is not over yet, Mrs. Lincoln.

" If something happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way'.
--- FDR

The Eagle has Landed..

We (humanity )live in unprecedented times and it's only just begun.

Read Strauss and Howe's Fourth Turning
and research Pluto in Aquarius. Do note Pluto went into Aquarius last year.
We are shifting ages. From the Industrial Age to the Silicon Age
and metaphysically from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

And some may say: I don't believe in all that 'astrology metaphysical stuff".
And I would respond : It doesn't matter whether you
believe in all that stuff or not.
The Eights and 11's believe in it and truth be told, whether we like it
understand it, ignore it, believe it or not, in this duality dimension,
the 8's and 11' are at the helm of this ship.
And for that reason only, and IMO
it behooves us to at least be aware of the 8's and 11's

Copy and paste: ( link below )

"Pluto in Aquarius represents a transformation, upheaval,
and revolution in technology, innovation, and societal structures
. As the planet of profound transformation,
Pluto’s energy helps to bring about profound changes,
while Aquarius’ focus on intellect,
social progress, and humanitarianism encourages
new ways of thinking and collaboration."

There was a reason why Trump 'went' off the rails in the last
months and weeks as far as the recent 'stunts' frying fries with Ronald McDonald, remarks about Arnold Palmer's genitalia, recent remarks
about his (Trump's): pretty White skin.

Ask yourself William,
does everything that has happened in the last few decades
especially where it concerns politics and the US Presidency
make sense to you?

IMHO, Kamala Harris was shoved on the world stage for one reason and
one reason only. She is America's Rubedo.
Cackles (Kamala ) (symbolically) was selected at this time
in history to be symbolic of The Red Horse of the Horsemen.
Didn't Cackles toothy 'neigh' laughter look like a horse to you?
It does to me.

Kamala wearing her pearls and NovaH1 earrings.
Check out Kamala's SNL (Saturday Night Live) stunt this
past weekend.
The actress who 'plays' Kamala on SNL is Maya Rudolph.
Maya is Biracial, her mother was Minnie Ripperton a singer in the disco era
of the 1970's. Minnie Ripperton's biggest hit being "Lovin' You.'
(see link )

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Check out the meaning of the word Maya,
copy and paste from wiki:
"In the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy, māyā, "appearance"
, is "the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that
the phenomenal world is real"
Recall my many comments about the illusion of this duality dimension.
And speaking of duality, in the SNL clip do you really think this
was just a funny skit between twin sistas?
Listen to the dialogue between the "sistas", including
pointing out Kamala's toothy cackles.

In the skit, isn't it interesting that Maya says : "take my Palmala.

Who is connected to the palm in Roman Mythology?
All Rhodes lead to Home, Om and Rome.

copy and paste:
"Nike alone was winged. She sometimes appears carrying a palm branch,
wreath, or Hermes’ staff as the messenger of victory.
Nike is also portrayed erecting a trophy or, frequently, hovering with
****outspread wings**** over the victor in a competition, for her functions
referred to *****success not only in war*** but in all undertakings."
As I'm sure you know, Deborah in the Bible is also
connected to the Palm tree(see link)

I 'little star'ed' the reference to Nike 's outspread wings"
and the wording 'success not only in war' for a reason.
Recall my recent The Eagle has Landed' dream and the large
wingspan of the eagle.
Recall I mentioned the eagle's silvery blue underbelly.
Look at the 'sista's color of their pant suits.

Twin sista's wearing pearls, pears being symbolic
of the moon and water and the female.
Pearls also 'shine'.
Recall my recent comments about The Shinning.

Also check this out: (note my 'little stars')
"In ancient Vedic texts, the pearl is born of the Earth's waters
and the heaven's powers, ****fertilized by a flash of lightning.****
It's considered to be the daughter of the Moon.
In Western cultures, the pearl has astrological associations
with the planet Venus.
Like pearls, the goddess of love came from the sea

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3
Think all of this is a coincidence?
Recall my many comments about Barack Obama ushering
in (during the Great Reset which I believe we are on the precipice
now ) a Triumvirate Governance.

The word Barak means: LIGHTING.
copy and paste from wiki: ( link below)
"Barak (Hebrew: בָּרָק Bārāq, "lightning") is a masculine name
of Hebrew origin. It appears in the biblical Book of Judges
as the name of the Israelite general Barak,
who alongside Deborah led an attack against
the forces of King Jabin of Hazor."

"The Semitic root B-R-Q has the meaning "to shine"; "lightning"
And speaking of the moon, recall I shared my 2014 Moon River
dream and the chaos in that dream about the Moon disappearing
(which created the chaos)
and then the moon reappearing only to begin a slow
descent and splash into the water.

Recall all of my Falling Down comments here on your blog,
especially my recent Eagle has Landed dream with
the Eagle descending (landing ) on the dome of the Capitol Building.
The dome is the woman's womb.

All Rhoads lead to Home, Om and Rome.

Also in Leave the World Behind there is much deer symbolism.
Recall I shared my 2018 Oscar dream.
Not only does the name Oscar in the Maritime
International signal flags means O for Oscar
meaning Man Overboard but also the name
Oscar means' deer'.
Copy and paste from wiki :
"The name is derived from two elements in Irish: the first,
os, means "deer"; the second element, car, means
"loving" or "friend", thus "deer-loving one" or "friend of deer".
Of course I'm certain that you are very familiar with the Stag
In Tolkien's work and Norse mythology, no?

Everything is connected William.

A Black Swan event is something that happens out of the ordinary
and SUDDENLY, much like lightning.

I understand that you don't have Netflix,
but perhaps some of your readers do?

If you get an opportunity do check out the 2023 Netflix's
apocalyptic movie Leave the World Behind
bankrolled by the Obamas with Barack serving as consultant.

Note all the BLUE in that movie.( see trailer).

Also in the ending clip ( link below ) listen to the character
George H. Scott talking to Clay. Listen to Scott explaining
'the 3 stages'.
I believe that Scott's character is Obama cloaked.

Everything that George Scott says in this clip, I've predicted
over 20 years ago as far as how.... but more importantly
why, I believe the future will unfold not only globally
but especially for America.

I believe that we ( in America) are at the end aka Rubedo
of America's Alchemical Experiment and unfortunately
I don't think I'm the only one who believes that.
The 8's and 11's are steering the ship towards that
destination and it ( The New Atlantis) was always the plan.
E. Pluribus Unum

Ra1119bee said...

Part 4

Ask yourself William,
do you really think that Barack doesn't know all of this "stuff" ?
Better yet, why would a former POTUS consult on,
and bankroll a movie about an apocalyptic
future that begins with a cyberattack?

If the world loses the power grid( which of course
the power grid being part and parcel of technology) it's game over.
I think we all can agree with that.
Even Rod Serling try to warn us this in his Twilight
Zone episode titled; The Monsters are Due on
Maple Street ( see ending clip below )

Recall my many comments about my perspective
about technology and the Big Picture.

And last but not least, note in the SNL clip, the twin sista's
white and pink roses.
Ever hear of the Alchemical wedding? ( see link below )
When mixed with white, red becomes Pink.

Connect the puzzle pieces.
We ain't seen nothing yet.

Kamala Harris Appears on ‘Saturday Night Live’ Before Election Day

Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer

Leave the World Behind (2023) - HD Ending Scene

Minnie Riperton - Lovin' You

End Scene Twilight Zone - Monsters Due on Maple Street

Ra1119bee said...


I also just thought of this, which I've commented many times
before on your blog and that is SNL's Halloween Skit 2021 with Jim Carry playing Joe Biden, which coincidently has not only a Raven connection,
but a Blue Moon connection and if you look behind the door, you'll see
a drawing of a STAG!!

I just saw the drawing today, which I was revisiting all of these Maya Rudolph
connections. 'Obiden' mentions the number 8 as well.
There is also symbolism of Pan the Goat in the hallow-eve decorations
as well.
Also Kamala ( Maya Rudolph) is wearing pearls even back then.

And speaking of Maya Rudolph and pearls, do check out
the video link of Maya's mother Minnie Ripperton singing Lovin' You.
(link below)
Note what appears to be tiny little pearls in Minnie's hair.
Wow, what a coincidence!

Also even as I speak I'm looking at Kamala Harris concession speech
and lo and behold she is wearing a very dark almost indigo pant
suit. (see link)

Recall in one of my comments
on your blog I 'predicted' Kamala would be wearing
( at either her inauguration or the rally after her nomination)
a purple phoenix color pant suit.

Her dark indigo pant suit worn today( while not at her inauguration)
I will say this : IMO, we ain't seen the last of Kamala
and her 'twin' Obama.

You wrote : "You're not supposed to see the future."
My response: I beg to differ.

Kamala Harris concedes to Donald Trump: 'We accept the results'

Biden Halloween Cold Open - SNL

Minnie Riperton - Lovin' You

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot the link about the symbolism
of pearls. ( see below)

Also I want to add further commentary
regarding the Twilight Zone: Monsters
are Due on Maple Street episode.
In the video clip, which is the ending of the episode,
listen to the 'alien's speak about the experiment
results always being the same which is :
people turning against each other.

What the aliens don't say, but insinuate, is that humans
especially in the West (and modern day survival ) are
wholly dependent on the conveniences of electricity
and more so now on technology and that anything
or any one group of people who are perceived to threaten
that existence will become whipping boys.

Hope( optimism, which includes the American Dream)
and Fear are two sides of the same coin.

Do note that is EXACTLY what the George Scott character
says in Leave the World Behind which is people
blaming and killing each other in chaotic times.
A house divided cannot stand.

The new phoenix that will come out of the firestorm
is and has always been Artificial Intelligence.

This has all been planned.
America was always destined to be destroyed Economically
at the Shifting of Ages because of advancement
in A I.
Now we ( humanity, collectively) have become the whipping boy
because our human labor is no longer needed.

IMO, we are on the precipice of the End of the American

Once again here are both clips
Leave the World Behind (2023) - HD Ending Scene

End Scene - Monsters Due on Maple Street

Ra1119bee said...


Another oops, my bad.
I wrote in my previous comment:Nike in Roman mythology,
of course should have been Nike in Greek mythology.

However my overall connection to my Eagle Has Landed dream
still applies IMO, as far as : ****outspread wings****
over the victor in a competition *****success not only in war***
but in all undertakings.

I don't think that Palmala reference by Maya Rudolph in the
SNL skit was a coincidence.
So whether referring to the Greek Nike or perhaps the
Roman Victoria, I believe the winged women of triumph
and in ****all undertakings**** is the Key here.
Copy and paste:
"Victoria's coin images and cult images are probably based
on an original cult image used in her temple.
Her cult images show her in the attitude of a winged woman
who steps forwards, supported on a globe, and holds aloft
(or offers) a wreath or a palm-branch, not symbols of war
but of triumph, and a peace that was consequent to victory."
One might say that even if in the SNL skit Kamala was being
made the archetype of Nike or Victoria it really doesn't apply
because Kamala didn't 'win' her intended battle, but again I beg to differ.

IMO, the election results wasn't about who 'won' the presidential battle.
The ***undertakings*** are the big picture, not the battle.
The intended goal is yet to be won.

IMO, Kamala's role and undertakings was/is to create chaos and to help further Divide and Conquer, a necessary element
to justify the upcoming Great Reset which of course
has always been the intended goal.

As the character George H. Scott ( Obama cloaked) says
in the movie, Leave the world Behind,
(and unfortunately I agree) that the intended goal is
and has always been a coup d'état.

If you recall in my2014 Moon River dream, it was the absence
of the Moon that triggered the chaos and when the moon appeared
again, the people began to believe everything would be alright
and return to normal.
However the moon once again began
to slowly descend and crash into the water.
I think that is what happened on Nov 5
and in my Eagle has Landed dream when
the bird landed on the Capitol's Dome.

The American Empire has accomplished its goal.

And speaking of Moons and Eagles and Apollos and 11's OH MY! ,
Buzz Aldrin, the Lunar Module Eagle pilot,
also endorsed Trump for the 47th POTUS.

Many American's believe that we dodged a bullet on Nov 5
and that the Orange/Golden Boy Trump symbolic of Apollo
saved the day and won the battle.

What many Americans are perhaps not realizing is
that winning the battle is not the same as winning the war.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 1
And speaking of Palm Trees, Moon-keys (43 Monkeys),
Osiris' Penis , Tristars and Ishtars, Oh My!

Check this out.
I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but 43 Rhesus macaque
monkeys escaped from the Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center
in Yemassee, South Carolina, on Nov. 6.
How does this connect to my recent commentary
about Kamala you ask?

South Carolina's nickname is The Palmetto State.
Charleston on the 33 degree parallel had a very significance part
of the slave triangle and served as a port of entry for the Transatlantic
Slave trade.

Do note that 'ritual's are done on the ley line, 33 degree parallel.
Dallas Fort Worth is on the 33 as is Roswell NM as is Rancho Santa Fe
which was the mansion of the Heavens Gate mass suicide.
Another iconic ritual took place on the 33
which was Bel-Air ( Baal Air) in Holmby Hills were Michael Jackson
was' put to sleep'.

Interestingly the plot in the movies 12 Monkeys and the Dawn of
the Planet of the Apes are about monkeys and research facilities.
In 12 monkeys the storyline centers around a virus as well.

Recall my previous comments on the movie 12 Monkeys on your blog.
The connection to my previous comment about my Moon River
dream puzzle piece however is that in the dream, it was the moon,
(moon-key) that ignited the chaos.

Also in my previous comment, I connected the moon with pearls
and Kamala wearing pearls and her NovaHI pearl earrings.

The Palm tree (which is not only South Carolina's state tree ) but
the Palm is also associated with the Greek Nike, Roman Victoria and
Deborah in the Bible.

In Kamala's connection, Maya Rudloph recently
made reference to Palmala in the SNL skit on Nov 2.
Recall my previous comment about what I believe is the significance
of that particular bread and circuses.

Palm Sunday may also have a connection as well
as far as the big picture.
Of course Palm Sunday being a holy day celebrating Jesus riding
a donkey into Jerusalem.
A donkey is the mascot of the Democratic 'party'.

The world Mulatto copy and paste:
The English term and spelling mulatto is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese mulato.
It was a common term in the Southeastern United States
during the era of slavery.
Some sources suggest that it may derive from the Portuguese word mula
(from the Latin mūlus), meaning 'mule', the hybrid offspring
of a horse and a donkey."
If indeed Kamala is ' half Black, she would be considered a Mulatto,
especially in the Black Community.
As I've shared I personally do not think of Kamala as a Black person,
and I bet the farm neither does she nor Obama think
of themselves as Black.
Most Black people certainly don't think of Kamala as Black.

However, my perspective about Kamala being the Red Horse
of the 4 Horsemen might be spot on as the 'marriage'
of the horse and donkey, produces the mule.
It's the mule who does all the heavy carrying.

Also recall the meme's last year of Kamala and the coconut palm
tree.( see link )
I also found this etymology of coconut interesting especially
where it refers to 'grinning and moon-key (monkey)
Copy and paste:
coco (n.)
"palm tree," 1550s, from Spanish and Portuguese coco
"grinning or grimacing face," on resemblance of the
three depressions at the base of the shell to a monkey
or human face. The earlier word for it was the Latinized
form cocus, which sometimes was Englished as cocos."

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3
The Palm leaf also symbolizes triumph and again please
recall my recent comment about the Greek Nike
and Roman Victora and Palmala ( Kamala ) and
Undertakings are the big picture of the puzzle.

When the puzzle is completed, it's mission accomplished.
copy and paste the meaning of the idiom,
The Eagle has Landed:

"Someone or something has arrived; something's been done.
The phrase was famously said by US astronaut Neil Armstrong
when the Eagle Lunar Lander landed on the moon in 1969."

Also, in the movie 12 Monkeys Jeff (played by Brad Pitt)
not only speaks of escape (see link marked A) but also
speaks of 'nuts'.( see link B)
Note the coco-nut connection.

In the first part of the mental institution clip, note the
cartoon character (a monkey perhaps)
on the tree limb and also what's interesting
is that Jeffery refers to the illusion of society as playing
games and being a consumer as a major part of the game.

Of course, the part of the game as consumer connects
to my puzzles pieces and prediction of the End of the American
Empire via The American Dream which economics
is part and parcel to the American Dream.

Also in both12 Monkey clips below
note that the number 5 is referenced.
Recall I've comment on the number 5 many times before on
your blog. The number 5 in numerology is the number
of change/transformation.

My 2014 Moon River dream also had reference to 50
(which I felt in the dream 50 meant some type of gun(firearm).

In the west, America is experiencing devastating fires,
and in the east devastating rains.
Note the 1970 James Taylor song Fire and Rain
is a song about loss and endings.( see link )
Also in the lyrics is mentioned Susanna which in Hebrew
means Lily.
Recall my previous comments about my dream titled: Suzy.

Part 3

A Phoenix ( a bird who 'transforms( changes) is known as
a Fire Bird.
There is also a Palm plant called Phoenix ( see link )

Also, you posted the Shadilay video which in its lyrics
not only has reference to escape but also
to the number 5 as well.

On many social media platforms are news stories of Americans
fleeing the US because of Trump's recent 'win'. (see link)

Note in both 12 Monkey clips it's the 'nigredo' who introduces
James (played by Bruce Willis) to Jeffery.
Another nigredo in the second clip ( clip B )is named L. J Washington.
El ( L ) is wearing formal attire of black and white which
black and white is a very significant part of Freemasonry.

In Roman numerals the number 5 is V.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 4

V is also symbolic of the peace sign, which the peace sign
is the sign of the three stars or Tristar aka the Triquetra.

Copy and Paste ( link below)
"The Triquetra (or Trinity Knot) is an ancient triangular symbol of three
interlocked arcs (or Vesica Piscis). Originating from the Latin term “Triquetrus,” which means “three-cornered,” this symbol
primarily represents triplicities,
or concepts that exist in threes. For instance, Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Often, a circle surrounds the Triquetra, symbolizing the concepts
of eternity, the cycle of life, and the unity of its three elements.

The Triquetra is constructed by overlapping three circles
in a way that each circle’s circumference passes
through the centers of the others."

Recall my many comments about the Law of the Three.
Also note that the Triquetra consists of overlapping circles.
Of course circles are rings.
Tree rings are growth rings.

I also read that trees are very significance in Tolkien's work
especially the oak tree.
Recall my pervious comment about acorns and oak trees
and the old oak tree near our ( Marshall and I's )house.

Why does the Tristar connect to Osiris' penis you ask?
Because the Washington Monument which is symbolic
of Osiris' penis is in the center of a Vesica Piscis.
The Vesica Piscis of course consists of three rings(circles).

Recall my recent comments about the Washington Monument
and the Capital Dome.

Also and speaking of Kamala who is symbolic of Lakshmi
the Rubedo, the Eight point star of Ishtar and Easter's Eostre, Oh My!
do note that lo and behold Lakshmi/Kamala
also has an Eight Point Star connection
known as an octagram( see links below)

Also in Norse Mythology and the number 8
Copy and paste:
"In Norse mythology, Vegvísir and the Helm of Awe are both powerful symbols that have ***eight arms***, and each arm has a unique shape.

Translating as ‘way finder’, the Vegvísir was carried
(mainly by explorers and seafarers)
to provide guidance on journeys, especially to avoid getting lost
in bad weather."

Ra1119bee said...


Part 5

And last but not least and speaking of eight arms,
recall I commented about
the Beatles and their movie Help. The original working title
of Help was: Eight Arms to Hold You.

If you don't think the Beatles have an 'occult' connection,
you might want to research the Beatles, Tavastock
and Theodor W. Adorno.

My point being???
Everything is Connected...

Excellent thought provoking info about star symbolism

A. 12 Monkeys great escape( reference to moon-key)
Twelve Monkeys - The mental institution
James Taylor - Fire and Rain

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
First of all I apologize for these gazillion comments :-(
However ideas just come to me out of the 'blue'
and if any of my "blue moon ideas" connect with
any other of my gazillion puzzle pieces, I feel compelled
to share the new puzzle piece especially If I believe
the new puzzle piece helps to make my point or validates
my theory as far as my perspective and especially my predictions
about what and more importantly the why of what
is unfolding on the world stage.

My recent blue moon spark is about Elon Musk.
As stated on many of my previous comments
my prediction about someone from the technology sector
will be chosen as one of the triumvirs in the New Atlantis.

The New Atlantis being ushered in by
the Lightening Barak Obama aka George H. Scott
in the movie Leave the World Behind.
George meaning GEO- Earth Tiller. Someone who tills
the soil so as to plant new seed.

Note that Donald Trump is also a Great Scott!! via
his mother's Scottish lineage.

Check out the clips below.
EL-on joins Trump at Trump's second rally in Butler PA.
Recall my many comments about Butler PA
being on the 40th parallel north and 77 meridian west.
Recall my comments about the significance of the 40 latitude
and 77 longitude .

Interestingly when Elon 'joins' Trump on center stage,
El-on begins jumping up and down and when he speaks
he describes himself as the 'DARK MAGA'.

Elon's antics somewhat reminds me of ROCKY Balboa
(played by Sylvester Stallone)
in the 1976 movie Rocky and its iconic Philidelphia PA
victory steps scene (see link)

In the Trump rally clips listen to Trump emphasizes
the word rocket.
Of course a rocket is also a phallic symbol.

Recall my recent comments about Trump's speech in Latrobe
PA (Latrobe also on the 40 lat and 77 longitude).
It was in Latrobe where Trump mentions the size of
Arnold PALM-er's genitalia.

I capitalized PALM to get your attention.
Recall my previous comments
of why I believe Palm connects and is very significant
of what is happening now on the world stage.

Interesting the Rocky connection. If I recall
you and William Wright speak quite often of the significance
of rocks and stones, no?

*** And speaking of rocks and stones and Switzerland
and Greenland Oh My! I just found this interesting info
about Tolkien and Switzerland ( see link )
It was my 11/22/2018 Oscar dream that ignited my
obsession with Switzerland, as Switzerland
(in the dream) is where Oscar lived.

I've never been to Switzerland or had attractions
to Switzerland before the dream in 2018.

Anywho to continue on about the movie Rocky.
Note in the clip Rocky wears a red scarf around his forehead.
Trump's red ties has become his 'signature' statement.

Interestingly in the clip, Rocky runs and crosses a bridge
with the children running behind him. Bridges, doors, gates
and windows are symbolic of portals.

Rocky also jumps over several benches in the park.
Recall my recent comment about 'seats'.
Also note several of the children are wearing ORANGE.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...