Sunday, November 24, 2024

Wreck of the Titan

I did a quick skim of the /x/ catalog but didn't click on anything. I did notice that one of the images had the word TITAN in big letters but didn't really process it beyond that.

Less than half an hour later, I was doing some fairly mindless work and wanted to listen to something in the background, so I checked YouTube. The algorithm suggested a month-old video from Whitley Strieber called "Mind Blowing Synchronicities," so I thought why not.

One of Whitley's guests, Trish MacGregor, tells the story of how she wrote a novel that ended up foreshadowing Hurricane Andrew. Starting at  around the 16:43 mark, Whitley comments:

Well, you know, this is certainly not the only book that's done that. Of course the famous, famous one is Wreck of the Titan, published 1898, which is about the sinking -- there's no other way to put it -- it's about the sinking of the Titanic. The sinking of the Titanic took place in 1912, fourteen years later.

That Titan reference sent me back to the /x/ catalog to try to track down that image I had seen.

Sure enough, it's the cover of The Wreck of the Titan, the same book mentioned by Whitley.


William Wright (WW) said...

Using less well known definitions for "Wreck" and "Titan", the title of the book (and your post) means "Vengeance of the Sun (Son)"

"for judgment is mine, saith the Lord, and vengeance is mine also, and I will repay."

Interestingly, when scanning the other meanings of the word "Titan" beyond a reference to mythical gods, I noted that a variant of it (Titanos) is an older name for magnesia, one of the two ingredients held by the alchemists to comprise the Philosopher's Stone The other ingredient? Mercury (Hermes).

That Stone is traditionally viewed as being Red in color. The Red Stone of my own story also seems to be tied to judgment and vengeance.

Ra1119bee said...

Welcome Back.

I found this information about Halley's Comet and Mark
Twain's death on April 21, 1910 very interesting, especially given
the fact that only 2 years later the Titanic sank on April 15 1912.
Comets are said to be harbingers.

Copy and paste ( link below )
"Twain was aware of his connection with Halley's Comet, wrote the Washington Post. In 1909, Twain told his biographer,
Albert Bigelow Paine, "I came in with Halley's Comet ...
It is coming again ... and I expect to go out with it ...
The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now here are these
two unaccountable freaks; they came in together,
they must go out together.'" Sure enough, when Twain
died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910, Halley's was back,
making its way past the earth for the first time in 75 years —
the first time since Twain's birth."

Read More:

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
I know you're on Sabbatical but since you opened the door with this
post and linked Whitley Strieber's video( which of course
the paranormal always gets my attention)
so I thought I'd shared several of my recent odd findings with you.

First of all in my last comment I mentioned Donald Trump's latest
appointment of El-on Musk to a Newly formed branch of government
titled DOGE ( Department Of Government Efficiently ).
Copy and Paste for Wiki :
"DOGE is a backronym referencing Doge,
an Internet meme, and Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency
supported by Musk and derived from the meme."
~~~~ ~~~~~
The DOGe mascot of the Musk's Dogecoin
is of Kabosu a Shibu Inu, which I'm sure you are aware of.

The reason why I'm revisiting my previous comment about
Musk, now coined The Dark Maga and the Golden/Orange
Apollo Donald Trump collaboration is to support, IMO,
my prediction regarding the ushering in a Technocracy
under a Triumvirate Governance, which I have commented
about a gazillion times on your blog.

IMO, this recent appointment with Musk is a HUGE puzzle
piece that has clicked into place and I believe
supports my perspective regarding the Great Reset
and the chaos and changes which I believe
that we are on the precipice of.

Also do keep in mind that Musk is the founder of Neurlink
and do recall my predictions about the Final Frontier in
our Opponents playbook which I believe is and has always
been Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence.
If that's not a Great Upheaval, I don't know what is.

Check out the link about Neurlink. They're Hiring!!

Also and right on time, 'coincidently ', check this out
about a new book titled :Genesis: Artificial Intelligence, Hope,
and the Human Spirit."

Genesis, was written by Google's former CEO
Eric Schmidt and co-authored with Craig Mundie,
former Microsoft CTO and OpenAI advisor, and the late
American diplomat Henry Kissinger.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Copy and paste ( link below )
"The authors highlight that AI is already surpassing
human capabilities in various domains, suggesting
humans might need to consider biological engineering
to avoid becoming inferior to machines.

They discuss ongoing efforts to integrate humans
with machines, including brain-computer interfaces,
which the U.S. military considers crucial technology."

Also recently and speaking of Elongated Heads, the color
Yellow, The Fourth Turning, the direction north, upheavals
in the Middle East and Donald Trump as Cyrus and
the Third Temple and the 2 Golden Gates in San Fran
and Jerusalem and the Ukraine, Oh MY! ,
check out these links which I believe connects
to my perspective regarding how
and more importantly WHY everything is unfolding now.

Especially note in the first link about Sweden preparing for war.
The elongated head man in the photo holding a YELLOW survival
booklet caught my attention not only because of his elongated
head but also his name: Swedish Civil Defence minister
Carl-*****Oskar***** Bohlin presents 'If the crisis or war comes'.

Recall I shared with you my Nov 22 2018 dream I titled Oscar.
It was the Oscar dream and the symbolism in the dream that
sparked a gazillion hours of research and how I connected
the puzzle pieces from the research to Switzerland and Greenland.

What also was really odd is how I found the article about Sweden.

I was looking at a video that randomly came up on my youtube
feed . The content was about all of the chaos especially the rumors
of wars that is happening now globally. In the video the
content creator mentioned Sweden's recent announcement
to its citizens about preparing for war, which I was not aware
of that information about Sweden.

Me , being a Mercury in Aquarius person, I always like to fact check
information so I googled Sweden and war preparation
and lo and behold the article and especially
the photo of the elongated head man immediately got my attention.

When I saw that his name was Carl-OSKAR--- I immediately
thought : How Odd is That???!!

'Dem sync Faires be busy, no?

Elon Musk declares himself "dark MAGA" at Trump rally

Ra1119bee said...

I just wanted to add that the hand gesture that Trump
is doing in the photo from the Times of Israel article,
(relinked below) is the rhombus, which I'm sure you knew.

Trump, Merkle and a gazillion other
( even 'News Casters" on youtube) make the rhombus gesture
constantly which I personally have noticed
in the last 15 years or so.

I've also seen characters in old school movies forming their hands
into the rhombus which begs the question, Why, because a person
has to consciously think to form their hands that way.
It's not a natural gesture that a person would normally do
with their hands.

Copy and paste from etymology:
"rhomb (n.)
geometric figure, "oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram,"
1570s, from French rhombe, from Latin rhombus
"a magician's circle," also a kind of fish, which in
Late Latin took on also the geometric sense.
This is from Greek rhombos "circular movement,
spinning motion; spinning-top; magic wheel used by
sorcerers; tambourine;" also "a geometrical rhomb,"
also the name of a flatfish.
Hmmm...,,let's see:
magis/sorcerers, dark magas, fish, obelisks(Washington Monument)
inside of a vesica piscis, magical spinning wheels, Oh My!!

And last but not least, check out once again the DOGE wiki page.
Scroll down the page to history and note the AI generated images
of the Shiba Inu's. Note the Shiba Inu holding the scissors supposedly
suggesting cutting government spending and/or 'cleaning house'
aka draining the swamp.
Aren't scissors as well as knifes just
small swords?

Who recently in our collective was/is symbolic of
the rider of the Red Horse of the Four Horsemen?
The Rubedo?
The rider of the Red Horse holds a sword.

The Red Horse ( link below )
“Another horse, fiery red, went out.
And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take
peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another;
and there was given to him a great sword.” (Revelation 6:4)


Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...