Sunday, December 1, 2024

The hand of Shiva

Last night I was doing some housework and listening to music, letting the algorithm do its thing. “Yellow Light” by Of Monsters and Men came on.

“Just grab a hold of my hand” — the moment Nanna sang that line, my eyes were drawn to a picture of Shiva holding up one hand, with the syllable Om written on his palm.

I’m writing this post the next day, in a coffee shop. Just as I typed the bit above about the holy syllable on Shiva’s palm, I happened to glance up at the television across the room, which had a Formula One race on. There on the screen was a closeup of Nico Hülkenberg’s car, with “Palm Angels” written on it. I had just enough time to snap a photo before the scene changed.

Going back to last night, after being drawn to the hand of Shiva, I looked up at his face and saw behind him a halo of yellow light — “Yellow Light” being the name of the song I was listening to.

A hand and a yellow light — not the most impressive of syncs in objective terms, but it hit me with a powerful sense of the numinous.

I bought that portrait of Shiva in India in 2008. My wife and I had gone there to see a particular statue of that god, in Bangalore, which turned out to be rather underwhelming in person. Much more memorable was an encounter with Shiva in the Elephanta Caves near Bombay, in “the thick darkness where God was.” I was an atheist at the time and had no real way of processing the experience. I still don’t, I suppose. Anyway, last night’s Shiva sync brought it powerfully back to my mind.

Later that night, I finished reading The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity by Rob and Trish MacGregor. Near the end of the book, I was astonished to read this:

Leah Southey, a writer and editor, has a guardian angel, Shiva, who helps her whenever she’s in a tough spot. In March 2007, she and her husband, Neil, visited Jenolan Caves in Australia, where they celebrated their wedding anniversary. They were on a day tour of the caves when her husband realized his keys were missing. They didn’t know how they would get home again. Leah asked Neil if he wanted to find the keys himself or if he wanted someone to hand them to him.

She goes on to ask “Shiva” for help — not Mahadev himself, apparently, but “a guardian angel” by that name — and in the end a stranger hands her husband the missing keys. The Shiva reference alone would have been a sync, but beyond that the story emphasizes Shiva’s working through a hand, and the setting is a cave. Even the characterization of Shiva as an “angel” foreshadows today’s “Palm Angels” sync.

Despite my affinity for Shiva iconography, I really know relatively little about that god. My engagement with Hindu thought has been pretty much limited to the Upanishads and the Gita, which are more focused on Indra and Vishnu, respectively. Following last night’s syncs, I did a bit of reading online, and a trail of links led me to a 2013 article called “Shiva, the god of cool things.” I specially noticed the publication date because of a strange error: The article was supposedly published on April 22 and updated on April 15 of the same year — i.e., a week before it was originally published.

This morning, I checked Bill’s blog and found the latest post was called “Keeping things ‘Cool’: Refrigeration as a clue?” My original intention was simply to note the “cool” motif, but when I revisited the post just now to get the link, I found that two comments had been added. In the second of these, Bill
writes, “The date is interesting. My dream of the Being and the Refrigerator happened on April 22.” The dream is discussed in the body of the post, but no date is given. Bill says he thinks the Being in the dream, who is caught sneaking food out of a refrigerator, represents me.

Update: Just 22 minutes after I published this post, my truly-random peregrinations through the city led me to an Indian restaurant of whose existence I had been entirely unaware. It was closed, but the front door was open, revealing a large Om on the inside wall.


Ra1119bee said...


I'll add a bit more to this comment later on, but I just wanted to remind
you my comment several months ago where I went into detail about
the color yellow and my personal and metaphysical connections to yellow.

If you recall I shared my July 14, 2014 Moon River dream with you.
The setting for the Moon River was in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Yellow Springs, coincidently is where Dave Chappel lives
Chappel wife is Asian.

Recall my comments about how I've always been attracted
to the Asian continent as I believe I had a (perhaps several)
incarnations there.

Rod Serling (Twilight Zone) lived in Yellow Springs for a while.
Serling was based at Wright Patt and after leaving the military he
was a Prof at Antioch. Serling's wife was from Oakwood Ohio.
Of course most conspiracy theorists believe Wright Patt
is where the Roswell aliens were taken to.

Recall in my comment several months ago about the color
yellow I made reference to the Yellow Hats in Tibet.

Yellow is also the process in the Alchemical transformation
called the Citrine. The citrinitas process
of Alchemy is symbolic of : the wise old man (or woman).
In Alchemy of course the final quest is the Philosophers Stone
aka the tincture or power, which is gold, or it can be silver.
Note my previous comment about the symbolic meaning
of the Silver Twin Towers and the 'twin' Golden Gates.

Citrine is also the Solar Plexus in the Chakras.

Recall in your post titled: "I gotta admit ",( at least I think
that post is where I went into what I believe is the symbolism
and significance of the Palm especially
were it connects to Kamala Harris).

Do note that Mar-A-Lago is in Palm Beach county.
Although Palm Beach is not on the 33 lat, it is on
the 77th Merdian West. ( it's actual longitude is 80, but
do allow for the law of the three)

Supposedly EL-on hates the color yellow,(see link)
which would make sense since the color yellow
is the golden light and the rays(RA ) of the sun.

Trump is symbolic of the Golden Hair boy and interestingly
if you recall Elon was no lover of Donald Trump until recently.

Perhaps Trump is Golden Boy Maga and Elon
the self proclaimed Dark Maga. Together symbolic of the Bee?
Unfortunately however, I think those 2 bees objectives are more about
the sting as opposed to the honey.

And speaking of the sting:
Dark Maga is perhaps symbolic of the Silicon Age which
is where I believe humanity is shifting to and have commented
about a gazillion times.
A Technocracy would certainly be part and parcel
with the Silicon Age.

While we (humanity, especially Americans) have been running
around in circles here in this duality dimension, our
opponents have been gettin' busy resetting everything into place.

Look up. Over 6K Starlink's above us.
Musk is a busy bee indeed,no?

Also last but not least,
in the video you posted I found it interesting that the 'riders'
seem to have elongated heads.

Yellow light indeed.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Bill’s post discusses the etymology of cool and notes that it is related to the Old Norse kala. In Hinduism, Kala is the personification of time and death and is often considered an avatar of Shiva, though Krishna also becomes Kala in the Gita, in the line famously quoted by Oppenheimer in connection with the atomic bomb.

Wikipedia specifically calls Kala “the fiery avatar of Shiva,” which ties in with Bill’s line, “The burning god must be cool.”

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I went back to the Indian restaurant when it was open. There is a framed photo of star anise on the wall, and in front of the cash register is a statue of Shiva holding up his right palm.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of Shiva, Switzerland and CERN, Oh MY!
check the following out.

I had a very strange dream earlier this morning.
I titled:
The Facility, School Underground, KR and the Big Machine
Nov 30, 2024

I had an interesting dream today. The dream is as follows.

I can’t recall all of this dream, but I do recall that I was at a place with
other people. I think it was like a school or perhaps a facility
where people researched and worked on top clearance projects
that only a few people knew about much like Wright Patt.

Which Wright Patt might be the connection because
in the dream there was a White woman there
although I really didn’t get the sense that the woman was KR.
However now while writing this dream up
( immediately after having it )
I now think it was KR.

In real life KR had Top Clearance at Wright Patt.
, so perhaps a facility would be closer definition as opposed
to a school.

At one point a few of us including KR were selected to speak
to the workers at The Facility.

We were on a stage. I recall the topic was about a HUGE event
soon to occur and the people who worked there as well
as the public needed to get ready for the event.
For some odd reason I was wearing my VICA Queen Crown
while I was standing on Stage.

A few days after the meeting I was talking to KR
and we both saw this HUGE MACHINE, that was being
transported through the halls of the school/facility.
It was like a CERN type of machine, but not quite
that big of course, but this machine was the size of
the school if not bigger.

It was at that point where I felt the school/facility was my
Middle school ( sixth through eight grade ).

The HUGE machine looked to be made of some type
of shiny silver metal circle cylinder.
It was long much like CERN and I recall thinking
that it must had been ‘stored’ in a certain secretive part
of the school underground.

When KR and I looked at the huge machine
being transported through the halls we knew the big event
that we were selected to tell the people about
was about to occur.
I woke up
First of all the person in the dream whom I call KR really does
exist and was an associate of Marshall's business.
KR had/has Top Clearance at Wright Patt as well.
Many years ago Marshall and I went over to KR's
house to socialize and I told her about my 11:11 dream.
Let's just say she was extrrrrremly curious and very interested.

We were never friends with KR and her husband, just associates
who would have dinner together once every year or so.
I have dreamt about KR, however only a few times.
The last time Marshall and I saw KR and her husband
was in 2012.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

I also did a bit of research after the dream especially concerning my
Vica Queen crown because I wondered why I would dream about it
after all these years.

I went to a vocational high school and we were required to join
and organization called the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America ( VICA ).
I won the Ohio State Queen VICA contest in 1972 and of course
wore my crown when I attended the club's meeting and functions.

In the dream I did NOT get the sense that I was in my old
role as VICA Queen while I was standing on the stage.
I also didn't get the sense that I am the age I am
now, however I was not the age I was in 1972 either.

I found this etymology of the name vicar very interesting:

vicar (n.)
early 14c., from Anglo-French vicare, Old French vicaire
"deputy, second in command," also in the ecclesiastical sense (12c.),
from Latin vicarius "a substitute, deputy, proxy,"
noun use of adjective vicarius "substituted, delegated,"
from vicis "change, interchange, succession; a place, position"
(from PIE root *weik- (2) "to bend, to wind").

During my research about the dream,
I also found an interesting connection to
KR's last name which I prefer to keep private, but suffice to say
the information I connected it to was VERY interesting indeed.

I also googled : Crown and CERN and found the information
below ( see link )
I was very shocked when I saw the first photo because
the huge machine in the dream looked extremely similar.

In the video at marker/frame starting about 2:00---2:10,
note the 'machine' moving in a tunnel of some type
which reminded me of the 'hallway' and the movement
of the huge machine in the dream, although the machine
in the dream wasn't traveling that fast.

Note that the article was written in 2017, and there
is reference to the year 2024

William Wright (WW) said...

Random thought I had after I read your comment on my post referencing Shiva and this post, but before I came here to read it. Just something I noted but not sure how relevant:

Shiva is typically portrayed as blue in color (as are a few other Hindu gods). I am not an expert in Hinduism, but I guess the color has a backstory and specific symbolism.

However, for our purposes and this "Cool/ Cold" theme, human skin is typically represented as turning blue when it is cold or freezing. Thus, one might look at Shiva and think he was very cold.

That would tie very well to the comment you made above in tying Shiva with Kala and that line you referenced of a "Burning God must be Cool". That would be the perception a person would have in looking at Kala-Shiva and his blue skin.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I guess someone caught stealing from a refrigerator might figuratively be said to have been “caught blue-handed.”

According to an Indian roommate I once had, Krishna and Shiva are blue because “blue is the radiance of black.” The color represents the paradoxical idea of shining darkness.

Ra1119bee said...

Also there is crescent moon which sits on top of Shiva's head.
I found that interesting given my recent dream and comment
about wearing a crown.

Copy and Paste:
"Lord Shiva has many symbols and one of them is the
crescent shaped moon on his head.
There is an interesting tale from our mythology
that illustrates why Lord Shiva has a crescent moon
on his head."

and this :
Shiva, therefore, bears on his head the crescent of the moon.

The crescent moon indicates that He has controlled the mind perfectly.
The crescent moon is shown on the side of the Lord’s head
as an ornament. The waxing and waning phenomenon of the moon symbolizes the time cycle through which creation evolves
from the beginning to the end.
Since the Lord is the Eternal Reality, He is beyond time and has complete control over it.

The epithet Chandraśekhara (“Having the moon as his crest”
– chandra = Moon, śekhara = *****crest, crown*****)
refers to this feature.
The article also mentions the moon disappearing, which is interesting
because it mirrors my 2014 Moon River Dream which the Moon
had disappeared and resulted in chaos in a 360 radius
in Yellow Springs.

And lo and behold it appears CERN as a connection to the
Moon as well, which I just found this information after
researching The Facility dream yesterday.

I did know about CERN and the Shiva statue before
the dream however, but not about CERN having
a connection to the moon.

Copy and Paste : ( link below )

"A very high energy hadron collider on the Moon

The long-term prospect of building a hadron collider around the circumference of a great circle of
the Moon is sketched. A circular collider on the Moon
(CCM) of ∼11000 km in circumference
could reach a proton–proton center-of-mass collision energy
of 14 PeV—a thousand times higher
than the Large Hadron Collider at CERN—optimistically
assuming a dipole magnetic field of 20 T.

and this :
. Three potential Earth-based sites for a circular collider approximately the same size as a collider encircling the Moon of
∼****11000**** kmincircumference, represented by images of the Moon overlaid on a map of the surface of the Earth. Each potential
Earth-based site for such a large collider project is accompanied by *******significant geographical, technological,
or political challenges.****
I" little star'ed" the reference to 11, since ELeven was a recent
topic sync and I also 'little star'ed" : 'significant geographical,
technological, or political challenges' as I believe it mirrors
my comments as far as why I believe the reason Elon Musk
is on the World Stage and appointed to a powerful government position
at this time in history.
"If something happens in politics,
you can bet it was planned that way."----FDR

True Dat.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...