Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Again with the butterflies!

Oy gevalt.

I was visiting a school (not my own) and saw on the grounds this plant with a blemish on its leaf that looks like a pale blue or gray butterfly. No sooner had I snapped a photo than I looked up and saw an orange-and-black flutter by. Not a monarch, obviously. I think it was Phalanta phalantha (not a typo; they added an extra h to the species name), the common leopard or spotted rustic, or perhaps a close relative. I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo, but here’s a picture from the Internet to give you an idea of what it looked like:

Oy, sync fairies, enough with the butterflies already!


Ra1119bee said...

Nope. I bet the farm that the sync Faires ain't gonna stop because
butterflies are symbolic of transformations.

Just yesterday ( 12/16 ) I received a card in the mail from an online
friend, Laurie, whom I've never met in real life.
Laurie is from and lives in northern Ohio.

She did NOT know about my Mr. Butterfly experience.
Being 'tis the season' I thought the card might be a Christmas card
with traditional Christmas'y images, but lo and behold I opened the envelope and on the card was a Monarch Butterfly.

I immediately emailed Laurie and thanked her for the card
and told her my Mr.Butterfly story
and she responded this:

"Oh I love butterflies too.  I read the book Bicycling With Butterflies
this summer.  The author (a lady in her 30’s) biked from Mexico to Canada and back solo following the monarch migration.  
I loved the book.  I got it from the library.  
She cobbled together her bike and used plastic cat litter buckets as storage compartments.  She gave presentations to schools along the way.
 She even came through a little bit of Ohio.
 So much of monarch habitat has been destroyed
and her bike trip was to raise awareness of their endangered status."
I thought to myself regarding this whole
experience hmmmmm.. Whats the Odds??
In other words ; It got my attention.

I personally am convinced that if our soul crosses
our paths in our daytime ( waking) life with odd occurrences
and experiences ,our soul does so to get our attention.
If there is a recurring sync, butterflies for example,
there is an important message to heed.

Think about it, receiving a monarch butterfly card
a week or so before Christmas from someone who didn't
know about Mr. Butterfly and in our online conversations
we've never 'talked' about butterflies ( our online conversations
are mostly about pets ).... certainly begs the question, at least
to me, What's the Odds!??

I believe the symbolic message of the butterflies
is about transformation.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Really, what are the odds? Not only a butterfly, but one of the two particular species the syncs have been focused on. Northern Ohio is where I used to live, too. (My former home is now part of Hell Hollow Wilderness Area and is thus open to the public.)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

And I'm not seriously asking them to stop with the butterfly syncs. I just cast the post in the form of a kvetch, on a random whim. I agree that a recurring symbol likely means something important.

My uncle, William John Tychonievich, wrote a sonnet ages ago titled "0" and describing the Fool card of the Tarot, with a reference to "a butterfly, symbol of the soul" -- even though no Fool card I'm familiar with features a butterfly. Getting curious about it just now, I ran an image search for tarot fool card with butterfly. The first result, wouldn't you know it, was Pixie's classic design with an added butterfly -- a monarch.


Ra1119bee said...

Pixie again????!!! Wow!!!!
This is getting really wild and crazy William.
And yes, I recall you saying that you lived in Northern Ohio.
Laurie lives in Findlay.

Regarding the link to Pixie's Fool Tarot card
is that white flower (that the fool is holding) a tulip??
f so, recall I 'met' you Oct 3, 2021 after having
and researching a dream with reference to a tulip.
I won't go into detail, as I've shared my Tulip dream
with you before, but here's the short version :
In the dream Marshall and I were eating at a mom and pop
At one point one of the diners stood up and introduced himself
and told a bit about himself( all of these people were
White including Marshall of course ;- ).

In the dream the owner of the restaurant asked all
the diners to tell their story too as it created a 'homey' experience.
The owner then cleared the TABLES and chairs against a wall
and each of us took our turn telling our story.

Me, being extremely shy and have always
had a fear of public speaking I didn't want to speak especially
to give my name as the others had done.

It was at that point when a young Black man
jumped ahead of me in line,
which was ok with me, but not with the owner. The owner
sat a chair in a spotlight in the middle of the room and said to
me : I want you to use the name Tulip.
Which I did.
I woke up
When I woke up I wikied Tulip which of course there
was a lot of content about the flower
and I read all of the text, but I didn't find anything that I felt
had connection with the dream.
And then buried in the text under the category : Other Cultures ,
I found this.
Copy and paste:
"The tulip occurs on a number of the Major Arcana cards
of occultist Oswald Wirth's deck of Tarot cards,
specifically the Magician, Emperor, Temperance
and the Fool, described in his 1927 work Le Tarot,
des Imagiers du Moyen Âge
When I found that information , I KNEW I had found my connection,
so I wikied Oswald Wirth and there on his wiki page
was the Magician's Table and under the table,
a red tulip.

Wirth also had connections to Bern Switzerland
which connected to my Nov 22 2018 Oscar dream which
I've shared many times here on your blog.
(I did NOT know about Wirth before the Tulip dream in

The Magician card connected to my Tulip dream because of the owner
clearing the Tables in the restaurant. A restaurant and/or food
is symbolic of : food for thought.

Of course I then googled tarot, magicians table which
is how I found your Magicians Table Blog.

Telepathy is for REAL William,
and perhaps that is the purpose of these strange connections,
especially regarding the butterflies which I believe
is to make a point which I believe is this ;
we are more than our physical bodies, and that our soul
transcends space and time.

Because like you say, what's the odds, receiving a monarch butterfly
card in the Midwest winter, 9 days before Christmas?
Maybe not 'technically' winter here according to the calendar,
but it sure is damn cold here , especially up there in snowy
Northern Ohio and Erie PA, ;-((


Ra1119bee said...


I just looked closer at the white flower and it appears to be a rose,
which of course is symbolic of the Rosicrucians, which
is another huge puzzle piece of mine.
I got many ;-))

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Definitely not a tulip from the leaves. Tulips are monocots.

Ra1119bee said...

Yes, not a tulip perhaps but maybe a rose would you say?
Which leads us down another path, as I personally
believe all Rhoades(roads) lead to Rome(home ).

In other words and my point being: everything is connected
especially where it concerns symbolism.

Because , interestingly check out this about Wirth
and the Scottish Rite. Again please recall my recent comments
about The Great Scott.!
Copy and paste from wiki:
"On 28 January 1884 Wirth was initiated in the regular
Scottish Rite Masonic Lodge La Bienfaisance Châlonnaise
affiliated to the Grand Orient of France.


The Symbolism of the Rose

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I've always thought it was a rose. Pixie's Death card, which breaks entirely from the Marseille tradition, also prominently features a white rose.


Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to add this interesting connection of Auroa Colorado
and Dyersville Iowa, which is the location of Field of Dreams.
Both Auroa and Dyersville Iowa are on the 40th parallel north.
Dyersville actual lat is 42 and Auroa is 39
but factor in the Law of the three.
Recall my many comments about the significance of the
Ley Lines and in numerology/gematria the number 4
and the Hebrew Dalet, which is a doorway.

Also Auroa has connections to not only bats
as Auroa Colorado was the location of the
Auroa Theater Shooting in 2012, which the
movie premiered at midnight was
Batman: The Dark Night Rises but also
Auroa's longitude is the 104 Meridian West.

Recall my many
comments about the 104 Meridian West
and my belief about The New Atlantis ( now
known as America ) being the new capital
after a great upheaval.

I researched the 104 after having a dream on May
12 2017 I titled Colorado Springs.

As I'm sure you know Nickola Tesla's wireless experiments
were done in Colorado Springs.

Another bat connection for those coordinates ( 40 lat
and 104 long ) is the1980 movie The Shinning.
If you saw The Shinning remember Wendy
and the bat?( see link )
Wendy is Windy, which in astrology the wind
is an air sign of Aquarius. Recall my comments
about The Age of Aquarius and
Pluto in Aquarius.

There is also a bat reference in the Netflix movie
Leave the World Behind which coincidently
the location in the movie for the cyber attack
takes place on Long Island NY , which is the current
location of the mystery drones.

And last but not least the word Auroa means the dawn
which isn't Lucifer known as the morning star?

Remember my many comments about the 2014 Dawn
of the Planet of the Apes, which that movie location
was the Golden Gate Bridge, also on the 40th parallel
north.( see link )

The year 2014 also has a 104 connection as does
Switzerland's unofficial moto
Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno
1(one) 4 (for) all.... and all 4 1


The Shining - Bat Scene


Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...