Friday, December 20, 2024


Yesterday afternoon, I bought some half-liter plastic bags. I use these bags when I clean out the cats' litter boxes, and I've been buying them regularly, the same brand of bags from the same store, for many years. When I got home and opened up the package of bags, I found that the company had changed their design. The bags, which had always been featureless before, now had something printed on them:

The bags are now decorated with a cartoon lion -- or, rather, what looks like a housecat with a lion's mane and tail. At the bottom of the bag is the Chinese character for "half," indicating the bag's half-liter capacity, and at the top it says "Pro の Cat." The central character is Japanese but is commonly used in Taiwan (which was formerly occupied by Japan) as a substitute for the Chinese character 的, which is transliterated as de and very roughly corresponds to our preposition "of" (and thus, coincidentally, to de in Spanish and French), except that the Chinese word is a post-position, coming after its object rather than before it. That is, the Chinese structure "A 的 B" is equivalent to the English "B of A." I don't speak Japanese, but my understanding is that の has a similar function in that language, which is why the Taiwanese treat the two characters as interchangeable. A quick Google search confirms this, and even uses "cat" in the example:

の (no) connects two nouns. It lets the first noun modify the second noun. Examples: 私の猫 (watashi no neko): my cat.

So apparently the intended meaning is either "professional cat" or "the pro's cat" -- both of which Google Translate renders as プロの猫 (puro no neko). However, my first thought when I saw it was that it said pro-cat -- an adjective describing one who is in favor of cats.

I remembered that earlier that day I had done a bit of browsing on 4chan and had come across a thread beginning with a post that said simply, "Protip: Stay away from people who don't like cats." Clearly a "pro-cat" post, and the use of protip (Japanese プロのヒント, puro no hinto) incorporates the other meaning of pro as well.

Having made that connection, I went back to 4chan to look for that thread. It was on /pol/, but I incorrectly remembered that it had been on /x/, so, figuring it was recent enough to still be in the current catalog, I started scrolling through the /x/ catalog. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I did find a thread asking for thoughts on this symbol:

It just looks like a random hodgepodge of symbols to me. The three Chinese characters are 玉 (jade), 藻 (algae), and 前 (before), and right in the middle is the Japanese character の. As discussed above, this character doesn't actually mean anything; it's a grammatical particle. I would be like creating a similar symbol in English with the word of in big letters. Extremely odd. And I found it because the "Pro の Cat" bag had led me to search for the pro-cat thread.

Later, I was looking up the Tolkien character Thû, who is mentioned a lot in Doug's books. Apparently, he is the Necromancer, who later developed into Sauron, and his precursor was Tevildo, Lord of Cats (the Neko-mancer?). The image associated with Sauron is a single eye, and the pro-cat thread on /pol/ began with an image of two "one-eyed" cats:


Ra1119bee said...


I've always been in awe of the power of the human-animal bond.
My mother and I used to feed and take care of all the strays (felines
and canines in the neighborhood)
Although my mother loved both canine and felines,
she had a special place in her heart for the felines.
Me, I have a special place in my heart for the canines.

Of course felines are symbolic with the female energy
and of course by association, intuition.
I found it interesting in your post
the photo of the One Eye (Third Eye ) felines.

While reading your cat post, especially regarding Japan,
I immediately thought of your previous post about your dream
and theJapanese eraser dog.

I googled ; dogs who have characteristics of cats. I found several
but the one canine that especially caught by eye was
the Shibu Inu. ( see link )

Why the Shibu caught my eye is because of the Shibu Inu's
current presence on the world stage as Elon Musk's DOGE.

As you may know Musk's DOGE is a very'hot topic' right now.
Many Federal Workers are becoming anxious about what
is going to happen. My best friend has several co-workers
who have expressed concerns about their government jobs.

I found the etymology of the word eraser
( as in your Japanese eraser dog in your dream )
quite fitting as to the political climate in the United States.
Copy and paste from etymology:

erase (v.)
c. 1600, from Latin erasus, past participle of eradere
"scrape out, scrape off, shave; abolish, remove,"
from assimilated form of ex "out" (see ex-) + radere "to scrape"
Abolish indeed.
Musk's DOGE kinda sounds like a Great Reset, no?

I also linked a clip of the 2009 movie: Hachi, A Dog's Tale
which is a beautiful true story starting Richard Gere ( trailer link below)
Although the canine in the movie and real life was an Akita
and not a Shibu Inu, I think the two breeds look very similar.

Hatchi: A Dog's Tale

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, excellent link between DOGE and the "Japanese eraser dog"! How did I miss that one? The dog in the dream didn't look at all like a shiba, but that's obviously the most famous Japanese dog, and DOGE promises to "erase" a lot of government sinecures.

Also note that I posted today about Ziggy Stardust. We are told in the song that Ziggy sang "like some cat from Japan." I always picture Hello Kitty when I hear that line, which I am sure is not what Bowie had in mind!

Mighty in Writing

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