Friday, December 13, 2024

Dark and light blue and orange butterflies again, and x, "the unknown"

This morning, a student was showing me a card game in which each card was divided into two parts like a domino. One of these had a picture, and the other had a number, shape, or color. The card she chose to show me as an example was this:

The butterfly in the center is, you guessed it, a dark blue Morpho menelaus. Right next to it is a light blue butterfly. Above the morpho is a light orange butterfly, and next to that is a dark orange one. These are the four butterfly colors featured in "Another light-and-dark butterfly pair," where they were associated with the word and color amber. Here, the top of the card says yellow, but the color it is written in is pretty clearly amber, not yellow.

It also occurs to me that in the past I've used that same set of four colors to represent the four classical elements: air (light blue), water (dark blue), fire (light orange), and earth (dark orange, which is brown). The idea was that light/dark represented the Aristotelian elemental qualities of hot/cold, while orange/blue stood for dry/moist.

By the way, Debbie has sent me a photo of the orange monarch and blue Morpho menelaus butterflies she mentioned in her comments. Here it is:

During my lunch break today, I was reading Ian Stewart's Why Beauty Is Truth while I waited for my food. When the food arrived, I switched from that physical book to an e-book, The Synchronicity Highway by Trish and Rob MacGregor. (The connection to the present post is that the original Morpho menelaus sync was with Stewart's book and another sync book by the MacGregors.)

On p. 34 of Why Beauty Is Truth, Stewart explains, for the benefit of the genuine layman, some very basic mathematical symbols:

There are three kinds of important symbols for this book, and I'll mention two of them now. One is our old friend x, "the unknown." This symbol stands for a number that we do not yet know, but whose value we are desperately trying to find out.

Minutes later, I was reading in The Synchronicity Highway an interview with the founder of an alien-abductee support group called the Xperiencers. The MacGregors ask about the origin of the name and are told:

Xperiencers is derived from the word experiencers used by Dr. John Mack. I decided to drop the "e" and allow "X" to represent the unknown as is done in solving common equations.


WanderingGondola said...

First a 64, now a 34. Hmmm.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
Ahh.... you posted Mr. Butterfly and the Blue Morpho.!
Thank you for doing so.

I also want to say that the quote on Mr. Butterfly's frame about dreaming
is a quote from Maya Angelo. I personally didn't buy
the frame because of her. I bought the frame because
of her message about dreams
and the fact that it was the perfect size for Mr. Butterfly
and my mother's grocery list on the pink post-it-notes.

I shared not only my Mr. Butterfly experience with you
but what seems like a gazillion other of my
paranormal experiences and dreams here on your blog
in these past 3 years because I'm on a quest to encourage
people to see from a different perspective.

I believe that if we have personally experienced something
especially something unique and exceptional
or if we have a gift, like singing or song writing
or writing poetry or playing a musical instrument
or understanding mathematics, or navigation, or a builder,
craftmanship or the gift of foresight,
or the gifted ability to absorb knowledge like yourself and share
that knowledge as keeper and teacher of
information as you have done in your life,
then I personally believe we have the obligation
to share that skill/gift
with our fellow man/woman because I believe
humanity evolves from the knowledge gathered
from our collective consciousness.

With that said I would like to share this lovely story
from my best friend Pam, who is Black.
Pam and I have been friends for many many decades
and worked at the bank together but not in the same position
or location. In the past twenty years however we have
become estranged mostly because of my alternative
views especially my predictions about the future and politics on
the World Stage , however we do reconnect from time to time.

I recently shared my 2015 Where's my Horn dream
with her and how I believe it connects to the Golden Gate bridges
( San Fran and Jerusalem)
and this latest connection to the mystery Drone sightings
that is happening in the US and in the UK as well.

I shared the Where's My Horn dream with Pam before in 2015
and my research and interpretation of the possible
meaning of the dream
and at that time I also made the prediction
( using my research and connecting the dots )
about Trump becoming POTUS
in the 2016 election but Pam wasn't hearing all of that
at that time.

Fast forward to Dec 12, 2024.

Ra1119bee said...

part 2
During our recent conversation however,
Pam shared this with me:

"Forgot to add when my aunt was at the nursing home
there was a Black elderly gentleman in a wheelchair
who was sitting at the front door most days
and I was there every morning.
Next to him he had a shofar and would blow it every day
in 4 different directions. A walking trail was right by aunt's
window and that is where he would blow it.
It pissed people off to hear it.

I thought it was pretty cool to have such discipline
to do it every day and faith to boot in spite of what people thought.
I took the time one day to ask him about it, can't remember
all he said but it was all about Israel. He said he
ordered the horn directly from Israel and it was very valuable."
My reason for sharing Pam's recent experience and her connecting
it to my Where's My Horn Deam makes my point as far
as my belief that we have an obligation to share our
out- of- the ordinary experiences with others because we don't know
why or who may need to hear our stories, or for what reason.

I needed to hear Pam's experience about the old Black
man and the horn and the 4 directions
because if nothing else it serves as another puzzle piece for me
to connect to what I believe to be a big picture, especially
regarding Trump as Cyrus and the upcoming
building of The Third Temple which if/when it happens
it marks the End of an Age.

I don't know if you are aware of the new reports
about the mystery drones in the US and the UK,
but please do keep an eye on it.
I don't think it's a coincidence as to WHY they
are here.

Interestingly the sightings first started in New Jersey
( on the 40th parallel north ) and as I predicted to Pam
a few days ago,I predicted that we will be seeing
drones everywhere especially in the US.
and not just on the east coast.
Both Pam and I were born and raised in Dayton,
which of course Wright Patt has a base in Dayton
and the only reason I'm pointing that out is
because around Dec 4th a mystery drone was reported
near Picatinny Arsenal army base in Rockaway Township
in New Jersey.

After predicating that to Pam about the drone sightings
slowly increasing lo and behold I found a new video
about the drone sightings in Cali(see link )
Golden Gate Bridge sightings next ya think?

Something else that's interesting is that the mystery drones
are being reported on the mainstream
Nightly News and if the mainstream media shines a spotlight
on something and IMO, you can bet the farm there is a reason why.
It's called predictive programming.

Mysterious objects startle California residents

Mysterious wave of New Jersey drone sightings prompts concern

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

WG, Bill’s recent post about black holes made me think of the Black Hole of Calcutta, and I went to its Wikipedia page, where I read, “Some modern historians believe that 64 prisoners were sent into the Hole, and that 43 died there.” Then I came here and found you mentioning 64 and 34 in the same breath.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, thanks for sharing that story. A single Jewish horn blown from a wheelchair makes me think of the unicorn Wheel of Fortune syncs, which Bill tied in with the Jewish novel The Last Unicorn.

Ra1119bee said...


So, The Last Uni-horn you say?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, exactly. Grimm’s Law.

WanderingGondola said...

Man-made drones are the cover. There are other things currently appearing as well.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

WG, agreed. The drones appear to by a psyop.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...