Tuesday, December 31, 2024


In my December 28 post "Birds," I reported hearing Bernard Beitman talk about two trees he called the King and the Queen and having the spontaneous thought that he should have called them Roger and Camille instead. Googling those two names led me to discover Roger McGuinn, frontman for the Byrds, and his wife Camilla.

The name I had thought of was not Camilla, though, but Camille.

Today I read Doubt Not the Dream, a collection of poetry by San Antonio, Texas, poet and amateur astronomer Aline B. Carter (1892-1972). I had known of her for some decades, thanks to her famous pupil Whitley Strieber, but for whatever reason today was the day I decided to track down her poems and read them. One of her pieces, called "Trees," ends with these lines:

Infinity has chosen trees to sing
Of prophecies the rolling ages bring.

This image of trees signing made me think of Roger and Camille/Camilla, whom I had originally thought of as trees but who turned out to be a singer and his wife. Six pages later, I found an epigraph from Camille Flammarion:

"Events vanish for the place which brings them forth, but they remain in space . . . everything in an eternal permanence." -- Camille Flammarion

I know very little about Camille Flammarion, except that his name is attached to the Flammarion engraving, which he published but apparently did not create. In my July 2022 post "Break on through to the other side," I noted the Flammarion engraving's similarity to (a mirror-image of) the Rider-Waite Eight of Cups.

This past Friday, December 27, I acquired by serendipity a modern Italian Tarot deck, designed by Pietro Alligo and drawn by Antonella Platano. Doing my first one-card pull with the new deck, I drew none other than the Eight of Cups:

I was struck by the conceptual similarity of the image to Friedrich's Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, which I recently set as my phone's wallpaper. Cropping it to fit the phone's screen had even given it the dimensions of a Tarot card:

The imagery on the Tarot card also connects with this photo, which I happened to run across this afternoon:

Here's another take on the same theme, complete with a Green Door:


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of hourglasses and transformations and the economy
and the End of the American Empire, and the beard Covering faces,
and the oval lens of the granny glasses, Oh My!,
check this out.

Here's the backstory for todays sync:
Every so often at the first of the year, I check a magazine called
The Economist and their magazine cover (and predictions)
for the following year.
Many 'conspiracy theorists' swear by following The Economist
first of the year magazine cover looking
for 'clues' as to the future.

However as I've shared, I personally
don't follow or believe in anybody's everything
as I prefer to gather information from a vast spectrum
of ideologies, and while I don't consider myself
a conspiracy theorist member per se', I must admit
that I do have several puzzle
pieces that some might say is fodder for ' conspiracy theories'.

However and be that as it may, and for some odd reason
I thought of the Economist magazine cover this morning Jan 1,
and of course googled it and lo and behold a few interesting
things are on the cover which connects with not only many of my puzzle
pieces that I've shared on your blog,
but more importantly my prediction and many comments
about the Shifting of Ages especially where it concerns the US
which as stated I believe that America was always destined
to be destroyed ( Economically) at the Shifting of Ages.

As I'm sure you would agree, time is not linear, it's cyclic, and
there's nothing new under the sun.

Here is the title of the article in The Economist :
"The Economist launches The World Ahead 2025–
forecasting a year of uncertainty and instability with Trump
upending global trade, economics and geopolitics".

When you click on the article take note of the photo
on the cover itself.
Interestingly and what caught my eye and the reason why
I'm making this comment today is the illustration of an hourglass
and an illustration of the planet Saturn with 2 rings.

Interestingly the illustration of Saturn sits at the very top ( North
Star Polaris perhaps? ) of what appears to be a hodge podge collage.
Perhaps each individual illustration/image being a piece
of a large puzzle? At least that's what it looks like to me.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Recall in my recent comment I shared my perspective about the
Signal Flow Graph in your : Fourier transforms and Morpho menelaus
(plus Jokes with Racial Slurs) post and the top illustration
looking like (at least to me) an hourglass and recall I made
the connection to your Sandra (Sand-Ra ) post.
All having to do with time and grit i.e. going the distance
and perseverance.

On the Economist cover there are photos of Trump ( of course),
Putin, Zelenskyy, Xi Jinping and two females that I do not
recognize (perhaps you do?)

There is an illustration of an electric car
(suggesting Telsa perhaps) , an illustration of what
appears to be the One Eye on the capstone of the US
one dollar bill, there is also an image right below Trump of
what appears to be a nose ( belonging to the one eye perhaps?)

Perhaps the nose image is a part of the riddle
suggesting that Trump KNOWS,
about the chaos we all are on the precipice of especially
the American Empire . Given Trump's recent 'warning'
about a possible upcoming depression in the US, the
nose image and my interpretation of, doesn't seem so
far-fetched IMHO. ( see link )

Also on the Economist cover there a red fist ( suggesting revolution?
perhaps a coup in the US ?),
there are also 6 illustrations of arrows perhaps representing
the stock market ( 2 arrows pointing down and up )
and FOUR pointing down.

Also very interestingly on the right side of Trump is an illustration
of a very tall white rocket on a black background.
Could this part of the riddle suggest that Trump's 'right hand man'
is the ole Dark Maga Musk, who is also known as Rocket Man?
Please see link below.

Also note in the illustration that the entire collage is made up
of squares in an overall oval format ( much like one len
of a pair of granny glasses )
and very much like your green door J.R.R. Tolkien illustration.

Also and last but not least, if you look closely at the Economist
image you'll see what appears to be background of the 'puzzle'
being bricks.

Perhaps the riddle suggesting that the BRICS are the new foundation
of the Great Reset??? ( see link )

There are few more images that I didn't cover, perhaps you have
thoughts as to their meanings in the Big Picture?

Transformations indeed, no?


A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...