Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The asymmetrically colored butterfly

This morning, I visited a local preschool to help the teacher teach the children, in English, how to make Christmas cookies. She had laid out all the ingredients on a table and asked me first to review the English names of them all.

Indicating the first ingredient, I said, "Okay, who remembers what this is called in English?" -- to which a chorus of voices replied, "Butterfly!"

"No, not butterfly. Just butter. Butter."


Finally I got them to say the correct word. Then one of the girls raised her hand.

"But, teacher, this is a butterfly, right?"

She pointed to the sweatshirt she was wearing, which did indeed have a large butterfly on it. The wings on the left were a light magenta color, while those on the right were a much darker version of the same color.

Butterflies are symmetrical, which is presumably why they put a butterfly on the cover of Ian Stewart's book subtitled A History of Symmetry. However, I recently posted a photo of that very same butterfly species in which it appeared to be asymmetrically colored, lighter on the left and darker on the right.

It appears that the sync fairies aren't going to drop this theme anytime soon.

This afternoon, I met with an adult student who had some questions about an English magazine article he had read. It was about, of all things, the history of 3D glasses, and had a photo of the old style, where one lens is red and the other blue. This asymmetrical coloration of something that would normally be symmetrical fit right in with the butterfly theme. The red-and-blue combination even suggests the magenta of the preschooler's asymmetrical butterfly.


Ra1119bee said...

You wrote: "The wings on the left were a light magenta color,
while those on the right were a much darker
version of the same color."
and this :
"It appears that the sync fairies aren't
going to drop this theme anytime soon."
My response : transformation is
the process of going from the dark to the light.
And yes I agree with you, I also believe
that your butterfly syncs and your syncs
with the dark i.e. the shadow ( Black people )
are not going to go away anytime soon ,
until you solve the puzzle.

Seeing the big picture
(i.e the completed puzzle ) answers the Whys.

Synchronicity as well as dreams are puzzle pieces.

Your asymmetrically colored butterfly is the same, but different.
As we all know a butterfly in its cocoon is different
then what it becomes when it is released to the light.

In your dream about your motorcycle tires you wrote:
"I imagined these being very wide tires,
like those on Batman's motorcycle in The Dark Knight,
and I wasn't sure I wanted my bike to look like that."
And yet again another reference to the Dark night
and also the bat which both are symbolic of transformation.

The dark of night is when our eyes are closed during REM sleep
and is when we see through our Third Eye
and transcend the illusion.

A motorcycle is a vehicle, symbolic of freedom for an individual
(one rider) as opposed to a collective ( collective being
several people in a car, train or bus or airplane, for example) 

A vehicle represents our physical body which 'houses' our soul.
Our soul needs a physical body in this duality dimension
in order to navigate through this dimension
to go from point A to point B.

Interestingly in your dream the 'mechanic'
( who is working on your motorbike symbolic of the physical body)
suggests 'W I D E R tires as opposed to your narrow ones.

Perhaps suggesting that wider tires will help you 'Go the Distance'?
In our dreams everything is symbolic. However, premonition
dreams are not.

Recall my recent comment and link about
the move Field of Dreams
and the riddle of 'going the distance'. ( relinked below )

Also recall my previous comment
and link to Louis Armstrong's 1929 song Black and Blue.
( re-link below )

The song Black and Blue lyrics is about being the same but
different and that song was part of the soundtrack of the
1986 movie Soul Man,
which Soul Man is also about being the same but different.
( see link below)
James Earl Jones was also in Soul Man, btw.

A canine ( symbolic of Sirius) is also symbolic
of helping us find the light which would explain
why a canine is featured on The Fool's Tarot
Recall my recent link about the upcoming Superman
movie and Krypto the dog.

Your reference to Sandra, perhaps Sandy? is interesting.
copy and paste from etymology:
sand (n.)
"water-worn detritus finer than gravel; fine particles of rocks (largely crystalline rocks, especially quartz);

The old U.S. colloquial sense of "grit, endurance, pluck" is by 1867,
especially in have sand in (one's) craw."
Grit and endurance as in 'going the distance' perhaps?
Going the distance could mean and IMO, solving the puzzle,
much like finding the Philosophers Stone, which also
connects with the sand as sand is crushed stones.

Also sand is symbolic in the hourglass of time
( see link below)

Synchronicity happens when our soul is trying to get
our attention.
IMHO, your soul is trying to get your attention.

Black And Blue

Soul Man (Movie Trailer)

Field of Dreams Official Trailer

Days of Our Lives---Like sand through the Hourglass

Maragaret Hamilton in "The Wizard of Oz"-1939

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Very solid symbolic analysis, Debbie. Thanks.

Ra1119bee said...


Just food for thought.:-))

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...