Tuesday, December 31, 2024

This is Rex.

I note this as a very unusual sort of dream experience, unusual enough to make me think it might turn out to be precognitive or otherwise meaningful.

My entire visual field was a computer screen showing some kind of ASCII art, which I think was meant to represent a sauropod dinosaur, with a long neck on the left side of the screen and a long tail on the right. I heard the sound of someone repeatedly tapping the space bar, and the ASCII dinosaur parted like a pair of curtains, with the left half moving over to the left and the right half to the right, leaving empty white space in the middle. In this white space appeared what looked like a passport photo.

Faces are rarely well defined in my dreams, but this one was exceptionally clear and detailed, so that I could easily recognize the person if I saw him in real life. He was a Black man with very dark skin and a wide square jaw. His head was completely shaved, and he wore a shortish salt-and-pepper beard, with no mustache but otherwise a full beard. He wore a pair of glasses with round lenses, similar to the John Lennon style but a bit larger. He wasn’t exactly smiling but looked friendly.

A disembodied voice that sounded like a young White woman’s except for its rather flat “Gray”-like intonation, possibly machine-generated, said, “This is Rex. You know Rex. Or anyway, you’ll recognize him. By the way, he’s quite tall.”

Rex’s face stayed on the screen for about 15 to 20 seconds, with no further commentary from the voice, and then I woke up.


Dr Whomst said...

Samuel Jackson playing Ray Arnold in Jurassic Park

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Black, glasses, name similar to Rex, dinosaur connection.

Doesn’t look like him, though.

Ra1119bee said...


Yet another transformation dream?
Perhaps the Black man in your dream was an archetype of Morpheus
in the Matrix.
Remember dreams are symbolic so if the Black man in your dreams
did not look like the actor Laurence Fishburne doesn't mean he
isn't an archetype of the character Morpheus, especially
if you do not know the Black man( in your dream) in your waking life.
Copy and paste;
"Morpheus ('Fashioner', derived from the Ancient Greek: μορφή
meaning 'form, shape')[1] is a god associated with sleep and dreams.

In Ovid's Metamorphoses he is the son of Somnus and
appears in dreams in human form. From the Middle Ages,
the name began to stand more generally for the god of dreams,
or of sleep"
Isn't it interesting the reference to Ovid's Metamorphoses once
again appears as I just commented about Ovid
in my previous comment on your post:
Fourier transforms and Morpho menelaus
(plus Jokes with Racial Slurs), which truth be told
racial slurs are no joke :-))) as the shadow will
return again and again until the dreamer heeds the message
that the soul is trying to bring which in this case I believe
is the message of transformation as I commented about
several times.

The shadow returning again and again is kinda like Morpheus
explaining to Neo about the splinter
when he says this :"What you know you can't explain, but you feel it.
You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong
with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there,
like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” ― Morpheus, Matrix-Code.

Also Morpheus has a clean shaven head ( but no beard)
and wears John Lennon glasses.

Regarding the name Rex,
copy and paste:
rex (n.)
"a king," 1610s, from Latin rex (genitive regis) "a king,"
related to regere "to keep straight, guide, lead, rule"
(from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight line," with derivatives
meaning "to direct in a straight.

The Matrix Meeting Morpheus Scene

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to add the link below about Ovid and Morpheus
and birds.
Especially interesting the bird connection and your
recent post about birds.
Copy and paste :
"The only ancient mention of Morpheus occurs
in Ovid's Metamorphoses, where Ovid tells of the story
of Ceyx and his wife Alcyone who were transformed into birds.

In Ovid's account, Juno (via the messenger goddess Iris)
sends Morpheus to appear to Alcyone in a dream,
as her husband Ceyx, to tell her of his death'.
Also interesting regarding the movie Sully and the
trailer link I sent in my previous comment is another
4 connection which I didn't catch at first.
In the trailer clip note that the US Airways
flight took off on runway 4 and also it was a bird strike
that took that flight down.

Also strange there has been a lot of airline crashes and incidents
of late, including a recent American Airlines flight 1722
from LGA (Laguardia) on Dec 13
having a bird strike and a possible bird strike
incident that caused the recent
South Korea plane crash.

Also interesting especially here in the US
are the rumblings of 'bird flu' in the media.




Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Rex did actually look quite similar to Fishburne, actually, the main differences being the beard and the much darker skin. Fishburne obviously has a lot of European blood. Rex was as dark as Idi Amin.

Ra1119bee said...

I understand what you're saying William, but dreams are symbolic
not logical or literal.
If you don't know the Black man in the dream in real life, then
the Black man was symbolic of your shadow, IMO.

Your soul even provided you with the John Lennon glasses,
to perhaps give you another clue as to the message of your
Rex dream and a very possible Morpheus in the Matrix
connection IMO.
When I read your description of Rex I immediately
thought of Morpheus, especially the description
of the John Lennon Glasses!!

Another very powerful connection IMO is the information
and connection about Ovid and Morpheus and dreams and birds
especially Crows ( C --ovid 19 ) which 2020 was,and IMHO,
a tipping point for humanity. Recall my many comments
about the number 22.

Crows are also symbolic in Alchemy as the first process
of all Alchemical Transformations being the Nigredo.
Crows and Ravens are very similar and I'm sure you are aware
of the Norse Mythology and Odin and his raven companions
Huginn and Muninn meaning 'mind and will".

Perhaps you are aware that back in the day Black people
were called Crows. You've heard of Jim Crow laws I'm sure.
Recall I commented about
the Crows Nest in movie theaters where my mother and aunt
(who were biracial and very light skin) were required to sit
in the Crows Nest because of their 'one drop'.

Regarding the beard,and I'm sure you know this too
but the beard in slang means a covering
for something hidden. Men who are Gay sometimes use a woman
to date or marry as a 'beard' to hide their sexual orientation.
( see link )

The Black man in your dream, like the Black woman in your
previous dream, I'm absolutely convinced is your hidden shadow.

I personally don't think that your Rex dream was a premonition dream
and that one day you'll cross paths with the Black Man
with the beard, although of course that could happen,
but I personally believe that
the Black Man as was the Black Woman in your
previous dream is symbolic of transformation.

With dream work it's imperative to 'think outside of the logical box' .

I believe that your soul is trying to get your attention.


Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to add ( and speaking of Byrds )
in the 1960's we called those John Lennon glasses:
Granny glasses. The lens were either small and rectangular
or oval.


Ra1119bee said...

Note that the granny archetype is symbolic of wisdom
as Morpheus was as well, that is he was wise.
Granny glasses were also known as Ben Franklin glasses.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That's funny. Just this morning I listened to a podcast in which Joseph Smith's magical spectacles were likened to "old-fashioned granny glasses."


Ra1119bee said...


Whenever we say: hmmm... that's odd, or in this case you wrote:
"that's funny" ,
that's a sign that our soul is trying to get our attention.

Whatever the message is that your soul needs to give to you
and IMO, will continue until you confront it and heed the message.
At present and again IMHO, you're wearing the beard.

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot got to add, the granny glasses that John became known for
he wore during the filming of the 1967 movie: How I Won the War
which I believe the title oddly coincides with my
perspective regarding
the battle that we have with our shadow.

After writing the above I decided to see if I could find more info
about the 1967 movie How I Won the War which I was able to
do on the Internet Archive website.( see link )

I don't recall ever seeing the movie back in the day
probably because I was and still am not a fan
of 'war' movies.
Of course my sister and I knew about How
I Won the War because
John Lennon was starring in it.

There is a lot of intriguing symbolism in this movie,
however which of course I wouldn't have known about in 1967.

The first symbolism that caught my eye
at the very beginning of the film
was the repeatedly falling down into water
by Lieutenant Earnest Goodbody played
by Michael Crawford who is the protagonist in the movie.
Goodbody's number is 13 13 13.
13 when reduced to a single digit is 4, the doorway.

Also at the beginning of the movie there is map
showing how the Rhine 'snakes' through the city
which immediately caught my eye because I had just read
your new post; Flammarion ( 12/31 ) and saw
the photo of the 'winding road' and thought how very similar
the map in the movie of the Rhine
looked to your winding road photos.

At one point Goodbody introduces John Lennon's character,
Gripweed and states that Musketeer Gripweed
is his (Goodbody) faithful " Batman'. ( see link )

I also found it interesting the word Musk embedded
in Musketeers and of course the Three Musketeers
which of course the 3 having significance
to a Triumvirate Governance.

I found this wiki description of the Three Musketeers interesting
especially regarding 'monarchs' which of course monarchs has been
in the sync stream of late.
Copy and paste:
"The Three Musketeers is primarily a historical and adventure novel.
However, Dumas frequently portrays various injustices, abuses and absurdities of the Ancien Régime, giving the novel an additional political significance at the time of its publication, a time when
the debate in France between republicans and monarchists
was still fierce".

Also and ' coincidently' the numbers 1119
( which has significance to me) appears in this movie as well.

I don't know if this recent sync regarding
the granny glasses has significance
and is meant for you..... or for me.
Perhaps both??

The Long And Winding Road--The Beatles

How I Won The War - 1967


A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...