Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Shiva as Kala

In a comment on Sunday’s post “The hand of Shiva,” I noted that Kala usually refers to Shiva but that the famous line from the Gita is an exception:

Bill’s post discusses the etymology of cool and notes that it is related to the Old Norse kala. In Hinduism, Kala is the personification of time and death and is often considered an avatar of Shiva, though Krishna also becomes Kala in the Gita, in the line famously quoted by Oppenheimer in connection with the atomic bomb.

The next day, Monday, I found this in the weekly meme post at a well-known hate speech site:

I don’t know where this is from, but it looks to be taken from a comic book or something. It’s clearly supposed to be translation of Gita 11:32, the very text I mentioned as not referring to Shiva, but mangled so that it does refer to Shiva. The original says, “Kala [Death or Time] am I, the great destroyer of the worlds,” to which the meme adds the gloss “Shiva, the Destroyer.” In its original context, these are unambiguously the words of Krishna, who is an avatar of Vishnu and is obviously not claiming to be Shiva. I don’t believe any Hindu would ever consider translating Kala as Shiva here. The confusion probably comes from the popular Western understanding of a “Hindu trinity” in which the role of Destroyer belongs exclusively to Shiva. I don’t see any hint of that in the Gita, which views Vishnu/Krishna not as one-third of the Trimurti but as the Supreme Being plain and simple. That’s how I read it, anyway, but my knowledge of the Gita is superficial, and I am open to correction.

Anyway, the point of this post is not to argue about the theology of an alien religion but simply to note the remarkable coincidence of running into that particular (mis)interpretation of that particular verse just a day after  presenting the opposite interpretation myself. Finding it in a collection of right-wing memes was particularly improbable.

Update (December 3): Cleaning out some folders today, I found this meme -- downloaded on September 13, 2024, from the same site as the Shiva meme shown above:

I can't remember why I thought that was worth saving, but note how it ends with the line "I am the Great Destroyer" -- a direct quote from Gita 11:32. My recent posts about Shiva have mentioned him as "the god of cool things" in connection with Bill Wright's recent posts on "cool" themes. Another recent theme of Bill's is the fox. Here, for example, we see a "fox" post sandwiched between two "cool" posts:


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
No theories as far as why Shiva is dancing in front of CERN?

A Shifting of Ages would most certainly apply as a
Destroyer of Whirls(World) but perhaps even more specific:
a Destroyer of the illusion of linear time and space
which I've shared my perspective about a gazillion times .

Isn't that what CERN is doing? Manipulating time and space?

Do I believe in The End of the Whirl (World)?
No I do not, but I absolutely believe that humanity is at
the End of an Age because of Artificial Intelligence, which
I believe A I is not new.

I believe that the Atlanteans had already mastered A I,
which would explain ( at least to me )
WHY God brought Hell and High Water to them for
'playing God'.

The Phoenix is also symbolic of rising from a fire, totally
unrecognizable from the 'bird' that first when into the fire.

So isn't the Phoenix symbolic of a result of the Destroying
of Whirls?

Recall I shared my 1974 Past Life Reading where the Reader
told me that my soul has always been on earth during
times of Great Upheavals and that I was on earth
during the Crucifixion and that it scared him that
my soul is here now.

I respect that you do not believe in reincarnation however logic
at least for me, just don't cut it when trying to understand
the Whys of things. Gotta go beyond the box, at least
that rings true for me. I'm sure you would admit
that all paranormal events including
synchronicity are beyond the box.

I personally believe that my recent dream I titled
The Facility, is yet another puzzle piece .

I think that those of us who can 'see' the big picture
will begin having many more and more
frequent 'paranormal' events happen to us.

My mother's Holistic Alternative Doctor ( we called
him Dr. M )
told me in 2001 that frequent paranormal events
would happen to me in the coming
years. I think he was right.

P.S. Dr. M did not know me or my mother before
we began seeing him in 2000.
A 'random' occurrence happened during one
of my mother's doctor appointment with Dr.
M which sparked what resulted in him
telling me that ( at that time in 2001) I was 60 percent
psychic and my abilities would get much
better or worse , depending on how I perceived
the 'gift'.

Researching the dream these past few days
I've found eerie connections especially where it concerns
CERN, which I've shared most of my finds and links
on this blog.

Right after the Facility dream, I was actually hoping
that you would post something regarding a topic that would
have some connection to my Facility dream so that I could share
my dream with you.

Lo and Behold the next day I see your Shiva post.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Yesterday while still researching CERN, it
occurred to me that I forgot to include the fact that in the dream,
the HUGE machine ( which as I mentioned looked exactly
like the photo of the machine that I found online ( relinked below)
was being transported OUT of the building. Not brought into
the building.

In the dream, I was standing in the hallway with KR when we saw
the machine being transported out. I saw that the doors were open
and it was daylight outside. So, whatever the huge machine
was, in the dream I believed
that it was built there in The Facility, and transported out,
ready to be launched.

I think that was very symbolic and as I wrote in my dream
journal that KR and myself believed that the big event
that we both were selected to tell to the employees was about
to begin.

Regarding Shiva you wrote : " According to an Indian roommate
I once had, Krishna and Shiva are blue because
“blue is the radiance of black.”
The color represents the paradoxical idea of shining darkness.
And speaking of the Shining and the moon, Shiva dancing
wearing the Cresent CROWN, Black and Blue,
Obama , Trump and Musk dancing too,, Oh My!
Check the following out:

Perhaps you are aware of Obama's 'Shiva' dance on the cover
of Time magazine titled; God of All things ( see link )
Do note that Obama is holding a Whirl (Globe) as he too

A couple of other recent 'dancers' are Trump and Musk.
Note that in both images ( of Obama and Trump ) they
both are wearing red neckties. Red being the color of fire.
Coincidence ya think?

Also the Black and Blue Musk aka the Dark Maga
and perhaps symbolic of the Dark Side of the Moon, dances

Everything is connected, no?

Elon Musk shows off bizarre dance moves at Tesla event in China

Elon Musk captured jumping on stage at Trump rally

Black And Blue/Louis Armstrong


Watch: Trump Dances To ‘YMCA’ At His Campaign Rallies


Ra1119bee said...


I just found this in etymology regarding ' dance'.
What's interesting (at least to me) the reference to
tremble and quiver (see my little stars)
copy and paste
dance (v.)
c. 1300, dauncen, "move the body or feet rhythmically to music,"
from Old French dancier (12c., Modern French danser),
which is of unknown origin, perhaps from Low Frankish
*dintjan and akin to Old Frisian dintje
**** "tremble, quiver." ****

and this:
In English it replaced Old English sealtian, itself
a borrowing from Latin saltare "to dance,"
frequentative of salire***** "to leap"**** (see salient (adj.);
"dance" words frequently are derived from words meaning
***** "jump, leap" ****). , hoppian (see hop (v.1)).
I little star'ed' : 'to leap, jump, leap' to make my point
regarding Musk' dancing/leaping/jumping' on stage with Trump.

Also I want to make another point regarding
Obama and Trump's red neckties and the symbolism
of Fire.

Fire suggests at least to me, that perhaps the element
that will destroy the Whirl (the whirl as in dance, example
being the Whirling Dervish) will more likely be,
than not, electricity, not fire.

And while electricity is not fire of course, the wire
that carries the electricity, if faulty, can 'produce' fire.

Electricity of course is necessary for technology
which as I have comment before, I believe it will be technology
that will be the destroyer of the world as far as the whirl
as we know it now.

I absolutely do not believe that the world
will be destroyed by miliary fire arms and great weapons as
we are being scared to believe, especially in recent times.

My point being I believe that our 'opponents'
will NEVER destroy Mother Gaia, especially
a fresh water aquifer source like the Great Lakes in Michigan.

The Powers that Be love Mother Gaia way too much to destroy
her.which is why I believe that it is humanity that is the true target.

Truth be told, our opponents no longer need our human labor.

Technology as the destroyer would explain why Shiva
is dancing around a wheel of Flames outside
of CERN.

And speaking of cable and wire producing great Fire, Oh my!
perhaps you are aware
what just recently happened in the Baltic sea
before Thanksgiving.( see link )

Very interesting times we're in, no?



A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...