Friday, December 27, 2024

Sanda and Croatian taekwondo belts

As documented in "A female historian with a deep-blue belt in taekwondo," I recently dreamed about a historian whose first name I thought may have been Sandra, who held the taekwondo rank suggested by the title. Follow-up research led me twice to the word sanda. First, I tried to look up Sandra on Eldamo, but sanda was the closest I could find. Then, in the course of exploring belt ranks in various martial arts, I discovered that sanda refers to a sort of freestyle kung fu. Today, while reading Bernard Beitman's book Meaningful Coincidences, I ran across a passing reference to a "serendipity researcher" named Sanda Erdelez.

I don't think I've ever encountered the name Sanda before, so of course I looked her up. The name is Croatian. In my post-dream research, I had discovered that the Russians (and apparently only the Russians) have distinct light-blue and dark-blue belt ranks for taekwondo. I figured this was due to the fact that the Russian language treats these as two completely different colors (much like the red-pink distinction in English). I got to wondering if Croatian, being a Slavic language like Russian, might make a similar distinction both in color terms and in taekwondo ranks. I went to check the Croatian Wikipedia article on taekwondo.

The first surprise was that Croatian (Hrvatski) showed up as one of a handful of "suggested languages" for me, even though I don't think I've ever checked a single Croatian Wikipedia article in my life. The language also has a gold star next to it, which I guess means the Croats have a particularly exemplary taekwondo article.

Clicking through to the article and looking for information about belt ranks, I had an even bigger surprise:

There, in the middle of an article written entirely in Croatian, are the English words dark blue. The phrase appears once again, as dark-blu, in the paragraph below the bulleted list. No other English color words appear anywhere in the article; just that one. I had been assuming that Croatian, like Russian, probably had a native word that meant specifically "dark blue," but it looks as if, on the contrary, they have no way of expressing that color in their language and have to resort to an English loanword.

How extremely bizarre! I'm willing to bet that if I went through Wikipedia's taekwondo article in each and every language, Croatian would be the only one to include the words "dark blue" or "deep blue" -- and syncs from the dream about the deep-blue taekwondo belt led me directly to a Croatian academic named Sanda.

I have contacted Dr. Erdelez to explain these syncs and to ask if she's ever done any martial arts. I figure a "serendipity researcher" should have a high tolerance for that sort of thing.

Update (same night): I looked up Sanda Erdelez on YouTube and listened to an interview of her by Beitman. Just below it on the screen, served up by the algorithm, was a new video (posted 20 hours ago, well after my dream) with “History w/ Sandra” in the title.


Ra1119bee said...


What caught my eye is the wiki description of taekwondo.
Especially the wording about perseverance, which of course
is the same thing as 'going the distance', which I shared
my perspective of why I believe the movie Field of Dreams
may have some significant connection to what your soul
perhaps is wanting you: T O D O.

In other words perhaps your soul is telling you that in order
to find the Philosopher's Stone you must follow
the art of the way, by striking hard with hand and foot.

The hand obviously is imperative to creating and manifesting.
Creating as in writing perhaps.

Manifesting as in making things happen which also involves
the feet. I'm sure you're familiar with the idiom : Walking the talk
 copy and paste:
"Walk the talk" means doing what you say you will do.
It's about showing through your actions that you really believe
in what you say. This phrase tells us to match our actions
with what we say is important to us.

I also found this information interesting about Sandy;
copy and paste:
"Originally a diminutive of Alexander. As a feminine name
it is a diminutive of Alexandra or Sandra.
It can also be given in reference to the colour.
masc. proper name, from Latin, from Greek Alexandros
"defending men," from alexein "to ward off, keep off, turn
(something) away, defend, protect" The first element perhaps
is related to Greek alke "protection, help, strength,
power, courage," alkimos "strong;" and cognate
with Sanskrit raksati "protects," Old English ealgian "to defend."
I believe that in order to go the distance we must find our way,
( especially if our way takes us on many different roads )
which of course requires strength and courage to do so.

Recall my previous comment as to what I believe the meaning
of your recent dream regarding wide tires,
which I believe mirrors Emerson's quote:
"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Wide tires would be more helpful if following a path
less traveled, no?

The Belt of course is Saturn ( which represents the Nigredo
in Alchemy ). Perhaps another symbolic sync about
Black and Blue and Shiva being the destroyer?
Similar to the Ouroboros 'belt',
where endings are just new beginnings.

Saturn is not only our nemesis ( by keeping us confined
within the 'beltway" therefore preventing us from 'going
the distance' ) but when conquered by striking with
hands and feet, Saturn serves
as a stern taskmaster, teaching us perseverance.

And speaking of Sandy ,black and belts,
and transformations of self Oh MY!
check out the 1978 movie Grease starring Olivia Newton John
as Sandy and John Travolta as Danny.

In the movie and in this scene, note that both Danny and
Sandy are wearing all black, but especially Sandy
symbolic of her 'transformation'. Note that they are
at a carnival which a carnival is the domain of the Trickster/
Clown/ Joker because a carnival is where illusions are spun
and it is the trickster who forces us to see through
the illusion.

The only reason why I know about the trickster and what
he is capable of doing and giving
is because he has crossed my path, in dreams and in reality,
several times in my life.

As far as your syncs to Sandra
and Russia isn't it interesting that Russia is in the collective
consciousness and on the World Stage right now, which
if/when that Bear is poked is surely to create
(and very quickly) a very transformative blow both
globally and especially in America
much like 'Greased' lighting' perhaps?

Grease (1978) - You're the One That I Want + ending scene

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I watched a few minutes of that Sandra Tanner video. It opens with a Dr. Seuss reference.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Sanda Erdelez, who speaks Croatian (but does not, alas, practice taekwondo), tells me that her language has a perfectly good word for “dark blue” and that the use of the English term on that Wikipedia page is as baffling to her as to me.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...