Friday, December 20, 2024

K. West, five years or hours, and spiders

I was listening to some David Bowie last night and was struck by the album art for Ziggy Stardust.

Right above Bowie is a sign that says "K. WEST." I naturally associated this with the singer Kanye West, who has appeared on this blog before, though of course Kanye hadn't even been born at the time the album was released. Looking it up, I find that Ziggy Stardust was released on June 16, 1972, and Kanye was born on June 8, 1977 -- almost exactly five years later.

The first track on Ziggy Stardust is called "Five Years."

In 2022 I had a dream about "Kanye West with Aunt Nancy's coffin." In the dream, the coffin had a note on the bottom that said, "Please wake me up at 5 p.m. Aunt Nancy." So there's another reference to the number five in connection with time. In my commentary on the dream, I wrote, "I assume 'Aunt Nancy' has something to do with Anansi, the anthropomorphic spider trickster of West African folklore." The full name of the Bowie album is The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.

Update (10pm, same day): YouTube recommended a video from the Nephilim Looked Like Clowns guy, and I watched several minutes of it. At around the 7:50 point, we have this little exchange:

Paul: They basically just slapped a bunch of animals together and created monsters, you know hybrid kind --

Jamie: Chimeras!

Paul: Yeah, exactly --

Jamie: Texe Marrs, he's a classic, he would talk about those things --

Paul: That's it. And that was the time --

Jamie: [imitating Texe Marrs] "They're making chimeras and spiders in space!"

Paul: Exactly.

That's a pretty direct hit for Bowie's "spiders from Mars."


Ra1119bee said...


I found this meaning of the cardinal sign of the direction west
very interesting.
copy and paste: ( see link )
"Cardinal West & Water
In Latin, the word for the “west” was vesper that roughly
translates as going downward, similarly to the Sanskrit term
“avah” that also means moving down. High German
used abend that meant evening. Nearly all languages
connected the West to the sun’s movement toward nightfall.

The Cardinal direction of West is typically connected
with the fluid nature of water. All things liquid including
our life’s blood come under this category. Water accepts
whatever shape it’s given, even as our souls adapt to new
frameworks upon each incarnation. Water has strong
symbolic ties to our emotional nature, philosophy
and the human capacity for change.

Bear in mind that water has many forms including
the solid state of ice; this impacts the West’s correspondences
because sometimes life, indeed, comes to a standstill
(or seemingly so). The lesson here is that often tiny movements go unnoticed to our Human awareness – that doesn’t mean
they don’t exist! Ice is water molecules moving
very, very slowly until they melt and return to flow once more.

I can certainly see Kayne West in this description as being
the water that has been shaped. I personally
believe that K9 has been 'shaped' baked, and faked
much like JayZ and Diddy and many of the so called
'rap' actors, IMHO.

The Rappers , especially those who were given prominence
have served a purpose which that purpose
being the creating of the Thug archetype or the dark
side of the clown/trickster.
Keep in mind that everything on this duality planet
has a dual purpose. The clown can make us laugh Or cry.

The Thug archetype was the perfect creation
to serve as a whipping boy for the upcoming Great Upheaval
especially when it comes time to pointing fingers
as to who is to blame for the chaos and the fall of
the American Empire.

Recall Diddy and Pharrell's June 15, 2015 release of a ''song?''
titled ;Finna Get Loose?( see link )

Interestingly ( and I've shared this connection several times
on your blog ) that only 10 months later at the April 2016
Easter Egg Roll at the White House , Michelle and Barack
Obama reads a storybook to the children titled ; Where
the Wild Things are.(see link )

Also interesting the etymology of the word rap
copy and paste:
rap (v.1)
mid-14c., rappen, "to strike, smite, knock," from rap (n.).
Related: Rapped; rapping. To rap (someone's) knuckles "give sharp punishment."
Hmmmm... sharp punishment?
Also the number 5(penta) in numerology meaning 'change'
or transition ( much like the bat and the butterfly).

5 is one more after 4 and 4 is the doorway.
5 "walks" through the doorway to enter another 'room'.

Interestingly the Pentagon certainly fits this description
as the military absolutely 'changes' a landscape after a


" If something happens in Politics, you can bet it was
planned that way'.___ FDR

... and make no mistake about it, music is absolutely used
for political purposes, as is just about everything.

Puff Daddy & The Family - Finna Get Loose ft. Pharrell Williams

Obamas Read Kids "Where The Wild Things Are" At 2016 Easter Egg Roll

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"K. WEST" also suggests the word quest.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I watched the rest of that video, and they end up talking about David Bowie and Ziggy Stardust as an example of the Nephilim-clown aesthetic, with no reference to the earlier mention of Marrs and his space-spiders.

Ra1119bee said...

And speaking of David Bowie and Life on Mars,
a Dark Maga trickster/clown
(as opposed to a funny clown ), Elon Musk's 'Quest'
for a fantastic future and space spider legs, Oh My!!
it appears Musk checks all of
the boxes.,_SpaceX,_and_the_Quest_for_a_Fantastic_Future

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

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