Sunday, December 22, 2024

Happy 85th birthday, Jerry Pinkney

Poking around a used bookstore this afternoon, I felt a magnetic pull to a particular book, which, when I took it down from the shelf, turned out to be a wordless retelling of Aesop's fable of the Lion and the Mouse, in gorgeous watercolors showing a level of attention to biological detail almost reminiscent of Albrecht Dürer.

As I looked through the book, I felt myself entering a light trance state and was overcome with a sense of deep psychic rapport with the artist, as if I were experiencing, in condensed form, all the emotions he had felt as he had planned, composed, and painted the pictures. The experience left me fighting back tears, with an unshakable sense that the artist's spirit had somehow been literally present.

I felt an urgent need to get in touch with the artist, to let him know how much I had appreciated his work, and -- this thought came out of left field -- to wish him a happy birthday. I turned to the front of the book to find the artist's name and how I might contact him, but when I saw that he had published the book 15 years ago and dedicated it to his great-granddaughter, I realized he was unlikely to be still among the living.

A visit to the artist's website when I got home confirmed this. Jerry Pinkney departed mortality on October 20, 2021, having entered it in 1939, on -- as I somehow already knew -- December 22.

Jerry, if this somehow reaches you, thank you.


Ra1119bee said...


Jerry Pinkney is multiracial as was Aseop,
but I'm sure you already knew that.

All transitions begin in the dark. and then through
the portal of a doorway, gate, bridge. tunnel or window
or the mother's' doorway : a Vesica Piscis.

Recall in my previous comment I made mention of the
Vesica Piscis regarding your dream of the Black woman
(in the photo) being in the middle of your parents.
copy and paste:
"A Vesica is formed when the circumference of two identical
circles each pass through the center of the other.
When a Vesica Piscis is viewed horizontally,
it looks like a vagina or a womb which is why the
Christ child was often pictured inside of one."
So not surprisingly you'd have
this paranormal experience on a multiracial man's
BIRTH-day, which is on the 22nd.

Recall my many comments about the number 22 . The number
22 is EVERYWHERE , especially in movies. 22 is a master number
which master numbers are not reduced to its single digit, however
2+2 equals 4, i.e. the doorway.

Adding Eight plus Five of course equals 13 and
when reduced to a single digit equals 4.

You also are in your chronological age of forties, no?

Recall I linked the 1960's Twilight Zone episode titled : 22
with you before. ( re-link below )
Note in the episode clip the character "Liz " is clutching
a clown.
The archetype of the clown/joker/trickster
is also a change (transition ) agent.

Liz is an EL ( El-zibeth ) which the El's aka the Shining Ones
have the gift of foresight. ( 4sight?).
Of course a lizard is also a shinning one.

Recall my many comments about the El's and the master
number 11 and my 2003 11:11 dream experience.
4 Ones also equals 4.
11+11 = 22.

Benjamin Netanyahu aka BB, is a 22.
Recall my gazillion comments about Israel and the Third Temple.
If the Third Temple is built that historic
act will be a Huge transformation, according to prophecy, no?

In the Twilight Zone clip note Liz reaches for water
and the water glass breaks.
I think that symbolizes the birthing, that is:
when a pregnant woman's water breaks before delivery.
Water being a conduit to the 'other side'.

And last but not least, Liz's profession is a night club stripper.
Recall your recent dream about the 'eraser' dog?

Also recall my previous comments about Taylor Swift
and 22. In the video below note at the ending, Taylor Falls down
into water.
Also the name Taylor
copy and paste:
" From an English surname that originally denoted someone
who was a tailor, from Norman French tailleur, ultimately
from Latin taliare "to cut".
And yet again another connection to stripping, cutting ( El-on's
DOGE perhaps?) erasing etc,
Although a tailor cuts he/she also sews new garments to 'cloak'
us in.

Another 22 reference was in the 1985 movie Lost in America
(link below ).
I think I commented previously about this movie as well.
The plot of Lost in America is about a Boomer couple in their early
40's who decide to transition to a new mindset and lifestyle
of a nomad after being worn down by corporate America.

IMHO, I think your soul is trying to get your attention regarding
an upcoming transition be it an individual transition
or a collective one.

clip from Twenty-two ( Twilight Zone)

Taylor Swift - 22

Lost in America - Twenty-Two! ( 1985)

Francis Berger said...

This is a good post. I hope your well-wishes do reach the artist.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Jerry died on my wedding anniversary, a further coincidence.

When I came home and put Jerry’s book on my desk, I realized I’d set it on top of a copy of Van Quine’s book The Web of Belief, which I think is symbolically significant in the context of the fable.

William Wright (WW) said...

In reading this, I realized, as if for the first time, that Jerry is a slang term for a German.

He's looking good sitting there in his blue denim shirt.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of 22 and Crypto/Krypto and
Falling Down into frozen water,
and Transhumanism via the Übermensch, Oh My!
Consider this:
I just found this new release trailer of the 2025 Superman movie.
The 22 connection is the Old Toronto Star building
which served as a model for the Daily Planet
building which of course the fictional Daily
Planet is where Clark Kent worked.

The Old Toronto Star building had 22 floors.
Both World Trade Towers at the time of
completion were 110 stories tall each.

Note in the Superman trailer the dog Krypto/ Crypto (the hidden )
wears a bright red cape. Superman's cape, on the other hand
is more of a rust color. Krypto looks very much
like the white terrier dog on the Fools' Tarot card.

In the video trailer Krypto breaks through the snow
to rescue Superman.

IMO Superman's rust color cape is
symbolic of the 'rusting' of the American Empire
and the Shifting of the Industrial (Iron) Age to
the Silicon (Data) Age.

I just found the Superman trailer, which was just released
in the last couple of days.
I googled the trailer after reading a random article
on my Bing feed about the upcoming Superman movie
which I did not know about since I'm not a Superman
fan or follower.

Clark Kent is also an El' and makes his transformation
inside of a Phone Booth, i.e. the PhoneX or Phoenix.

IMO I believe our opponents' playbook
was/is to transform us (humanity ) via Artificial Intelligence
starting with our mobile Phone.
Think about it even very poor people especially in
the west have a mobile phone. That's unheard of and
it happened in such a short period of time.

What caught my eye however about the Superman
article was the director's comment
which mirrors my own perspective about the rusting
of America which is this :
"Superman director says ‘battered’ hero in new film
represents the US.

The first trailer for the new Superman movie features
a surprisingly fragile image of the DC Comics hero,
which director James Gunn claims represents
the current condition of the United States."

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
I found this article After I posted my previous comment
on your blog regarding the transformation and transition
connection to the number 22, which of course connects with
Pinkney's birthdate.

My previous comment may appear to have gone
" far off field' as far as the topic of this post, but I don't think so.

I personally don't think your paranormal experience
with Jerry Pinkney had anything to do with birthday greetings.

I think the 22 connection( especially given that today
is Dec 22 as well) served as the 'hook' to get you to look deeper.

That's what synchronicity does. It gets our attention for
something much deeper and hidden ( like Krypto )
than what it appears to be on the surface.

A couple other frozen snow/winter symbolic
connections are the character Snow
(played by Donald Sutherland)
in the Hunger Games.
Check out the scene ( link below ) with Snow
and the character Seneca Crane.

While giving Seneca a lecture about
the power of hope and the reason why we( humanity)
are given 'winners', Snow is snipping a white rose.

Recall our recent dialogue about the Waite-Smith's
Fool's Tarot Card. The Fool is not only holding
a white rose, but there is a white terrier dog along
side of the Fool as well.
The white terrier looking very similar to Superman's

And yet another symbolic reference to the winter
is the 1998 book The Fourth Turning which refers
to the Winter 'season' as The Fourth Turning
which of course is a time when nothing grows
and the mindset being : the survival of the fittest.

In the book the Fourth Turning this time in history
is also known as the crisis.

I believe that collectively and globally humanity
is in the Fourth Turning at this
present time. The WEF calls it the Great Reset.

Once again there is reference to the number 4
which also includes the Four Horsemen.

Superman | Official Teaser Trailer

The Hunger Games

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

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