Wednesday, December 11, 2024

King Kong's limousine and other nicotine dreams

Last night I slept with a nicotine patch on, curious about the unusually vivid dreams which are a known side effect of doing so. This is about as close as I've ever come to "experimenting with drugs," unless you count the nutmeg incident.

Vivid dreams were delivered as advertised. I remember three of them.


In the first dream, I was exploring a forest with a few other people. Deep in the woods I found an enormous white vehicle, apparently abandoned, and I said excitedly, "Guys, I think I just found King Kong's limousine!"

I climbed up to the top of the vehicle and went in an open window. Inside, I found a cash register. A sign on the register had a headshot of a gorilla and said something like, "I don't have to give you a receipt because I'm a gorilla." There was fine print underneath about how gorillas are not subject to the regulations of the EU. I thought this was very witty and took a photo.

I climbed out the window and up onto the top of the vehicle. That's when I discovered that it wasn't actually a single huge vehicle but rather four white automobiles stacked one on top of another. My climbing upset the balance, and the upper cars slid down and began rolling down the street (there was a street now) out of control. They were going the wrong direction, and drivers were swerving to avoid hitting them. I regretted climbing up on top of the car; if I had stayed inside, with the cash register, I would have been able to put on the brakes.

I was concerned that if the cars kept going, they would end up plunging into the sea and disturbing the whales and dolphins.


In the second dream, my parents and siblings and I, all more or less our current ages, were moving back into the house in Derry, New Hampshire, where I had lived between the ages of two and seven. We were driving there in a Jaguar SUV which had a special feature: You could connect your luggage to the back of your seat, and then when you arrived you could take out the whole seat, which had wheels on it, and use it as a convenient way to transport your luggage. My dad was the only one to use this special feature; the rest of us moved out luggage around the old-fashioned way. "This is a Jaguar," he said. "We should take advantage of its features."

The house in Derry was very large and still had all our things in it from when we had lived there back in the 1980s -- but everything was clean and in good repair and showed no signs of having been abandoned for decades. The living room was illuminated by thousands of white Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling. As we passed a couple of small bookcases, I said, "I remember this was back before we had that many books." One of the walls had three portraits on it: my father, my mother, and between them a Black woman I didn't recognize. White birch trees were visible through the window, and my dad starting singing to himself, "Oh, the birches seemed dreamlike on account of that frostin' . . . ."

I found it emotionally overwhelming to be back in Derry. I kept thinking to myself how much better it was than anywhere else we had ever lived, and what a mistake it had been to leave. I thought I would definitely go to church on Sunday, even though there were probably few people I remembered remaining in the local congregation. I thought of a particular family, the Carders (I mentally pronounced it the New England way, dropping the r's), who had a pumpkin farm, and figured they would probably still be around.


In the third dream, I had just finished teaching an English class, and the students and I were all going downstairs to the lobby. I realized that one of the students had forgotten something on his desk, and for some reason instead of sending him back upstairs to get it, I went myself. I was disoriented at first because I found that the layout of the classroom had been rotated 90 degrees. The board, which had been on the south wall, was now on the west wall, and all the desks were facing it. I couldn't figure out who had rearranged everything or how they had done it so quickly -- we had only been out of the classroom for a few seconds.

I found the desk where the student had left one of his books, and I discovered to my annoyance that someone had also left some trash in the little shelf under the desktop -- some kind of plastic wrapper and, I was surprised to find, a fork. The fork had four silver tines, and the handle was made of a hard green material and was decorated with a leafy pattern. I picked everything up and took it downstairs. By the time I got downstairs, the book and the plastic wrapper had changed into dishes, so I just left everything in the kitchen sink.

Upon waking reflection, I suspect that the fork ties in with my recent dream about "The confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates." I dreamed of a river with a "fork" in it, and in my analysis in that post and the comments, I connected this with the river that flows out of Eden and then divides into four rivers. The green handle of the fork with its leaf pattern represents the Garden, and the silver part which divides into four tines represents the river that "was parted, and became into four heads" (Gen. 2:10).


Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

I found your second dream very intriguing indeed.
As you may know, the location and setting of a dream
is very important.

A dream that takes place in a house where we grew up
as opposed to where we live in our current life for example,
has two different meanings, especially if in the dream
the dreamer is not the same age as the time
when the dreamer lived there.

I found it interesting that Derry New Hampshire is on
the 40th parallel north ( actually 42 but factor in the law
of the three)
Recall I shared my perspective on the significance
of the 40th parallel north several times on your blog.
The 40th parallel north is a powerful Ley Line.
Recall my previous comment about the Dalet and the number
4 being the doorway.

As far as the photo with your mother and father and "between
them" a Black woman 'that you didn't recognize', I think Symbolically
that the Black woman 'in the middle' is you.

And before you run away Neo, please allow me to explain ;-)
Black people in our dreams, whether the dreamer is Black or not,
means the shadow i.e. that which is hidden.
That dark/shadow part of us may even be hidden from ourselves
or that part of us that we do not want to confront or address
because of societal reasons and/or demands.

An example being: The Black Sheep of a group or family
or society because of our alternative beliefs.
The fact that the Black person in your dream was a female
would suggest, at least to me, that this alternative hidden part
of yourself is having to do with intuition or emotions
which of course are more female attributes,
but powerful, nevertheless.

As I have commented many times I believe that our intuition,
via our soul (which I personally believe is connected to God)
is our most valuable and powerful asset while in physical body.

You yourself wrote:
"I found it emotionally overwhelming to be back in Derry."

And speaking of powerful sources, I found this interesting
about the Jaguar,
copy and paste from Wiki : ( link below )
"In the pre-Columbian Americas, the jaguar was a symbol
of power and strength. In the Andes, a jaguar cult disseminated
by the early Chavín culture became accepted over most
of today's Peru by 900 BC

and this:
In the later Maya civilization, the jaguar was known
as balam or bolom' in many of the Mayan languages,
and was used to symbolize warriors and the elite class
for being brave, fierce and strong.
The cat was associated with the underworld and its
image was used to decorate tombs and grave-good vessels.

and this:
The Aztec civilization called the jaguar ocelotl and considered it
to be the king of the animals. It was believed to be fierce
and courageous, but also wise, dignified and careful.

The military had two classes of warriors, the ocelotl
or jaguar warriors and the cuauhtli or eagle warriors...
The jaguar was considered to be the totem animal
of the powerful deities Tezcatlipoca and Tepeyollotl.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
I also found it interesting that the jaguar's coat
coloring is yellow/amber and black and similar
to the monarch which of course is symbolic with powerful
Another orange connection is the Carders pumpkin farm.
Pumpkins are of course shaped like the human head.

In dream work everything is symbolic, not literal.
Yes there are premonition dreams but premonition
dreams are rare.
The vast majority of our dreams, and what I believe to be
the meaning of dreams, is that our soul is bringing us a message,
speaking in the Universal Language of symbolism,
numerology/gematria and archetypes.
The problem is that the vast majority of people
don't remember the language.

Usually the soul's message is one of
helping us to understand ourselves
and why we're here on earth which helps us navigate
this 'jungle' we've fallen down into. Much like a map.

If we ignore the message/map from our soul, especially
if there is very crucial lesson to learn, then we're lost.
However our soul never gives up on us and
attempts to get our attention in other ways which
is the reason behind recurring nightmares.

Synchronicity is also our soul trying to get our

Of course all of this is my humble opinion.;-)

P.S. I'll send the photo of the Blue Morpho and Mr. Butterfly
to your email .

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this to my comment regarding
my reference about Neo running away..;-)

Note that Morpheus is holding his hands in the Merkle Rhombus.

What is The Matrix?

P.S. said...

Rather peaceful dreams for one under the influence of a nicotine patch. I've worn them before while sleeping and in my case at least they always inspire strifeful dreams. Nicotine falls under Mars' jurisdiction so this makes sense. If you're interested in lucid dreaming just imagine you are running while you transition into the world of dreams. Almost invariably this will keep keen your awareness as you enter the astral realm. Be careful, however, as sooner or later you'll likely run into certain souls of the human dead who, being desirous of the myriad experiences in the physical world, will attach themselves to you in order to feed off you parasitically. Best of luck!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Iantromantis,
Potato Salad

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, that's an interesting interpretation of the Black woman. In the confluence dream, I was dressed in black and said I wouldn't be allowed to participate in a Mormon rite. Skin and clothing are symbolically interchangeable, and Blacks were historically (and women still are) excluded from the Mormon priesthood.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Seeking a stichomantic answer to the identity of the Black woman, I got this:

"There is no end of all the people, even of all that have been before them: they also that come after shall not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and vexation of spirit" (Ecclesiastes 4:16).

This implies she could have represented my very distant ancestors, who if you go back far enough would (according to current scientific opinion) have been Black -- "African Eve" or something like that. That would explain her portrait's being with those of my parents.

If the Black woman represents me, it's curious that my brothers and sisters are not represented.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

As a follow-up stichomantic question, I asked, "Is the Black woman me?" and got this:

"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof" (Gen. 2:21).

What are the odds? Just after speculating that she might be "African Eve," I ask a follow-up question and literally get the verse that describes the creation of Eve.

But that verse is also consistent with her being "me" in some sense. Eve comes out of the sleeping man (Adam just means "man") and is "bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh" -- implying that the Black woman comes out of me, the sleeping man who had the dream, and is in a way part of me.

Besides the general "sleeping man" connection, in the confluence dream I seemed to be playing the role of an "excommunicated" Adam being exiled from the Tree of Life. Conspicuous by her absence was anyone corresponding to Eve, though my companion expected that we would meet a woman as we traveled upstream and that she would want to be baptized (just as Eve immerses herself in water as a penance in the Vita Adae et Evae).

Looking it up now, I see that it is in the Tigris that Eve "baptizes" herself. Later syncs identified the rivers in my dream as the Tigris and the Euphrates. My uncertainty as to which river to follow could have been an uncertainty as to which of the two was the Tigris. The Tigris should have been narrower and on the right, but in the dream the narrower river was on the left.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

PS, what is the connection between nicotine and Mars?

Leo said...

Do you plan to continue the patch? Twitter has been informing me for awhile now that nicotine cures all sorts of ailments and "they" have been trying to keep men from using/benefiting from it, primarily to keep male testosterone low. Less risk of revolt and a bit of population control as an added bonus. Or so the thinking goes. But it also apparently makes you immune to Covid and nanobots among other things.

The downside is it is severely addictive and the withdrawals are pretty punishing. I've thought about trying it but this is what has kept me on the sidelines.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I tend to assume nicotine is good just from the fact that They are so opposed to it, but I don’t see a need for it in my own life. This was just an experiment with its effect on dreams. There were seven patches in the package I bought, and they’re not cheap, so I’ll go ahead and use the rest (spacing them out to prevent addiction), but I don’t intend to continue beyond that.

The dreams weren’t anything earth-shattering, by the way. Unusually vivid, but well within the range of normal experience.

P.S. said...

As cannabis is under the jurisdiction of Venus just so does nicotine fall under the authority of Mars. One of those "magical correspondences".

Your Friendly Neighborhood Iantromantis,
Potato Salad

P.S. said...

On Synlogos just saw Ms. Barnhardt make reference to week old potato salad in the title to one of her blog posts. Apparently us potato salads are devoid of any real authority. No respect! lmao

Your Friendly Neighborhood Iantromantis,
(The Ever Fallible) Potato Salad

Ra1119bee said...

You wrote : "This implies she could have represented my very distant ancestors, who if you go back far enough would (according to current scientific opinion) have been Black -- "African Eve"
or something like that.
That would explain her portrait's being with those of my parents.

If the Black woman represents me,
it's curious that my brothers and sisters are not represented.
My response: It appears, at least to me,
that you're trying to find logic in your dream's message.
The metaphysical and specifically dreams
are not logical or literal or scientific.

The reason why your brothers and sisters are not represented
in the photo is because most dreams( which have a spiritual message)
there are always only 3 people symbolic of the trinity.

It's interesting that the Black woman was 'in the middle' of your
mother and father. The middle of two opposites (i.e. male
and female ) is the vesica piscis, the creation.

I do not think that your dream had anything to do with Africans
or Black people.
It's interesting that you didn't write that you felt that
the woman was African, you wrote the woman
in the photo was a Black woman.

Ask yourself did you have a sense at all(in the dream )
that your brothers and sisters were with you
on the trip back to Derry? If not I would suggest that
your dream was of a spiritual message and reason
which is why there were only 3 people.

You wrote: But that verse is also consistent with her being "me"
in some sense. Eve comes out of the sleeping man
(Adam just means "man") and is "bone of his bones
and flesh of his flesh" -- implying that the Black woman
comes out of me, the sleeping man who had the dream,
and is in a way part of me.

Besides the general "sleeping man" connection, i
n the confluence dream I seemed to be playing the role of an "excommunicated"
Adam being exiled from the Tree of Life.
Conspicuous by her absence was anyone corresponding to Eve,
though my companion expected that we would meet
a woman as we traveled upstream and that she would want
to be baptized (just as Eve immerses herself in water
as a penance in the Vita Adae et Evae).
My response: I think that explanation is
closer to the meaning of your dream.
The female is water which may explain your recent
Tigris and the Euphrates river dream.

Also the word Derry, is very similar, at least to me,
to the word Dairy which of course it is the female cow
who produces the milk. Milk sustains us. In the Bible milk
represents life, a new 'creation'.

Remember in dreams, the setting of the dream is very important
much like the setting in a play or movie. So if
your soul placed you in Derry, as opposed to where you lived
in Ohio for example suggests, at least to me,
that there was a reason for it.

And do note that words/names and of course numbers
in our dreams are just another part of the symbolism
of the dream and just as significant.

William Wright (WW) said...

It just occurred to me that King Kong is famous for climbing to the top of the Empire State Building.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...