Saturday, December 7, 2024

Some people just can’t live without joy

I dreamed that there was a large table, on which was a very large piece of white paper with a circular diagram on it. The interior of the circle was a yellow-orange color like that of Waite's Wheel of Fortune and was full of lines and symbols in a pattern much busier than that of the Wheel and more suggestive of something like Facsimile 2. I don't think it was Facsimile 2, but I include this illustration to give a general idea of the style of the diagram.

It was very large, maybe six feet in diameter. Three men were standing around the table discussing it. Two of them were wearing blue robes, and the third was wearing a conservative black business suit. I didn't get a good sense of their faces.

One of the men said, as if expressing a conclusion derived from careful consideration of the diagram, "Some people just can't live without joy."


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
My opinion is that Joy occurs when we find balance.
When we're of kilter ( courtesy of our Ego )
we fall down.
So I agree we can't live without balance.
Balance is when we no longer have to choose , either/or.

IMO it's division which creates chaos:
Black vs White( and vice versa)
Have Nots vs Haves, ( and vice versa)
Religion vs Religion
Males vs Females ( and vice versa)
Country vs Country
Red vs Blue
and on and on ad nauseum.

The circle/Ring ( whole/hole) is a portal ( port hole )
and in Alchemy it's the Philosophers Stone
( tone, -am )
aka the completion.

Note in the Ouroboros it's the serpent's head that serves
as gatekeeper and prevents the completion,
Because of the serpent there is no exit or entrance.
In this duality dimension doors/gates/windows swing both ways
unless they are guarded by a gatekeeper.

Red mixed with yellow produces orange.
The colors of Fire ( as is blue, like a blue flame)

I found this information interesting which of course
I'm sure that you already know this,
copy and paste :
"The term derives from Ancient Greek
οὐροβόρος,[6] from οὐρά oura 'tail' plus -βορός -boros '-eating'

The ouroboros is often interpreted as a symbol for
eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth;
the snake's skin-sloughing symbolizes the transmigration of souls.
The snake biting its own tail is a fertility symbol
in some religions:
the tail is a phallic symbol and the mouth is a yonic
or womb-like symbol."

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
It's interesting, at least to me, that when we separate
the word Ouroborus
it could read: Our, Ro (Row) bo us, or RUS

Bo meaning in old Norse mythology :
copy and paste:
Bo is a given name of Norse and Chinese origin.
The Norse roots of Bo are in the Scandinavian languages
Danish, Norwegian, Swedish. It is associated
with the present-day Scandinavian word 'bo', meaning "live",
as in exist/living (related to life),
and reside/nest (related to dwelling).
The Chinese given name Bo can be spelled as Bō.
The meaning can be 波 (bō) "wave"

The wave meaning is interesting as the Ro/Row symbolizes
an action on or of water.
copy and paste:
"The name Rus', like the Proto-Finnic name for Sweden
(*roocci), supposed to be descended from an
Old Norse term for "the men who row"
The men who row are also HErows ( Heroes).
Those who row are Navigators and Aviators.
The term Row/Roll is also used in Aviation.
Navigators and Aviators are also Conquerors.

If you haven't seen the 2012 movie Flight with Denzel Washington
do check it out.
Me having a lifetime love of aviation,
Flight is one of my all time favorite aviation film.

In the link below in the clip of Flight,
note that Captain Whitaker (played
by Denzel) tells the First Officer to 'roll it'.

Also recall the nursery rhyme:
Row Row Row your boat
gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily Merrily
Life is but a DREAM.

And once again back to the Illusion.

Everything is connected.,_Russia_and_Ruthenia
Flight (2012) - Inverting the Plane Scene

William Wright (WW) said...

So we have the two Blue Wizards and the Man in Black.

I wonder if "Joy" could be a name/ word game here, or at least a double meaning in not just referring to an emotion, but to a person?

The French version Joie is considered to also be a diminutive of Josephine (the female version of Joseph) and Johanna (John). Given that the Wheel of Fortune in question might be directly linked to Joseph's Stone, or the Rose Stone, this seems like a reasonable game. I've also guessed that the Seer using that Stone, disc, or whatever will be an Elias, also associated with the name or title of John.

This also gives a little more meaning or clarity to the dream phrase that someone spoke after studying the Wheel.

WanderingGondola said...

Huh. Just over a week ago, I wound up on the KYM page for a particular Blade Runner 2049 meme. A fine juxtaposition of Joi and sadness.

On a related note, in case you've been wondering about my lack of activity, am having a lot of trouble shifting another grey mood. (I guess there's one way to take "can't live without joy"...)

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