Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Three Nephites story

I was listening to Louis Armstrong on YouTube, and somehow or other this showed up in the sidebar. I found it compelling enough to listen the whole thing (quite unusual for me, since my tolerance for video is generally very low), and so I pass it along to whoever might happen to read this post.

The lady in the video is apparently a member of one of the "Restoration Branches" of Mormonism -- a Missouri-based conservative movement which broke off from the RLDS when that denomination began to become converged in the 1980s. (The RLDS, a never-polygamous sect of Mormonism which followed Joseph Smith III rather than Brigham Young, has since degenerated into a "liberal Christian" type group called the Community of Christ.)

As someone who takes both Mormonism and close encounters seriously, I should mention that the person this woman and her friend encountered does fit the traditional folklore about the Three Nephites -- but also that about the so-called Nordic aliens (no suitable link suggests itself, but you know the guys I mean). I'm not trying to explain-away either tradition in terms of the other; just noting the similarity.

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