Sunday, August 23, 2020

Never fear, Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man is here!

I am sometimes tempted to congratulate myself on choosing to live in Taiwan, where common sense is only near-threatened rather than critically endangered and where people tend to be relatively laid-back about the Burning Issues of the Day.


If the press is to be believed, the mild-mannered mayor of Changhua, the city which has been my home for the past decade and a half, has announced that he is (I swear I am not making this up) Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man -- and even has a snazzy superhero costume that makes him look a bit like Poison Ivy's male sidekick, Poison Ivan. (Not nearly as catchy a moniker as Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man, mind you.)

Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man went on to declare Changhua "the first Climate Emergency City" in Taiwan (summers on this subtropical island are, he astutely observed, "very hot") and to demand a green new carbon zero carbon justice extinction something something.

His speech was cheered by crowds of ivy-crowned maenads -- and, apparently, one heckler holding up a sign that said "How dare you!" (presumably a reference to ESCRTM's failure to wear a mask).

As I was saying, crowds.

You can read the original story here (in Chinese) if you feel so inclined.


Francis Berger said...

If the mayor wants to attract more people to his cause, he should consider coming up with a marketing pitch for his "Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man" alter ego.

I humbly suggest he take a page from Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubeman. Who knows? It could work!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man!
Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man!
Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man!

Hi, I'm Lin Shih-hsien, President and CEO of Lin Shih-hsien's Energy-Saving Carbon-Reducing Tree Man Emporium and Warehouse!...

Francis Berger said...

See! It works!

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...