Thursday, December 3, 2020

I repudiate my past false neutrality.

I stand with President Trump.

I repent my pretentious attitude of dismissing Trump and Biden as two interchangeable lying buffoons whose squabbles were beneath my notice. This position was never, in the deepest sense, honest. It represented a forced override of intuition by discursive reason, and was motivated by pride and pusillanimity.

This is shaping up to be a total war, and neutrality is neither possible nor desirable. Mr. Trump is very, very far from being a moral exemplar, but it is becoming increasingly clear -- ever more so as every demon in hell is mobilized against him -- that God is with him and against his enemies. And so am I.

My uncle and I used to play the "reincarnation game" -- how literally it was to be taken was left ambiguous -- of trying to figure out who various public figures had been in past lives. We were in agreement that Bush fils was George III and that Obama was FDR but could reach no consensus on Trump. My uncle said Caligula; I said Beowulf. We don't play that game anymore, but if we did, I would be very confident in asserting that Trump is Samson.

Samson: kinda goofy, lots of warts, certainly not anybody's role model -- but, as they say, "he also delivered Israel."

Let's hope his story has a happier ending this time around.


Bruce Charlton said...

Agreed - By his individual courage in not conceding, leading to the 45 minute speech yesterday, my doubts have been removed (insofar as I can make a judgment on remote events, anyway). He has - I believe - earned the support of all who oppose the world of Untruthfulness.

What is now necessary is the emergence of a positive spiritual and Christian agenda to oppose its opposite. I would not rule this out.

And we can easily see from the nature of the mass media response - in past weeks and especially yesterday (i.e Not talking about it, Not reporting it, Total blanket denial) - this is Not something that They want to shine a spotlight on; which means They regard the matter as a genuine threat.

Again, events have conspired to bring things to a point of maximum clarity. The sides are 'polarised', far apart- there is no middle ground left.

All the powers of evil are lined up and solid on one side, with one simple view. If we know they are lying, and anyone who thinks for himself does know this, then we know They are evil - and evil in an organised, coordinated, systematic way.

Such are these times. Again and again we see clarity where there was confusion; the option of agnosticism, fudge, compromise and middle ground being deleted again and again, in one place after another.

(Again I should remind myself; this business is not primarily about politics, and not primarily about winning elections; the vital importance is pspiritual, the benefits are spiritual - because untruthfulness, dishonsty and lies are evil, and a sytem *rooted* in untruthfulness is evil: necessarily and funamentally evil.)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Yes, the Media response is amazing. The President of the United States gives a speech, prefacing it with "This may be the most important speech I've ever made" -- and everyone ignores it! Whichever side you're on, there's no denying that this is a YUGE news story -- but the so-called news Media clearly have higher priorities than mere news right now.

Sean G. said...

It seems that God has given us the best possible scenario yet again. May we not blow it yet again! I don't think the election could have gone more perfectly. The masks are slipping and the illusion is cracking.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...