Wednesday, December 2, 2020

It's an emergency!

I find that -- despite the government's best efforts to keep the panic alive, including a new nationwide tin foil hat mandate, to be enforced by strict fines -- people still do not fully realize the gravity of the birdemic situation in Taiwan.

So, being the public-spirited type, I put together this graphic to make the numbers easy to visualize. The square represents the population of Taiwan (before it was culled by the birdemic). The red portion represents those who have died of the birdemic. Blue represents "cases" (in the inclusive birdemic sense of that word) who have not died -- including both active cases and those who have recovered. The gray portion represents everyone else.

You might want to zoom in.

Note added: The red portion actually ought to be slightly smaller than a single pixel, but I rounded up. Better to overestimate the danger than underestimate it!


Bruce Charlton said...

Time to buy a new monitor - I can't see the pixel. But it is, nonetheless, terrifying. If I were you; I would be demanding more oppression Now, just in case...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Obviously, the only way forward is to sterilize the whole country by setting it on fire. There might be a little collateral damage, but it's worth it if we can save just one life. Anyway, we can always Build Back Better later!

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