Thursday, December 31, 2020

Arlo's dreams

A tip from a reader:

You recently posted about Arlo Guthrie singing the song City of New Orleans. Arlo also has a song, "In my darkest hour" which he said came to him in a dream.  The song begins: "It's the 10th of January and I still ain't had no sleep."

In a recent post, I wrote:

It appears that we are looking at a roughly five-day period here:
  • Jan 6: birthday of Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans; Feast of Epiphany
  • Jan 7: Saturn-Pluto conjunction ends
  • Jan 8: anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans
  • Jan 9: anniversary of the beginning of Joan of Arc's trial
  • Jan 10: anniversary of Caesar's crossing the Rubicon
Today I had a sudden hunch to Google the phrase "five days in January," which brought up a novel by that name by one R. T. Lowe. Here's the blurb:

Reeling from a terrible accident that claimed the lives of his parents, Felix arrives at Portland College hoping only to survive the experience. In time, however, with the help of his reality star roommate, and Allison, his friend from home, he immerses himself in the distractions of college life and gradually dares to believe he can put his past behind him. But a fateful storm looms on the horizon: In the nearby woods, two hikers become the latest victims in a series of gruesome murders; a disfigured giant embarks on a vicious cross-country rampage, killing teenagers who fail his 'test'; an ancient society of assassins tasked with eradicating the wielders of a mysterious source of power awakens after a long silence; and a grassroots movement emerges from the shadows to capture the public's imagination, its hidden agenda as revolutionary and terrifying as the man who created it. Only one man -- the school's groundskeeper -- knows that the seemingly unrelated events are connected, and that an eighteen-year-old boy stands in the center of the storm.

No smoking guns here, but the phrases I have bolded are suggestive. Trump was a reality star; "storm" is Q lingo; eighteen = 1/8 = the Battle of New Orleans.

Some of the lyrics of "Darkest Hour" also caught my attention.

It's the tenth of January and I still ain't had no sleep
She comes waltzing in the nighttime, made of wings
She is dressed up like a bandit with a hundred sparkling rings

"Dressed up like a bandit" means wearing a bandana over her face. "A hundred sparkling rings" suggests the planet Saturn.

Her father's in his chambers with his friends all gathered 'round
They are plotting their enemy's demise
With their last detail done, they await the coming sun
While I am staring in my lover's eyes
Her brothers and her sisters are all through for tonight
Pretending that they've just come to power
But she, far most of all, knows that they can only fall
In my darkest hour

This bit pretty much interprets itself, I would say. "Pretending that they've just come to power" -- could any line be more December 2020 than that?

"Darkest Hour" is supposed to have come to Guthrie in a dream. It appears on his 1976 album Amigo, which also features another "dream" song.

Living now here but for fortune
Placed by fate's mysterious schemes
Who'd believe that we're the ones asked
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Arise sweet destiny, time runs short
All of your patience has heard their retort
Hear us now for alone we can't seem
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Can you hear the words being whispered
All along the American stream
Tyrants freed the just are imprisoned
Try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Ah but perhaps too much is being asked of too few
You and your children with nothing to do
Hear us now for alone we can't seem
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

I'm not usually one to say this, but: Deus vult. I think we're being given another chance, and I pray people will rise to the occasion.

1 comment:

Bruce Charlton said...

"I think we're being given another chance, and I pray people will rise to the occasion."

It seems that way to me - with 'we' being specifically the US.

But everything must start somewhere, with some person; and exponential-type growth is invisible in its early iterations - then soon after it appears is already exploding.

I don't have a sense whether people (and , if so, how many?) will or will not rise to the occasion.

I keep getting surprised by things - mostly negatively, but not always. e.g. I did not at all suspect that Trump would prove so solid, strong, relentless about exposing the fraud.

But I do know that - if chance-taking Was/Is happening, it would not be something we would be reading about or watching in the mass media.

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