Friday, December 18, 2020

January 8?

In a recent post, I mentioned that an email correspondent of mine had looked at the daily Mass reading for December 14 and tried interpreting it synchronistically as a prophecy. That actually wasn't the only date he looked at.

The post inspired me to do my own synchro research (on a much smaller scale).  For each day of the year, the Catholic mass has daily readings.  I checked January 8, January 20, December 14 and also the Sunday after January 20, which is the 24th.

I knew that December 14 was the day the electoral college voted and that January 20 was Inauguration Day, but the other date mentioned didn't mean anything to me. I wrote,

And forgive my ignorance, but what’s the significance of January 8?

He replied,

I realized after sending this email that January 8 was a mistake. I remembered reading that date in a comment, but I must have been mistaken because the significant day is January 6, when Congress meets to count the electoral college votes and declare a winner.

I didn't think anything of it at the time, but that should have been a huge red flag. A mistake? Like an accident? A coincidence? This is synchronicity research -- we don't believe in that stuff! You drop a Tarot card out of the deck while you're shuffling, that's not an accident; it's part of the reading -- probably the most important part.

The email exchange I've quoted took place on November 16-19, and I revisited it on the eve of December 14. Then I suddenly started thinking of the song "The Battle of New Orleans" -- which I hadn't heard or thought of in decades -- and couldn't get it out of my head. I had a very strong impression that it was relevant to the electoral goings-on but couldn't see how. New Orleans? Trump won Louisiana handily, and it is not one of the contested states. Battle of Atlanta or Detroit or something would have been more apropos.

Yesterday, I attempted an analysis of the song. I gave it my best shot but still felt like I was missing something essential.

Well, today I finally had the bright idea of reading up a bit on the Battle of New Orleans -- the battle, not the song -- and now I know the significance of January 8. I'm quite sure that I didn't know the date of the Battle of New Orleans before -- I had kind of assumed, based on the song, that it took place sometime in 1814 -- but it was January 8, 1815. In fact, "The Eighth" was a major American holiday from the election of Andrew Jackson to the start of the Civil War. As the date of America's last battle against the British, it was considered a sort of second Independence Day. (The war had already been won, and a treaty signed, but the treaty hadn't been officially ratified yet, and news of it had not yet reached New Orleans.)

So I am officially making a prediction that Something Very Big -- most likely Biden's formal concession -- is going to take place on January 8.


David Earle said...

I love predictions!

A said...

January 6th is the Epiphany. The revealing or bringing things to light? Maybe time for a January 8th concession. Caesar’s river crossing was the 10th. George Washington delivered the first ever State of the Union on January 8th.

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