Friday, March 12, 2021

Chomsky: still relevant

Endorsed by Sogo department store?

As the world wakes up to the fact that climate justice is racial justice, it's admittedly a tough time to be a white environmentalist. They know it's not their time, they know voices-of-color need to be heard, they know Black Science Matters -- but with the planet lurching ever closer to climate catastrophe, it's so hard, so frustrating, for these environmentalists-of-no-color to bite their tongues, keep their brilliant schemes for saving the planet to themselves, and let their Black and Brown colleagues have the floor.

They may think of themselves as "allies," they may even outwardly celebrate the ongoing decolonization of the climate justice movement -- but still, deep inside, their colorless green ideas sleep furiously.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" was famously used by Chomsky back in the mid-20th century as an example of a syntactically unobjectionable English sentence which no one would ever produce because it is semantically meaningless. Contriving contexts in which it is meaningful has become something of a parlor game among linguists.

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