Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The last Christmas

Here's the Fake President speaking on March 11, 2021, to mark the one-year anniversary of the birdemic coup.

Photos and videos from 2019 feel like they were taken in another era. The last vacation, the last birthday with friends, the last holiday with extended family.

And here's an email from a friend, dated March 8, 2020, three days before the revolution.

This isn't quite a synchronicity but I was very struck throughout December by the number of times I heard 'Last Christmas' by Wham being played on radios, in shops, building sites, etc. It's the kind of tune you hear a lot every Christmas, of course, but I really did seem to hear it everywhere I went.

I found it odd at the time, but it's only just stuck me that maybe there's something in it - some kind of coded message from the powers that be perhaps - that 2019 really was the 'last Christmas.'

Or is that me just 'over-imaginating'?

My reply, sent the same day:

Okay, the synchronicity fairies have officially been summoned! Just hours after reading [your] email (and mentioning it to no one), I was in the car with family, and [someone] started singing "Last Christmas" -- in March, apropos of absolutely nothing.

Remember this was before anything was shut down -- and when it was, it was just for a few weeks, to flatten the curve. No sane person was predicting that it would go on for a full year, let alone that we were permanently entering a totalitarian twilight zone where it was always flu season and never Christmas!

There are always signs.


Bruce Charlton said...

"always flu season and never Christmas"

I saw what you did there...

"No sane person was predicting that it would go on for a full year, let alone that we were permanently entering a totalitarian twilight zone"

Those sane people...

But they still don't acknowledge the permanent TTZ because when totalitarianism is introduced and permanently-maintained *because of a birdemic*, then it *doesn't count*.

Bruce Charlton said...

Is there some *significance* in the deliberate (and, for me, grating) mispronunciation in Last Christmas by Wham - where Geo Michael *clearly* articulates gev and sev instead of gave and save? Is this an illuminati sign-flash, mayhap?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I'm sure it has some Settanic significance!

The Utah Velly dialect does this, but only before an "l" sound. The first time someone told me she had to bell her son out of gel, I had no idea what she was talking about! And the first time I heard Luke 1:28 ("Hail, thou art highly favoured...") read out in Utahnics, it was very hard not to laugh. I guess Gabriel stubbed his toe as he came in or something.

True fact: I had never heard "Last Christmas" until I came to Taiwan. When I first heard it, someone told me, "Come on, you know this, it's the Beatles!"

Dr. Mabuse said...

And here comes the second cancelled Easter, too. I remember last year, how many shirty rebukes I got from Catholics when I complained about our cancelled Easter. "Easter isn't *cancelled*!" they snorted. Why, Easter is in our hearts, and that's what REALLY matters. Some bloggers even wrote that the lockdown was a GOOD thing, because so many people take communion in the wrong frame of mind, and this was preventing them from sinning. After a year, we can see this as the feeble coping mechanism it always was, and adjust to living in a world where Christianity has been stealth-banned, mostly with the approval and cooperation of its supposed adherents.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Your namesake, Jan Mabuse (famously name-checked by Nostradamus) painted Saint Luke Painting the Madonna, which syncs with my last comment, where I mention the "Hail Mary" passage in Luke.

Bruce Charlton said...

I don't think I've actually written on my blog that the degree of convergence to the satanic totalitarian agenda can be estimated validly by the proportion of masked people (non-satirically depicted) on an organization's public pages. Even one such picture is an index of net affiliation to evil - and the scale goes up from there. The news feed on my Kindle Fire 'tablet' (i.e. MSN - before I worked out how to block it) always had a *minimum* of four masked photos at all time, of which at least one had multiple masked persons. But this 'convergence detector' works pretty well for self-identified Christian denomination websites, in their news and media sections.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I just checked the Church of England’s news and media page, and — no masks! So that’s a false negative.

What gets me is masked profile pics. What’s the point of the picture if not to show your face?

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