Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Nearly 300 peck victims rise from the dead in a single weekend!

Once again the conspiracy theorists have been proven right, and this time it's about the zombie apocalypse! Not only are people dying from the pecks, they're not staying dead. According to the latest numbers from Taiwan's CDC, at least 292 formerly deceased victims of the AZ peck rose from the grave over the past weekend and walk the earth once more. (From here and here.)

Since every other number on the table has increased or stayed the same -- including the total, which no longer adds up -- I assume this is just a typo. The "real" number is obviously 621, and it must have been carelessly typed up using the numeric keypad, where 6 and 3 are adjacent. (I'm a bit surprised the total wasn't affected. Apparently they key it in by hand instead of using a spreadsheet function.)

Is it an honest mistake, though, or intentional plausibly-deniable gaslighting? I mean, no one pays any attention to the totals at the bottom -- meaningless figures that lump together deaths with "non-serious adverse effects." The numbers that matter are the total deaths and total serious adverse events across all pecks -- and these numbers are conveniently not included on the table at all but have to be calculated by hand. To someone who just glances quickly at the table to get a general idea, the most salient number will be 321 -- the very number that was conveniently cut way down by a typo.

The actual total number of peck deaths (assuming no one really rose from the dead) is now 808. The total number of birdemic-attributed deaths is 842. That's a total of 1,650 birdemic-related deaths -- of which 51% were caused by the disease and 49% by the "cure."

(Note the parenthetical disclaimer they've started adding to the adverse events report now that the numbers are rising. I suppose it goes without saying that reports of possible adverse events after a positive birdemic test absolutely are evidence that the health problems were caused by the birdemic.)

The only way forward -- obviously! -- is to keep pushing harder to "cure" every last person in the country.


Bruce Charlton said...

I can't see any further negative evidence (or lack of positive evidence) having any effect on the 'views' of the majority - short of every-single peck instantly being followed by instant death.

That *might* be noticed, and *might* lead to reconsideration of the peck-everyone-in-the-world-repeatedly-forever plan; but I would not care to bet on it...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I know, I continue to be amazed at how evidence-proof this whole thing is!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

They’ve updated the page and decided those 300 people are still dead after all.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...