Sunday, September 19, 2021

Why do some people worship Satan?

I dreamed that I overheard one of my young students (a specific person, whose name denotes “justice”) asking his mother (in English, for some reason) about Satanism: “I heard that some people worship Satan. If Satan is bad, and he already lost, how can he win, and why do some people worship him?”

It was twilight, and I was standing at the top of a cliff of rough, black rock overlooking the sea. There were four large, black plastic baskets, and I was sorting through objects and putting each in the correct basket. The student came out and, without saying anything, began helping me sort the objects.

“I heard you have some questions about people worshiping Satan,” I said, and he nodded. “We’ll, do you know where Satan came from? Do you know about the war in heaven?”

“But my question is about now. How can people worship him when he already lost?”

“I know, but to answer that, I have to start at the beginning.”

At that moment, I had a very clear mental image of a complex geometric shape that represented the outlines of my planned explanation — but then I woke up and could no longer understand the shape, and now I can no longer even remember it.

I think that that was intended — that the purpose of the dream was to put a question to me and give me a hint as to how to begin answering it, and that I am to continue the process in waking consciousness.

And I think I should share the question, and the hint, with others, even before I have formulated an answer.

1 comment:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Bruce Charlton gives a very good answer here:

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

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