Sunday, October 25, 2020

Slow Joe Crow on the banjo

After posting about how Joe Biden was presaged by a record released in 2009 and by the Dr. Seuss character Slow Joe Crow, I suddenly remembered this:

This is Steve Martin's 2009 bluegrass album The Crow. The cover features a banjo-playing crow, with headgear distinctly reminiscent of Slow Joe Crow or a plague doctor. The back cover reveals that the crow is secretly controlled by hidden machinery under the table.

Incidentally, Martin's cover art also syncs nicely with my recent post (at The Magician's Table) on Etteilla's version of the Magician card:

Notice the hat of the figure on the table. Also notice that the card's name is Maladie -- "sickness" -- tying in with the plague-doctor/birdemic angle.


More on Biden and banjos:

One of many similar memes

And Biden and the Magician card (Casanova Tarot):

Creepier than Casanova -- no mean accomplishment!

(I don't know why the synchronicity fairies are feeding me all this material on a man doomed to become irrelevant in two weeks' time, but who am I to kick against the pics?)


Bruce Charlton said...

The way things are going, I'm expecting an analysis of the election polls...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Not sure what you’re getting at, Bruce.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - Just that you may be catching 'election fever'!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I don’t know how that happened. I’ve been wearing a mask and everything! Anyway, I hope it’s just a mild case. The recovery rate for my demographic is actually pretty high.

Sean G. said...

Election fever is wildly contagious. I see and "feel" everyone getting sucked into it's vortex and suddenly catch myself checking headlines, which I haven't been doing for the last 6 months. I have not been wearing a mask so that must be it. I might have to quarantine until the election is over.

I do however enjoy these posts. You have an unusual mixture of talents Wm.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

“An unusual mixture of talents” is a very kind way of putting it, Sean. Thank you!

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...