Saturday, October 24, 2020

Slow Joe Crow

Remember Slow Joe Crow, the anthropomorphized corvid from the Dr. Seuss book Fox in Socks?

Come on, man!

It was the similarity of the word corvid to the official name of the birdemic that led to its being dubbed (by Bruce Charlton and myself) a birdemic. -- and obviously the most germane member of the corvid family is the carrion crow, with the near-perfect scientific name Corvus corone.

Slow Joe Crow popped into my head because his name seemed to combine two prominent features of 2020: the corvid birdemic and the rise and fall of "Sleepy Joe" Biden. On the page shown above, we see Slow Joe Crow flying in from the left, dressed in blue, with his eyes closed as if sleeping, with a downward-sloping curve in the background. Below this picture are three lines alluding respectively to the WHO, the birdemic, and Slow Joe himself.

That page is the second Google image search result for slow joe crow. The first is a logo for a band called Slow Joe Crow: a crow with a crown -- a corvid with a corona! (The logo dates to 2018, before the birdemic.) The third is a link to a currently unavailable tweet, but mousing over the link shows that it originally said "Slow Joe Crow is a friggin' Plague Doctor." (This is a post-birdemic tweet but shows no awareness of or intentional allusion to the corvid/birdemic pun used in my little circle.)

The tweet has reference to the distinctive costume worn by plague doctors in 17th-century Europe -- long overcoat, wide-brimmed hat, and a mask featuring goggles and a beak-like protrusion filled with lavender or other herbs believed to protect the wearer from miasma.

Hats are passé now, as is the miasma theory of disease, but mutatis mutandis, the photo on the left below might as well be captioned "Joe Biden wearing a hat and telling a lie."

Lots of people wear masks these days, but Biden is well known for his aviator sunglasses and for wearing a mask all the time. Also for hiding in his basement den -- speaking of which, how is it possible that I didn't notice this hidden meaning of his logo until just now?


Bruce Charlton said...

OK. Yeah!

WRT this Establishment covert symbolism stuff. I don't believe in its objective effectiveness - in the sense that it has nothing to do with God's creation. But it seems that They do.

They certainly act as if They believe in the (evil) power of numbers, astrology, symbolism, ritual and so on - just like archetypal Renaissance Dark Magicians or the early modern Witches.

We just have to 'notice' and there are inversions and distortions of Christian sumbolism and 'black mass' type rituals displayed and enacted in many very public spaces.

And because they act as if they believe, then it is 'true' - in this world, and as long as They rule, and as long as people don't notice but are unconsciously (subliminally) influenced.

The spiritual antidote is discernment, knowledge and conscious rejection - and that is why Their symbolism is both covert and deniable.

(Like that Stener excerpt on my blog yesterday - the forms of our dreams are closer to real-reality than the literalistic, bureaucratic materialism of waking public discourse.)

Bruce Charlton said...

I am always surprised that given the vast money that the US politicians can get from the legal and visible forms of corruption - silly-money 'fees' for lecturing/ books/ 'consultancy' paid into personal 'charitable' 'foundations' in exchange for... whatever --- they still want more; and so-often supplement this income from illegal/ criminal stuff. I guess there's an awful lot of evil that always 'needs' doing, especially for the globalist operatives; and that needs loadsa money.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"Fair were the pears we stole, . . . but not them did my wretched soul desire; for I had store of better, and those I gathered, only that I might steal. For, when gathered, I flung them away, my only feast therein being my own sin, which I was pleased to enjoy. For if aught of those pears came within my mouth, what sweetened it was the sin."

-- Augustine

Bruce Charlton said...

@wm - I suppose we are getting close to that pure form of evil we discussed earlier - a relish of stealing *because* it is stealing. Or lust which turns to a delight in corruption/ degradation of another. Or the psychopathic sense of superiority at more and more open/ risky law-breaking and exploitation. Etc.

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