Monday, June 28, 2021

Another time of waiting

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

-- Revelation 8:1

There's that waiting-for-something-to-happen feeling in the air again, as if something big is about to go down. Obvious candidates include the return of Trump, with all the associated ramifications; and the dawning realization of what the pecks really are. I think there's something else, though, something completely unexpected like, I don't know, a gigantic volcanic eruption or something. (That's just the first image that came to mind -- not, I think, a literal premonition.) Anything could happen, and the sync fairies aren't giving me any clues.

I sense that what I need to do right now is to disengage further from current events, and also from pre-planned projects of mine like making my way through the Fourth Gospel, and spend more time contemplating and synthesizing. I will likely be reading and commenting on other blogs less than usual, and writing either fewer posts than usual or else very different sorts of posts.

1 comment:

Bruce Charlton said...

"waiting-for-something-to-happen feeling in the air again, as if something big is about to go down"

My main sense is one of confusion. I don't think things are going quite according to plan - I feel the next stage should already have happened - but has been delayed.

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