Saturday, August 14, 2021

She swallowed the cat to catch the bird

I've been tabulating cumulative birdemic- and peck-attributed deaths in Taiwan since June 1. As you can see, the gap is rapidly narrowing, with the cure currently having killed about 75% as many people as the disease. (There are some gaps in the lines because not all the stats are reported every day.)

There is simply no non-insane way to look at these figures and conclude that the birdemic is a major health crisis justifying draconian measures, while the pecks are Safe And Effective™ and should be pushed even harder. Just looking at the absolute numbers, the two menaces are roughly similar in seriousness. If the context of the "normal" is taken into account -- a normal year in Taiwan sees up to 15,000 pneumonia deaths and maybe 10 vaccine-related deaths -- the insanity is even more apparent.


Sean Fowler said...

Wonder about the age group of said corvid deaths contra vaccine deaths. I’ll bet a pound to a positive PCR test, that the vaccines have hit far more relatively young and healthy people, who would otherwise have had a good few years remaining. Anyway of finding out?
Good on the Taiwanese for at least attempting to gather and publish genuine statistical data.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

No way to find out, Sean. Each birdemic death is reported in detail, with the person's approximate age mentioned, but nothing is ever said about the peck deaths. Several times a week, a table is printed listing recent and cumulative adverse effects, including deaths, but that's all. The text of the news releases never says a word about this "other pandemic."

Francis Berger said...


What strikes me about the statistics and information you refer to here is its free availability. It's all out there and readily accessible to anyone possessing even an iota of curiosity.

From a historical perspective, our current global population ranks as the most educated the world has ever known. Never has the world been populated with as many university degrees as it is now. Yet barely anyone swimming in this vast ocean of cultured and sophisticated citizens bother to take the time or make the effort to investigate the birdemic lies, which to me suggests what we are experiencing now truly is matter of the spirit rather than the mind.

Bruce's idea of simple spiritual intuition trumping intellectual fact-finding in terms of detecting lies and evil springs to mind.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...