Friday, August 6, 2021

Slow Joe Eagle?

Back in October 2020, I identified then-candidate Slow Joe Biden with the Fox in Socks character Slow Joe Crow.

Today, a Babylon Bee story headlined "Liberals Praise DeBlasio For Barring 65% Of Black NYC Residents From Society" includes the following made-up quote:

"Just to be clear, this is not Jim Crow. This is more like Jim Crow's nicer, public health-defending cousin, John Crow. This is all about safety and science because we're the government and we care," said DeBlasio.

Jim Crow, John Crow, Joe Crow -- and then I remembered that Slow Joe himself had recently come out with his own new, more transmissible Jim Crow variant.

Is that Jim himself in the background?

Searching for the "Jim Eagle" comment led me to the helpful article, "Who is Jim Eagle? Biden's Jim Crow analogy explained!" by one Ellissa Bain.

Biden’s bizarre quote has confused a lot of people who assumed that Jim Crow and Jim Eagle were two people. However, this isn’t the case.

Jim Eagle isn’t actually a real person. Joe Biden made up the name as a play on words, using different bird species to get his point across.

A crow is a small bird, whereas an eagle is far bigger and more dangerous.

What Biden was trying to say is that what the Republicans are trying to do with their voting legislation is huge, and far worse than that of the pre-Civil Rights Jim Crow era.

If you’re not familiar with what Jim Crow is, it’s a series of laws that enforced racial segregation in the United States.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people got that it was a play on words using different bird species -- and I'm also pretty sure that's not how "X makes Y look like Z" analogies work. If you want to express how big and dangerous something is, you might say it makes a lion look like a kitten -- not that it makes a kitten look like a lion!

I suspect that Slow Joe was thinking of eagles not as bigger and more dangerous than crows, but as more patriotic and all-American. He was trying to say that requiring ID to vote was so sinister and horrible that it made a sinister, horrible crow look like a majestic eagle by comparison.

He may also have been thinking of Sam Eagle, of Muppet Show fame, and misremembered the name.

Or maybe he was thinking of Larry Bird. I mean, with Biden who the hell knows?

I've just realized what the Jim Crow Jim Eagle thing reminds me of. This:

1 comment:

Serhei said...

Sam the American Eagle would be perfectly cast for a PSA calling for people to get the peck. Not only does his moralizing zeal fit the situation 100%, he is also a bird.

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