Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hairy anatomical holes

So, uh, yeah. That’s the sync theme du jour. Don’t blame me. William Wright started this when he had a dream about Eric Cartman saying, "Oh my God, my asshole is so hairy!" and then decided to do like three posts about it.

Today I read this in The Nephilim Looked Like Clowns by Paul Stobbs, winner of the 2024 Best Title Ever Award:

When one imagines larger-than-life humanoid sightings in the modern era, the most mainstream example is the hairy apple of every cryptozoologist's keen eye: Bigfoot.

The phrase "apple of one's eye" was originally an anatomical term referring to the pupil of the eye -- that is, to a body part which is, like the anus, a hole.

And it's about Bigfoot, because of course it is.


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of rust, bridges, water, donuts, Torus, holes,
the color blue and eight point stars( oh My!! )
check out John Mayer's 2006 song ;
Waiting for the World to Change. ( link below )

I always loved this song's meaning and the lyrics, especially
this part:
'Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war
They would've never missed a Christmas
No more ribbons on their door

and when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
******'Cause when they own the information,
They can bend it all they want*****

In the video note that John and several of the people
in the video are wearing navy blue clothing.
In the movie Leave the World Behind
( which I've spoken of quite a bit in my recent comments)
note that George Scott also wears both rust coloring
and navy blue.

The fact that Leave the World Behind
takes place on Long Island of course is symbolic of
water, which in the clips I linked of the trailer, there are
several pictures on the wall of water ( especially on the wall,
behind the headboard where Amanda and Clay sleeps ).

If you see the movie, note that in that picture(on the wall )
the water magically 'rises' throughout the movie
until it becomes a Flood.
( see link below )
Note that in Leave the World Behind, the little girl
( who is the daughter of Amanda and Clay) name is Rosey.

And speaking of flooding,
I'm sure you are aware of all the historic flooding
that is happening on the World Stage and especially
the recent chaos that Hurricane Helena
created in Florida, Tennessee and North Carolina.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Keep in mind that Leave the World Behind is about
an apocalyptic future and in some regards
and IMO so is the song :
Waiting On the World to Change.

So, returning back to the Waiting On the World to Change
video and the wearing of navy blue.
Do note that blue is also the color of fire
as well as the sea and sky.
copy and paste:
"Typically, fires can display a range of colors from soft blue
and bright yellow to deep orange and rich red. Here's what
the colors typically mean.
Blue indicates a hotter, more oxygen-rich burn,
In the video John is walking near the Hudson and the Brookyn
Bridge. Of course the Bridge being a portal as is water.
There is also a Brookyn connection in Leave the World
Brookyn, NYC and Long Island str on the 40th parallel

Starting abt marker/frame 1:37--1:42 the artist ( also
wearing navy blue ( t-shirt) is walking towards what
appears to be a RUST color steel shipping container.

Recall my recent connections regarding Iron and the
rusting of iron symbolic of the End of the Industrial Age.

Starting abt maker/frame 2:25-2:41 the artist also spray
paints what appears ( at least to me ) a donut shape Torus.
I stopped the video and counted the points, which I counted

The Torus explains ( at least to me ) the theory of a possible
flat shaped or perhaps oblate spheroid shape Earth,
with the two "HOLES" of the Poles , North and South,
being portals to the Hollow Earth.
copy and paste: ( link below )
"To describe how space could be flat, finite, and yet unbounded,
science writers sometimes use an analogy involving the surface
of a torus (the mathematical abstraction of the doughnut shape).
Such a surface has no boundary — no edge."

Recall my many comments about Admiral Byrd
and the SS in Operation High Jump.

And last but not least, that same 'Torus' shape ( as the Torus
in the Waiting for the World to change) is on the tan and goldish
color cowboy shirt worn by Marty McFly in the 3rd trilogy
of Back to Future, which can be seen in the bar saloon scene
starting abt marker/frame 0:47- 1:03.

Also note there is a lot of golden- burnish-reddish coloring
throughout this trailer clip of the movie.

The clock at the end of the clip also shows 8:OO
perhaps a hidden Easter Egg suggesting that
the Eights (the Octagon) controls Time.

Who are the Eights you ask ?
Hint: Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno.

If you count the points of the Red Cross , you'll count
eight, NOT four. Remember you're counting POINTS.
Everything is hidden in plain sight.,_omnes_pro_uno

( note the rising water)

John Mayer - Waiting On the World to Change

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot the Back to the Future trailer clip.

Again, note the Torus' shape ( as the Torus
in the Waiting for the World to change) on the tan and goldish
color cowboy shirt worn by Marty McFly in the 3rd trilogy
of Back to Future, which can be seen in the bar saloon scene
starting abt marker/frame 0:47- 1:03.

Also note there is a lot of golden- burnish-reddish coloring
throughout this trailer clip of the movie.

The clock at the end of the clip also shows 8:OO
perhaps a hidden Easter Egg suggesting that
the Eights (the Octagon) controls Time.

Back to the Future Part 3 Official Trailer

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