Saturday, October 19, 2024

Quoth that Black Bird, "Not Again!"

If you look up at that rubric that tops this post, you'll find that it's a word-for-word copy of a bit from Arthur Gordon Pym's famous composition "That Black Bird," which notoriously abstains from using a particular symbol -- viz., our fifth Latin glyph. In that way it is similar to this introductory paragraph. I should point out, though, that Pym's black bird was a sort of corvid, similar to a crow but for its croaking call which contrasts with a crow's harsh shout of "Caw!" Ours isn't that kind of bird. This post is actually about syncs having to do with a small carnivorous raptor, a hunting bird, known for its astonishingly swift flight and its sharp talons -- in a word, a falcon.

Shall I try to do all of this post this way, too, from start to finish, not just that initial paragraph? Okay, why not. I'll do it, although it might occasionally call for odd wording, paraphrasing quotations, or using an alias to talk about a particular famous individual. This blog has got smart fans, so I trust you won't find it too hard to follow. Anyway, it's just a sync post.

Bill Wright just did a post, "Dark Falcon," about a kit of plastic building bricks his son just bought -- you know, from that famous Danish company. It's a Star Wars kit, but with a twist: it flips tradition around -- making Jar Jar Binks into a Sith Lord known as "Darth Jar Jar," turning Anakin into a good guy in snowy garb (not black as in all Star Wars films), and going so far as to cast Anakin's son not as a knight or warrior but as a sort of surf bum. (Bill says a J. J. Abrams Star Wars film did that, too, but I wouldn't know about that, as I didn't watch any of that "third trilogy" shit.) Han Solo was originally a good guy, but I think this kit flips that, too, which is why Han's ship is now a "dark" Falcon. Anyway, this is a photo of Bill's son's brick kit. Its box has that taboo glyph on it, but words in a photograph don't count, right?

I, too, bought a lot of plastic Danish bricks as a young child, but chronologically first out of all that stuff I bought was this kit:

What is it with Danish bricks and "black" or "dark" falcons? I bought that knight kit long ago, and Bill's son bought that Star Wars kit just now, but what strikingly similar branding! Why is that bird-color combination so popular among staff at Scandinavian toy corporations? It’s curious.

You know that rap artist from Atlanta, who did such albums as Graduation and Donda, who was Kim Kardashian's husband for a bit, who Barack Obama said was a jackass for dissing Taylor Swift at an awards show on MTV, and who had a minor scandal about posting a Star of David with a swastika in it on a major social platform, incurring (for that among additional things) accusations of anti-Judaism? "Saint Pablo"? That guy. This bit coming up is about him, just so you'll know who I'm talking about. (It’s slightly scary just how many random facts I turn out to know about him, isn’t it?)

So what color is this rap star’s skin, and what is his racial background? His skin is dark, and that’s on account of his family originating in Africa. This chap is a soi-disant individual of color, or what, according to Philip Roth's Human Stain (an award-winning work of fiction with a film adaptation starring an all-Caucasian actor, Sir Anthony Hopkins, as a biracial chap, a mulatto, which indubitably wouldn’t fly in today’s world), racists would call a "spook," although I don’t know any racists who actually talk that way. (If you think that at this point I’m about to throw out that most taboo of all words, don’t worry. I can’t put that word in this post without violating my own constraint, or not with a hard r, anyway.) To cut a long story short, what I’m driving at is this: This guy I’m talking about is Black.

Now if you'll click in that box to look for things on this blog and put in that word, falcon, you'll find this old post linking Saint Pablo (who is Black) to an old North African god with a falcon's noggin. This falcon god also had to do with a particular compass point -- that point by which our hip-hop icon's family is known. Plus, Atlanta, city of Saint Pablo's birth, has an NFL gridiron football club known as Falcons, with a raptor of that sort as a mascot. Click to look at that old post for additional information on links of this kind.

So black and falcon go hand in hand, not just now but in that past post, too, which isn't about plastic Danish building bricks at all.

Warning: If you want to add your bit to this post by typing in a form and clicking "Publish," you must follow this post's linguistic taboo and abstain from using that fifth Latin glyph. If you slip up and I catch it, I will put it in spam so that nobody can look at it.


William Wright (WW) said...

I hit on that link and took in your night vision of that man and Aunt Nancy's coffin.

Instructions to stir at 5pm might link to a closing of a fifth duration, a conclusion of a fifth hour as such hours run, and thus a start of a sixth duration.

Thus, Nancy's anonym might signify its actual clarification, or clair-ification, if you catch my drift. A jotting of a post without a fifth glyph might also point to such a diagnosis (and thought shaping), in addition to such symbols as missing fifth round rings.

Aunt, in addition, can simply point to an "old woman", according to that cloud dictionary I visit for all my clarifications, which can signify an individual who has hung out living for many hours.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

And therein lies the problem,IMHO.

Human's flesh body has very little to do with anything,
especially where it concerns the metaphysical.
Our physical body's skin is just a cloak albeit a necessary one
for traversing through this duality planet.
Nothing more, nothing less.

As a multi-racial person in this incarnation ,
I am forced by society to 'identify'(check a box ) as Black
because of my visual appearance only.
Although my actual skin/cloak is not the color black.

You wrote: "So what color is this rap star’s skin, and what is his racial background?
His skin is dark, and that’s on account of his family originating in Africa".
My personal lineage
is not only from Africia ( although I'm not a firm Atlantic Slave Trade
believer as I believe 'Black' people's admixture was already
on the North American continent way before Columbus
and way before we were 'told' of our history by the Victors).

Ever hear of the Melungeons in Appalachia?
Or the Brass Ankles,? Which I believe my grandfather's
lineage were Brass Ankles.

The Victors (and in the US, the Census takers, )
wrote (manipulated ) the history, which
that history may.... or may not have been true.

I believe the Olmecs or possibly the Moors or perhaps
an admixture were/are one and the same,
and possibly built the Mounds.

My European linage is also German, Dutch, the Van Meters
from the Netherlands,
Wales, Scottish and Irish, Oh MY!! ....however and according
to the Victors, I'm not allowed to 'claim' THAT bloodline
because of my 'one drop', although several of my family members
died because of rare diseases that affect a high percentage
of people who are not in the 'one drop' group.

None of my family that I know of has died or been afflicted
with sickle cell. Bloodline does make a difference whether
we acknowledge that or not.

So....make it make sense.

Sex power and money are the only three ingredients in this soup
we call humanity.

The hard 'R's' ( as you've coin them ) were used for Sex,
economic power and money. Nothing more, nothing less.
Although intertwined, money and power are not the same

Check out the slave trader Lewis Robards in Lexington Kentucky
and his Fancy Girls which I have a personal connection to (link below ).

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

IMO, our cloaks are used to 'tag us' and keep us divided
so that the Victors can control us. They do this
through our Ego. ~~~
'My cloak is prettier' stronger, longer, more better than your cloak,"

As long as we continue to believe that our 'tags/cloaks'
have great significance we become confined/Bounded
to this illusion that our Opponents have spun for us.

And speaking of being controlled , rap music, K-Nine West
and Barack Obama, Oh My! note that Obama
as well as Kayne are Boulé.
They, like all Boule's, are Jacks in the Box waiting for the crank
and the music, so that they can 'pop' up when called for.
Pop goes the weasel?

And last but not least and speaking of Falcons and Hawks ,
do recall that I shared with you my very 'odd' Hawk experience
that I had July 18, 2006. Recall a couple of years ago
I sent you the photo I took of "Mr. Hawk'.

I share this about the Hawk again because you wrote:
...."So black and falcon go hand in hand,"

Hmmm... so , does my Hawk experience mean that since
my flesh body has been socially tagged( by the Victors) as Black,
there is some metaphysical connection why the Hawk
would land ( and die) on my front porch inches away
from my door?

Hmmm.... I personally do Not believe that. However
I do believe that my soul chose this color cloak I'm wearing
in this incarnation for a reason, perhaps to help show others
that we are more than our physical bodies.

I actually had a co- worker at the Bank who was a very good friend
( who was White, she's passed now ) share with me Exactly
In other words( and she admitted ) that I changed her perception
about Race which is what us Mercury in Aquarius folks
tend to do ...or at the very least we attempt
to stir and spark thought, and to encourage others to see
from a different perspective.

Although I will say this about color, I did save 3 of Mr. Hawk's
Yellow feathers.:-))

I also found this interesting information from the Tolkien Gateway
about Hawks.
Copy and paste ( see link )
"Hawks were the swiftest birds of prey, smaller than Eagles,
but just as sharp-eyed.

Spirits in the shapes of hawks and eagles were the servants
of Manwë Súlimo, continually flying over Middle-earth
to gather information for their master.
Above many flocks of crebain, Aragorn noticed hawks,
flying high in the sky, during the War of the Ring.

Everything is connected.... and as much as our Opponents
want us to believe, humanity is not 'separated from' .


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Lady D, didn’t you catch that warning about how you must avoid including a particular glyph in anything you might jot down for this post? I won’t nix what you just said, owing to a soft spot for an old sync pal, but don’t push your luck!

Do you dig what I’m saying? If not, you can ask via mail.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

If your point is that racial absolutism is silly, I think so, too. That’s part of what that Philip Roth book has to say. Its protagonist, a Mr. Silk, looks Caucasian (which is why Anthony Hopkins can play him) but is “actually” (by that crazy “solitary drop” standard) Black. Silk opts to ditch his Black family and pass as a Yid, and Roth’s book shows that act’s various ramifications.

Ra1119bee said...

Here is another link about Lewis Robards
and my point being that miscegenation was not uncommon,
in America or anywhere else.

Many Biracial children ( especially if the White father
was compassionate ) were sent North of the Mason Dixon line
to Wilberforce Ohio.
Wilberforce was named after the abolitionist William
The Underground Railroad was current day
State Route 68 in Ohio very close to where I live.

Since humans are required by society to identify and be tagged,
I personally believe that Biracial people should
have their own tag.

Many Mulatto people back in the day were
tagged M or B on the Census forms only according
to the Census takers (who were White and educated
enough to read and write ).... personal perspective.

If the Biracial person was light enough, with Caucasian
features and hair like Lewis Robards' 'Fancy Girls',
they often passed for White.

In many cases where the mother was White and the child
was Biracial and because of miscegenation, the White mother
was 'tagged' Black as well on all government documents as was my grandmother Sarah.

It's unfortunate IMHO, that we (humanity) are still having
the hard r conversations. Our Opponents have made
damn sure that we still do especially by tagging all Black people
especially in the melting pot America
as one drop Africans.
Divide and Conquer.

After chattel slavery, sharecropping, The Black Codes, Jim Crow,
One Drop aka Hypodescent
and the War on Drugs were enacted for Economic
purposes ONLY which was imperative
so as to maintain and continue a peonage system.

Think the situation in Springfield Ohio involving
the Haitians isn't connected to a much bigger picture?

The Nigredo is always used as the whipping boy
and catalyst for all alchemical transformations.

There's nothing new under the sun.

Ra1119bee said...

Ooops , my bad.
I just looked again at my photo of Mr. Hawk.
His feathers were not yellow,
however his legs and three feet were.;-))

I only saved the feathers, not his feet.

Leo said...

I'm qu*stioning how s*riously WJT is taking his own rul*s h*r*, so much so that I'm taking th* lazy way out by m*r*ly c*nsoring any instanc* of l*tt*r * rath*r than following th* spirit of th* rul* by avoiding any word that includ*s th* forbidd*n l*tt*r. But that's about th* *xt*nt of cl*v*rn*ss I can contribut* to this post.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Stars? Small stars as stand-in glyphs? What a cop-out! That mystical lady scofflaw from Ohio has a pass, but you don’t!

Ra1119bee said...


If I am the mystical lady from Ohio, causing ruckus on your blog,
it was not my intention to do so.
Alternative perspectives
are and have always been attacked
as they challenge the status quo which I'm sure know that.

Thank you for allowing me to share a bit of my esoteric experiences
and syncs and perspectives of..... on your blog.

Until we meet again...

I'll email you personally if I may?

Apple Steve Jobs Heres To The Crazy Ones

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

D, I’m lobbing a mail your way to clarify. Do look at it.

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