Friday, November 4, 2022

Kanye and El Kanah

After I posted my dream about "Kanye with Aunt Nancy's coffin," my next post was "Synchronicity: Mandrakes and El Kanah." At first, I didn't see any connection between the two, but then I realized that Kanah is a Chinese anagram of Kanye.

In the comments on my Kanye dream, Debbie twice referred to Ye as "Kayne" -- either a typo or an intentional allusion to the biblical figure Cain. Where does the name Cain come from? Glad you asked.

The biblical name Elkanah (father of the prophet Samuel) is from this same root and is more properly transliterated as Elqanah -- so there's a direct etymological link between Cain and El Kanah, both of which are more properly transliterated with the letter q. This is significant because my Kanye dream included the line "Wake me up at 5 p.m." and I connected this with Q because 5 p.m. is 17:00, and Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet; and because the Q conspiracy theory is associated with the phrase "Great Awakening." The Hebrew letter transliterated as q is not the 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, but it does bear a certain resemblance to the numerals 17.

The reason I considered running into the name El Kanah a synchronicity was because I had just (in "Maha-makara whiteboard telepathy") made reference to the very similar name Elkenah, which occurs in Joseph Smith's Book of Abraham as the name of a god supposedly worshiped by the Egyptians of Abraham's day. In the "facsimile" accompanying the text, Elkenah is identified with the falcon-headed canopic jar in an Egyptian lion-couch scene.

Egyptologists, knowing nothing of "Elkenah" and company, say that the four canopic jars represent the four sons of Horus, each of which is associated with one of the cardinal directions. Keeping in mind that we have connected El Kanah with the letter Q and with Kanye West, what name and direction do Egyptologists assign to the falcon-headed jar?

A name beginning with Q and the direction West!

Note also that the canopic jars were used in the mummification and burial process, as receptacles for certain of the deceased's internal organs. This syncs with my dream, in which Kanye was carrying a coffin.

My sync post about El Kanah also featured mandrakes. Ye has been in the news recently for his supposedly controversial statements about the Jews, which have overshadowed his much more outrageous recent claim that the "greatest rapper of all time" is a man called Drake


Ra1119bee said...



Ra1119bee said...


Check this out!

A couple of days ago (Nov 2) I had an interesting dream that I titled: Atlanta

Here is the dream:
Atlanta Georgia
I had an interesting dream today, the dream is as follows.
Unfortunately , I can recall all of this dream, but at one point
Marshall and I were in the house, although it really wasn’t our log house, but there was a long driveway leading to the main road, which of course we do have a long Driveway
(In real life)

Anywho, a youngish (late 20’s early 30’s ) White man was in our house speaking to us and he left. I looked out of the window, and I could see him walking down the long driveway heading towards the road.

At that point Marshall asked me who the man was, and I said to Marshall ;
“ What’s odd is that he was speaking about Atlanta Georgia and I just had a dream
About Atlanta.”

I woke up.

After the dream, I told Marshall that I thought that perhaps there may be some type
of 'spark' happen in Atlanta as the dream was very odd.

There were other things that happened in the dream, but I don't recall much else of what happened, other than what I wrote in my dream journal.

Atlanta is on the 33 lat parallel. Also the Georgia Guidestones were in Elberton which is
also, on the 34(33)-degree lat.

Also, Atlanta has a Sunwheel( Ferris Wheel) which the Atlanta Ferris Wheel is located near a large water Foutain.
All recent Ferris Wheel Cities around the World were built in the last several decades and all of them have been built near a water source. ( see link of the Ferris Wheel Cities)

So, as I was reading your recent post tonight (early morning here in Ohio), I decided to google Kayne West's wiki page and Lo and Behold, it appears that Kayne was born in Atlanta!
I told Marshall after having the dream this: I bet William, is going to write something
about Atlanta in the next day or so.

I DID NOT KNOW K9's birthplace until today, as you can probably guess I am NOT a FAN of his and the disgusting part he's played in what I believe to be the demise of the Black community by glorifying the Thug mentality.

Also(according to Wiki ) K9 grew up in a Middle Class home, and lived in China for a while
back in the day, so K9 is far from being "Ghetto".

I believe K9 is a Manchurian, more likely than not a low-level Gatekeeper.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I never thought of Kanye as having a "thug" image -- quite vulgar, yes, but not really gangsta -- but then I don't really know that much of his music. I know him more for the memes -- "George Bush does not care about black people," "I'mma let you finish," and of course now, "I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up . . . ."

The most relevant thing about Atlanta, I think, is that their football team is the Falcons -- the symbol of Elkenah/Qebehsenuef. I didn't know this before, but Kanye apparently lived in the Falcons stadium for a period of time!

Ra1119bee said...


Bizarre article about K9 living in the Flacons Stadium!!
K9's mother was a Don, do you think?

Many of the so called rebel gatekeepers in history, especially musicians and other popular culture people ( Dave Chappell, Rod Serling, etc)
have a history of connections to the Military either themselves or a Family connection
( Tavistock perhaps?).

Just to name a few : Jim Morrison, Jimmi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash
and many others had a military connection ....or the rebel gatekeepers have/had a Middle Class/Upper Class childhood. Tupac is another one who grew up Middle Class. David Van Cortlandt Crosby of Crosby, Stills and Nash came from a very prominent family.

As far as your personal perspective about not thinking of K9 as gangsta,I personally believe that many young people,especially young Black Males in the hood, think of Kayne West as a gangsta and not Middle Class,same with Tupac.

As far as your mention of The Falcon and the connection to the symbolism of Elkenah/Qebehsenuef, do recall my story about the hawk I found
on my front porch which I sent the photo to you.

Although not the same, Hawks and Falcons are both birds of prey.

Intriguing info!

ben said...


Can you give any more detail about what the man in the dream looked like?

Ra1119bee said...


I'm sorry I can't.

You might know this about dreams , but in many dreams
the dreamer never actually 'sees' a person, it's more like a 'sense of a particular
archetype of who the person is symbolic of.

I believe that many times a person in a dream is someone that we personally do not know at the time of the dream, and we may ( or may not ) 'meet' them ( in real life ) years into the future.

I believe that the Soul plants seeds of another person's archetype in our dreams( or synchronicity in our waking life) because that particular person will provide some significant insight (knowledge) in the dreamer's life which is needed for the lesson that the dreamer must learn.

I call the " seeds" puzzle pieces, or they can we referred to as bread crumbs.

I believe that the Soul transcends linear time, and the Soul knows exactly why and when we will need a particular puzzle piece to help us connect to the big picture, and often times a particular puzzle piece will help validate that we are on the 'right track' as far as the direction we are heading.

I believe that in addition to the symbolic 'messages' presented in our dream state, our Soul also places synchronicities in our path so that we will stop and ' pay attention'.

I think I commented about this before on this blog ( and I shared this information with William )... and that is this: on March 10, 2017 I had a dream which I titled School Dues which I now believe the puzzle pieces presented in that dream was what I now believe has connection to William.

I didn't 'meet' William until Oct 3, 2021 after much research which the research was sparked by a strange dream I titled;

I believe that Everything is Connected.

ben said...



The falcons, hawks, 33s, might be drawing me back in...

Also, Georgia - St George - Michael

Ra1119bee said...


Yes the 33 lat is quite intriguing, indeed, IMO.
Lot's of 'stuff' happens on the 33 Ley Line.
The Wuhan province is on the 30(33) lat.

Also interesting Ley Lines are the 77th Meridian West and the 104 Meridian

North by Northwest??

Mighty in Writing

My last post, " Alex Schwarz and Arnold Strong ," ended with the tentative conclusion that I needed to investigate the wife of Arn...