Friday, November 18, 2022

Sync: Generalizing and Genesis

I had just read this in Valentin Tomberg’s Lazarus Come Forth:

Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and St. Augustine . . . also saw no other possibility than either to stop short at Genesis without further thought, or to form thoughts about it—and to think about Genesis other than “platonically” is hardly possible.

when, setting it down and opening another book I am reading, I read this in Frederick C. Cryer’s Divination in Ancient Israel:

Of what use is a lot of disparate information if we cannot generalise it in some fashion? Having progressed from comparative studies which understood meaning as genesis . . .

I read these two passages literally one after the other. The sync resonates with my thoughts about synchronicity itself recently: that it’s time for me to move on from the “botanical” stage of simply cataloguing individual syncs and begin thinking about the phenomenon as a whole in a synthetic manner.

Not in this post, though. Honestly, I’m feeling a bit sleepy now. But when I wake up . . .


Ra1119bee said...



We are given puzzle pieces (either through synchronicity or through our dreams)
for a reason.

Let's call those puzzle pieces: Knowledge.

Our Soul challenges us to connect those pieces so as to see the big picture.

The state of Chaos, is much like a box full of many little jumbled and scattered puzzle pieces.

Wisdom comes when we connect the dots(puzzle pieces).

Knowledge, in and of itself, is not the same as Wisdom.

all IMHO of course.

The Ambassador said...

"it’s time for me to move on from the “botanical” stage of simply cataloguing individual syncs"

It's about time!

"and begin thinking about the phenomenon as a whole in a synthetic manner"

Is about time...

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