Saturday, November 5, 2022

Further syncs related to my Kanye dream and Facsimile 1

 Yesterday (November 4), I taught a children's English class in which the word ancient came up (from an article saying that surfing was "an ancient sport," originating in the fourth century BC). After explaining the meaning of ancient, I checked comprehension by asking, "Have you ever seen anything ancient?" A 10-year-old girl immediately replied that she had visited a museum a few years ago and seen an Egyptian mummy case -- and then added that there were also "four little things with different heads, like a person and a dog and an eagle, and I don't remember what the other one was" -- clearly a description of the canopic jars ("Elkenah" and friends) which have featured in my recent posts.

Today, following a link on AC, I read an article called "MK Ultra, Transgenderism, and Feminization of Men." This bit pinged my syncdar:

The term “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word hypno, meaning sleep. Hypnotic trance has its roots in Earth’s oldest civilizations. The first mentions of it date back 5,000 years to ancient Egypt where it was used in rituals in the Temple of Imhotep. “Temple sleep" was an hours-long ritual using herbs, rhythmic drumming, and prayer recitation to induce a hypnotic dreamlike state. This ritual trance was believed to allow a person to heal ailments, see the future, or contact the gods. The ancient Greeks adapted their own forms of temple sleep used by Oracles to divine the future for powerful men like Alexander the Great. Shamans around the world have used similar techniques since ancient times with drumming, chant, and natural hallucinogens to induce ritual trance in the same way. In the 18th and 19th centuries, esoteric physicians and psychologists like Franz Mesmer gave hypnosis techniques new life. French scientists at the Nancy School were the first to formally study hypnotism as we know it today. This led to hypnosis being used by psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.  

In the 1920’s, hypnosis was often portrayed comically in Vaudeville stage acts and later in Hollywood, leading to its modern association with quackery. [. . .]

This was only the second time I had heard of the Egyptian ritual of "temple sleep"; the first was yesterday, when I found a reference to it in Mission des juifs, where Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre attributes its invention to no lesser a personage than Moses himself -- pre-Exodus, when he was (Saint-Yves claims) a priest of Osiris:

He [Moses] recommended that well-chosen persons sleep at night in the Temple, to receive oneirocritical or other communications of interest to either the individual or the Society.

(Definition of oneirocritical: "of, relating to, or specializing in the interpretation of dreams" -- c.f. Sigmund Freud's best-known work.)

When I had read this reference in Saint-Yves, I had vaguely imagined initiates sleeping on the floor of the temple, but when I read the second reference, in the MK Ultra article, it occurred to me in a flash of insight that, no, they probably used some sort of ritual bed --and that I was almost 100% certain what that bed looked like. A quick Google search confirmed what I already intuitively knew: One of the first results had a picture of someone sleeping on a lion couch:

The image is just from some random YouTube video, and I have no idea how archaeologically sound it is, but the sync fairies don't care about that. The fact is that, rightly or wrongly, people have connected "temple sleep" with the lion couch. Saint-Yves, rather improbably, connects "temple sleep" with Moses -- just as Joseph Smith had, equally improbably, connected the lion couch with another major biblical figure.

In the MK Ultra article, "the Nancy School" appears in the same paragraph as "temple sleep." In my Kanye dream, Ye was carrying a coffin-like plywood box and said that "Aunt Nancy" had gone to sleep in it and never woken up.

At the end of the passage I have quoted, "Vaudeville" is juxtaposed with "quackery." Yesterday, in a post that probably left my readers scratching their heads, I felt an urgent need to post about some imagined spiritual kinship between Marx Brothers comedies and the music of Billy Joel. In this post, I characterized the Marx Brothers as "classic Jewish Vaudeville" and provided as a sample of their style a clip from the 1933 film Duck Soup.

The Billy Joel thing wasn't my only sudden strange idea about pop music yesterday. Out of the blue, I suddenly got a bee in my bonnet about the song "You're the One" as performed by the Vogues and, moved by a strange sense of certainty about a song with which I have only a passing familiarity, I spent quite a bit of time scouring YouTube in vain for any evidence that they had ever sung "Ooh, never leave me, DO NOT deceive me" (definitely the correct lyrics!) rather than the vastly inferior Mandela-effect version "please don't deceive me," which is all that can be found in the current timeline. It was an extremely strange thing to get hung up on, but in the course of my searching I stumbled upon another old Vogues song I had completely forgotten about: "Five O'Clock World" -- which begins with the words "Up every morning just to keep a job" and later says "in my five o'clock world she waits for me." In my Kanye dream, Aunt Nancy had written a note saying "Wake me up at 5 p.m." before going to sleep forever.


Ra1119bee said...


This comment is in 2 parts.

Part 1

I love this post!!

Here are my thoughts:
First and foremost I want to say that the song by the Vouges, Five O'Clock World,
is one of my all-time fav songs. I still recall listening to Five O'Clock World
on my transistor radio.

In a previous comment in your Nancy and K9 dream if you recall, I made mention of your comment about Wake up Nancy and I shared my Wake Up! 11:11 dream.

I also mentioned that throughout my dreams and also my waking life(synchronicity events) the number 5 has been very significant in my life.

Five is the number of Quicksilver Mercury and Change.
If you recall me commenting on your blog about a dream that I had in May of 2017 I titled
Colorado Springs. In that dream there was reference to dimes which (in the dream) I found
the dimes on the bank floor.
I won't go into detail of the dream here, as I'm certain I shared it on a previous comment, but after much research I connected the dimes to be symbolic of Mercury.

Also in Roman Numerals, 5 is the letter V, as is A, which A is an upside down Five.
( see link ).

If you recall I think I commented before about V (which the letter V is hidden upside down in the Peace Sign, and also as a finger gesture for V for Victory.
Both (Peace and Victory) representing Change.

IMO, not all Change is good or peaceful, however. A Victor
can also be considered a conqueror of land and masses of people in war, and as we know
the Victor always writes the history, which OR may not be the truth.

Everything, especially all Power Sources in this dimension, have both Positive AND Negative Polarity.

Ra1119bee said...


part 2

Also, your references in this post to Shaman and Dreamers (who are one and the same) is
how and IMO, why, the significance of the Soul is to our existence in this dimension, a truth that the Egyptians (being the survivors of the Deluge in Atlantis) knew all too well.

To see the Future is extremely powerful because it means: That we can change direction.
Isn't the changing of direction the message in the story of Deborah and Barak in the Bible?

Divination is not demonic (IMHO of course)

There are always Shaman/Tricksters in the Kings Court, as well as in all Indigenous People's culture.

Through the Soul, the Shaman transcends the illusion of Linear Time in REM sleep, and as I've stated many times, I believe we all have this ability.

Frequency and Sound (drumming, humming, repetition, knocking, hand clapping (recall my sharing Shirley Ellis's Clapping Song) serve as catalysts for changing something from one state of matter to another.
Recall my comment about out Hands being the agents of change(for Good OR Bad)

The Lion(Line of Man? or Lying?) couch is interesting, as when we LIE down, especially when dreaming, we surrender(sacrifice) our control of our physical body to allow freedom of the Soul to help take us out of the illusion of this dimension and into the dimension where
the Universal Language of symbolism, numerology and archetypes are spoken.

IMO the Soul (which I believe is connected to God) is our only Power Source in this duality dimension, which is why our Opponent's End Game is Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence.

And speaking of my 2017 Colorado Springs dream, do a bit of research on Colorado Springs and Nickola Tesla and also NORAD, which some people believe NORD is a Hub for
Psyop Operations.

Colorado Springs is on the 104 Meridian West and if you recall, I commented before
about the Ley Line of the 104. ( which 104 also adds up to FIVE!)
Roswell New Mexico is also on the 104 AND the 33 degree parallel.

I believe that Denver (also on the 104) is going to be the next Capital of The New Atlantis (we now know as America) after The Great Upheaval aka The Great Reset.

In Spanish, the word Colorado means RED, which isn't it interesting the RED Speech given
by Biden 7 days before Queen Elizabeth so called ' death'.

Check out El- On Musk's recent RED Roman Warrior outfit worn on the same day that
Elon the Slayer laid off half of Twitter Employees. ( link below )

Mars is also said to be the Red Planet.


Ra1119bee said...


Ooops I made a typo.

I wrote this ( Part 1 )

Also in Roman Numerals, 5 is the letter V, as is A, which A is an upside down Five.

I meant to write;

Also in Roman Numerals, 5 is the letter V and five is also the letter A, which the letter A is an upside down V.

Ra1119bee said...


Ooops, again another typo *&^%(*!!

In part 2 of comment, I wrote NORD, the acronym is NORAD.

Ra1119bee said...


I would like to add yet another thought if I may.

I found a youtube vid of an old performance by The Vogues singing
Five O'Clock World. (see link)

Check out the 'wheels' in the background and connect that to my recent comment
about the Ferris Wheels symbolic of the SunWheel and I will also add
the connection to the Wheel(Clock) symbolic of linear time which we 'serve' time on the Astrological Wheel.

Our Opponents constantly reminds us that we are incarnated/incarcerated on the wheel
as we serve Time/Saturn in this dimension.
Also, the 8-point Star of Ishtar is the Steering Wheel of a vessel (ship).

And last but not least, check out the rhythmic and repetitious back and forth swaying
of arms and hands of the 3 group members ( The Vogue).

Their arm gestures are very similar to the swaying of a pendulum, which is used in hypnosis, don't ya think ?

Another interesting pendulum in Popular Culture was used on a national TV Nescafé Coffee commercial right after the breaking news announcement of JKF's assassination.
Note that coffee helps to 'wake us up".

Also on the video clip, there is a commercial for the 1960's TV show, Route 66 (which I was a big fan of Route 66 back in the day and now on DVD.(see link)

Counting 6+6= 12.
12 being the 'cycle' of a year, the hours in daylight and the hours in the night, and the number of Apostles in Leonardo da Vinci's late-1490s mural The Last Supper.

Truth be told and IMO, we ALL have been (in some way, shape or form) hypnotized, whether it's a little bit or a lot.

The Vogues - "Five O'clock World"

JFK: As The World Turns

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That Vogues video makes me think of Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times.

Ra1119bee said...


Excellent catch!

Our Opponents are masters of deception and manipulation and reminding us that we're
on the clock/wheel and bounded by the Lords of the Ring.

Lots of 8 pointed stars/Union Jack in that video.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...