Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Once in a red moon?

Election Day in the US coincides this year with a total lunar eclipse, being hyped in the press as a "Blood Moon."

Donald Trump's birth on June 14, 1946, also coincided with a total lunar eclipse.

There were only 19 total lunar eclipses in the years between those two dates, so it's not something that happens all that often.

The moon being "turned into blood" is an apocalyptic sign in the Bible (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Rev. 6:12).

I didn't see the eclipse, but on the night of November 8, approximately ten minutes before midnight here in Taiwan, I happened to step outside and look at the sky at just the right moment to see a brilliant green fireball streak across the sky and burn out. Like the meteor I saw this March, it traced a corkscrew path, but its overall direction was downward. My immediate thought -- probably influenced by the 369 tissues I recently saw, which featured the Chinese characters 綠電, literally "green lightning" -- was "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke 10:18). It felt like a portent, but of what?


Ra1119bee said...


There's that connection to RED/Rubedo again also interesting about the number 19!

In gematria the number 19 (Full reduction) means Chaos.

Also interestingly this morning Nov 11, I had a strange dream about
my best friend's granddaughter ( her granddaughter's name is Nia ).

I won't go into detail of the dream, as I'm researching it now and haven't yet
interpretated the meaning, but in the dream, right outside my front door(it wasn't the
log house or the property where I live now ) it was raining hard and had already begun to flood quite quickly. All of a sudden it began to rain fish! I saw fish everywhere, falling down from the sky and flopping in and out of the water (the fish were alive).

What's interesting is that omitting the vowels in the name Nia, what's left is the letter N.
That's also true of the name Ian, which I'm sure you are aware of the chaos that the hurricane Ian created last month in Florida.

I researched the Hebrew letter N last month after the hurricane and again today of course because of the bizarre connection of the names Nia and Ian.

I found this information very interesting indeed: ( link below )

The numerical value of the letter נ is 50, and the Jewish sages say that 50 years old is the age of advice. This is an age when someone is wiser and knowledgeable and is able to give good advice to those around him.

נוּן is actually the Aramaic word for fish, and has been incorporated into the Hebrew names of several marine creatures – such as דְיוֹנוּן (dyonun) squid andתְמָנוּן (tmanun) octopus. This teaches that this letter is also connected to the element of water.

The נוּן also symbolizes the נְשָׁמָה (neshama) soul, spirit, and the sages say that the number 50 represents both purity and impurity together. Therefore, the soul is susceptible to both of these elements and people who have the letter in their name must be careful to take the good parts of life and enrich their souls accordingly.


What's strange is that this line; " The נוּן also symbolizes the נְשָׁמָה (neshama) soul, spirit, and the sages say that the number 50 represents both purity and impurity together. The sages say that the number 50 represents both purity and impurity together"..... is somewhat what I believe to be true as I've commented before about the EGO and the Soul (the impurity, IMO, being the EGO/Evil).

I also found it interesting as I've also mentioned that I've had many dreams with the number 11, 5 , 15 and 50. 5 being the number of Change.

Also I too watched the video; Hindsight 2020, much of the information presented in
the video mirrors my own. Especially about Politics( which everything in this duality dimension is Politics.
IMO, Sex, Power and Money are the very core and foundation of this dimension.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’m pretty sure it’s still November 8 in the US, right?

Ra1119bee said...


Yes, Nov 8.
Sorry, my bad.

Perhaps an 11:11 Freudian slip?

ben said...

After the blood moon of Rev 6:12


And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind

ben said...

Especially the comments

Ra1119bee said...


I also want to add that after seeing the Hindsight 2020 video I've began considering that perhaps what I've predicted about Kamala ushering in a Triumvirate Governance after a Black Swan event, just might have another possibility.
Which is: what if the ushering in of a Triumvirate Governance is done by the Lying King himself?

There's no doubt that Obama sees himself as the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten,
and also as one of The Line of Man ( Li-on ), through RH- Bloodline(Copper Blood i.e Blue Blood)
Obama's Rh is AB- which is the rarest bloodline in the world.

Interesting that Obama and Michelle have been back in the spotlight of late (one day before the 'death' of Queen Elizabeth)... at the White House unveiling the White House portraits.

The Hindsight video hints of the mythology of the resurrected King, and I won't be surprised if Obama is going to take the helm again with Donald Trump and perhaps Gates
or Bezos ( maybe Musk, but I think it will be Bezos ) as the Triumvirs.

Kamala might still be used symbolically in the Black Swan event as the Rubedo, but I think we haven't seen the end of Obama.
Interestingly there has been a rash of 'comebacks' to the helm.
Bibi (Netanyahu) for one,( see link )
and didn't Howard Shultz leave Starbucks for a while and returned?

Either/OR , and IMO, the ushering in of the Triumvirate Governance will be 'sold' to the American People as temporary but it will not be temporary.

I believe this Great Upheaval in America will be the bridge for The Shifting of Ages Globally and The New Atlantis (America) ushering in a Technocracy.

Ra1119bee said...


I also want to add that maybe Toto and Dorothy were right.
To get to the Emerald City, maybe we must navigate through the Lions and Tigers (the East)
and Bears(BR's ) OH MY!

A said...

Like when lightning hit the basilica before Pope Francis took over

Our ancestors would have taken this as without-a-doubt 100% certain signs from Heaven.

Yet we are so blind they're just meaningless coincidences..

lea said...

ben, that's an interesting comment section indeed. Completely forgot how especially creepy the economist magazine gets, and Bruce is talking about 'Knowing' which has been on my radar for ages, finally watched it last year. Proyas got to direct 'Gods of Egypt' 7 years later and it's been mostly silence otherwise, which feels a bit similar to how Richard Kelly disappeared after 'The Box'. Both movies are not 'objectively terrible' like many reviewers stated and left me with a lingering feeling they 'treaded forbidden waters' even though none of it is completely obvious and on the nose. In a somewhat similar vein the director of 'The Nines' also disappeared.

Asking what the Kingdom and its Keys are

A couple of days ago, I listened to two videos by alt-Mormon YouTuber Adam Boyle, " Kingdom and Keys Pt 1 - the battleground " and...