Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Quick sync notes: pentagram geometry and toothy worms

To get a link for my last post, I searched my own blog for seal of melchizedek. One of the search results was my December 2022 post "More weird student telepathy/coincidences," which included this photo of a geometry exercise I'd been doing:

Minutes later, I was skimming a /pol/ thread titled "Space Nazis" (never change, /pol/) and ran across this image:

Then this afternoon, I was browsing /x/ and found these two images side by side in the catalog:

(The threads are here and here.)

I don't have any ideas on how these two syncs relate to anything, but they're both so specific that they seem worth noting for future reference.

No, actually, I take that back. On second glance, that "Parasites are Conduits for Demons" thread does include a reference to a familiar theme:

The other sync is also about a "star" -- a five-pointed one, but I found that old post by searching for seal of melchizedek, which is an eight-pointed star, just like the star anise.

1 comment:

Ra1119bee said...


I personally believe that all power sources in this duality dimension
including knowledge: symbolism, numbers/gematria ect.
have both negative and positive polarities.
I think when we designate something as good OR bad ( either/or)
that's when we create chaos and it's chaos that throws us off kilter.

When we (as individuals) are off kilter, due to chaos, confusion
and ignorance so becomes the village/communities in which we live.
Also in a confused state, we become divided and easier
to control.

Case in point: is the Swastika a demonic/ hate symbolism?
In Buddhism it's not.
Is the Gadsden flag, which features a snake, symbolic of Hate/Serpent Worship/Demons
.....or symbolic of Independence?

Is the cross a sign of Jesus' sacrifice and if so, is an X
( which is a cross seen from a different perspective/angle) also
symbolic of Jesus' sacrifice?
Is the X on the Confederate Flag symbolic of White Supremacy
or rebellion against a Federal entity?

Is the apple symbolic of Eve and temptation,
or of wisdom?
Knowledge is a power source and can be used
to enlighten or when withheld, used to control.
Case in point: in Colonial America slaves were forbidden
to read.

Is the color red symbolic of fiery passion, the little red devil
with a trident ( pitchfork)... sexual deviance ( i.e the red light
district) ....or blood?
In some beliefs a female on her menstrual cycle
is/was considered unclean. Without blood, there's no life.

So, who's right.... who's wrong?

Is the eight point star the star of Eshter, or the seal of Melchizedek,
or the Star of David or Magen David , or the Union Jack and Navigation?
Copy and paste ( link below )
"The 8 Point Star has a rich history dating back to ancient times.
It is believed that this symbol was first used by the Jewish people
as early as the 2nd century CE. However, the star has also been found
in various other cultures, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.

The most common theory about its origin suggests
that it represents the unity of opposites,
with the four points on each side symbolizing harmony
between two conflicting forces".

On the list you posted makes reference to antiparasitic herbs.
If we make the assumption that parasites are a conduit to demons
then why is mugwort and wormwood listed as antiparasitic?
Copy and paste ( link below)
"Officially known as Artemisia vulgaris, mugwort is deeply
entrenched in numerous myths and legends within the
domains of magic and herbal folklore.

This is especially true within the context of ***witchcraft."
Were pagans' worshipers of witchcraft or were pagans
people who lived in the rural areas?
copy and paste ( link below )
The term pagan is from Latin paganus, an adjective originally
meaning "rural," "rustic" or "of the country."
Is divination satanic? Reading of Tarot Cards?
Some people might argue that levitation is demonic
and if that's true, how is the Rapture Holy?

I believe that all power sources in this duality planet
have negative AND positive polarity. Much like a battery.
Both sides are needed to make stuff work,
In This duality dimension.
IMHO, the secret is found in the balance.

Quick sync notes: pentagram geometry and toothy worms

To get a link for  my last post , I searched my own blog for seal of melchizedek . One of the search results was my December 2022 post "...